camNum = cameraNum;
if (!startCaptureDevice(camNum)) {
- cout << "Warning, camera failed to properly initialize!" << endl;
+ std::cout << "Warning, camera failed to properly initialize!" << std::endl;
started = 0;
} else {
started = 1;
IplImage* CvCaptureCAM::queryFrame() {
while (!grabFrame()) {
- cout << "WARNING: Couldn't grab new frame from camera!!!" << endl;
+ std::cout << "WARNING: Couldn't grab new frame from camera!!!" << std::endl;
cout << "Attempting to restart camera; set capture property DISABLE_AUTO_RESTART to disable." << endl;
AVCaptureDevice *device;
NSArray* devices = [AVCaptureDevice devicesWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
if ([devices count] == 0) {
- cout << "AV Foundation didn't find any attached Video Input Devices!" << endl;
+ std::cout << "AV Foundation didn't find any attached Video Input Devices!" << std::endl;
[localpool drain];
return 0;
if (cameraNum >= 0) {
camNum = cameraNum % [devices count];
if (camNum != cameraNum) {
- cout << "Warning: Max Camera Num is " << [devices count]-1 << "; Using camera " << camNum << endl;
+ std::cout << "Warning: Max Camera Num is " << [devices count]-1 << "; Using camera " << camNum << std::endl;
device = [devices objectAtIndex:camNum];
} else {
cc[4] = 0;
int cc2 = CV_FOURCC(cc[0], cc[1], cc[2], cc[3]);
if (cc2!=fourcc) {
- cout << "WARNING: Didn't properly encode FourCC. Expected " << fourcc
- << " but got " << cc2 << "." << endl;
+ std::cout << "WARNING: Didn't properly encode FourCC. Expected " << fourcc
+ << " but got " << cc2 << "." << std::endl;
BOOL success = FALSE;
if (iplimage->height!=movieSize.height || iplimage->width!=movieSize.width){
- cout<<"Frame size does not match video size."<<endl;
+ std::cout<<"Frame size does not match video size."<<std::endl;
[localpool drain];
return false;