// make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale
mOutput.imbue( std::locale("C") );
+ mOutput.precision(17);
mScene = pScene;
mSceneOwned = false;
const std::string node_name_escaped = XMLEscape(pNode->mName.data);
- mOutput << startstr
- << "<node id=\"" << node_name_escaped
- << "\" name=\"" << node_name_escaped
+ mOutput << startstr
+ << "<node id=\"" << node_name_escaped
+ << "\" name=\"" << node_name_escaped
<< "\" type=\"" << node_type
<< "\">" << endstr;
// make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale
const std::locale& l = std::locale("C");
+ mOutput.precision(17);
+ mOutputMat.precision(17);
// make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale
const std::locale& l = std::locale("C");
+ mOutput.precision(17);
unsigned int faces = 0u, vertices = 0u, components = 0u;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; ++i) {
// make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale
const std::locale& l = std::locale("C");
+ mOutput.precision(17);
if (binary) {
char buf[80] = {0} ;
buf[0] = 'A'; buf[1] = 's'; buf[2] = 's'; buf[3] = 'i'; buf[4] = 'm'; buf[5] = 'p';
// make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale
mOutput.imbue( std::locale("C") );
+ mOutput.precision(17);
// start writing
// see http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in:8080/jspui/bitstream/10603/14116/11/11_chapter%203.pdf
// note, that all realnumber values must be comma separated in x files
- mOutput.precision(16); // precission for double
+ // precission for double
+ // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/554063/how-do-i-print-a-double-value-with-full-precision-using-cout
+ mOutput.precision(17);
// standard color
aiColor4D fColor;
// make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale
mOutput.imbue( std::locale("C") );
+ mOutput.precision(17);
// start writing
// note, that all realnumber values must be comma separated in x files
- mOutput.precision(16); // precission for double
+ mOutput.precision(17); // precission for double
// entry of writing the file