Offset = -Offset;
isSub = true;
+ } else if (AddrMode == ARMII::AddrMode5FP16) {
+ // VFP address mode.
+ const MachineOperand &OffOp = MI.getOperand(FrameRegIdx+1);
+ int InstrOffs = ARM_AM::getAM5FP16Offset(OffOp.getImm());
+ if (ARM_AM::getAM5FP16Op(OffOp.getImm()) == ARM_AM::sub)
+ InstrOffs *= -1;
+ NumBits = 8;
+ Scale = 2;
+ Offset += InstrOffs * 2;
+ assert((Offset & (Scale-1)) == 0 && "Can't encode this offset!");
+ if (Offset < 0) {
+ Offset = -Offset;
+ isSub = true;
+ }
} else if (AddrMode == ARMII::AddrModeT2_i8s4) {
Offset += MI.getOperand(FrameRegIdx + 1).getImm() * 4;
NumBits = 10; // 8 bits scaled by 4
; CHECK-HARDFP-FULLFP16: vsub.f16 s0, s0, s1
+; Check for VSTRH with a FCONSTH, this checks that addressing mode
+; AddrMode5FP16 is supported.
+define i32 @ThumbAddrMode5FP16(i32 %A.coerce) {
+ %S = alloca half, align 2
+ %tmp.0.extract.trunc = trunc i32 %A.coerce to i16
+ %0 = bitcast i16 %tmp.0.extract.trunc to half
+ %S.0.S.0..sroa_cast = bitcast half* %S to i8*
+ store volatile half 0xH3C00, half* %S, align 2
+ %S.0.S.0. = load volatile half, half* %S, align 2
+ %add = fadd half %S.0.S.0., %0
+ %1 = bitcast half %add to i16
+ %tmp2.0.insert.ext = zext i16 %1 to i32
+ ret i32 %tmp2.0.insert.ext
+; CHECK-LABEL: ThumbAddrMode5FP16
+; CHECK-SOFTFP-FULLFP16: vmov.f16 [[S0:s[0-9]]], #1.000000e+00
+; CHECK-SOFTFP-FULLFP16: vstr.16 [[S0]], [sp, #{{.}}]
+; CHECK-SOFTFP-FULLFP16: vmov.f16 [[S0_2:s[0-9]]], r0
+; CHECK-SOFTFP-FULLFP16: vldr.16 [[S2:s[0-9]]], [sp, #{{.}}]
+; CHECK-SOFTFP-FULLFP16: vadd.f16 s{{.}}, [[S2]], [[S0_2]]