+++ /dev/null
-import lldb
-import binascii
-import os
-from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
-from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
-from gdbclientutils import *
-class TestPlatformClient(GDBRemoteTestBase):
- def test_process_list_with_all_users(self):
- """Test connecting to a remote linux platform"""
- class MyResponder(MockGDBServerResponder):
- def qfProcessInfo(self, packet):
- if "all_users:1" in packet:
- return "pid:10;ppid:1;uid:1;gid:1;euid:1;egid:1;name:" + binascii.hexlify("/a/test_process").decode() + ";"
- else:
- return "E04"
- self.server.responder = MyResponder()
- self.runCmd("log enable gdb-remote all")
- self.runCmd("platform select remote-linux")
- try:
- url = "connect://localhost:%d" % self.server.port
- # self.gdb.GetSelectedPlatform().ConnectRemote(lldb.SBPlatformConnectOptions(url))
- self.runCmd("platform connect connect://localhost:%d" %
- self.server.port)
- self.assertTrue(self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform().IsConnected())
- self.expect("platform process list -x",
- substrs=["1 matching process was found", "test_process"])
- self.expect("platform process list",
- error=True,
- substrs=["error: no processes were found on the \"remote-linux\" platform"])
- finally:
- self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform().DisconnectRemote()
import threading
import socket
import lldb
-import binascii
-import traceback
from lldbsuite.support import seven
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test import lldbtest_config
return self.QListThreadsInStopReply()
if packet.startswith("qMemoryRegionInfo:"):
return self.qMemoryRegionInfo()
- if packet == "qQueryGDBServer":
- return self.qQueryGDBServer()
- if packet == "qHostInfo":
- return self.qHostInfo()
- if packet == "qGetWorkingDir":
- return self.qGetWorkingDir()
- if packet == "qsProcessInfo":
- return self.qsProcessInfo()
- if packet.startswith("qfProcessInfo"):
- return self.qfProcessInfo(packet)
return self.other(packet)
- def qsProcessInfo(self):
- return "E04"
- def qfProcessInfo(self, packet):
- return "E04"
- def qGetWorkingDir(self):
- return "2f"
- def qHostInfo(self):
- return "ptrsize:8;endian:little;"
- def qQueryGDBServer(self):
- return "E04"
def interrupt(self):
raise self.UnexpectedPacketException()
def vCont(self, packet):
raise self.UnexpectedPacketException()
def readRegisters(self):
return "00000000" * self.registerCount
except Exception as e:
- print("An exception happened when receiving the response from the gdb server. Closing the client...")
- traceback.print_exc()
class InvalidPacketException(Exception):
class GDBRemoteTestBase(TestBase):
Base class for GDB client tests.
verbose = true;
- case 'x':
- match_info.SetMatchAllUsers(true);
- break;
llvm_unreachable("Unimplemented option");
def platform_process_list_show_args : Option<"show-args", "A">,
GroupRange<1, 6>,
Desc<"Show process arguments instead of the process executable basename.">;
- def platform_process_list_all_users: Option<"all-users", "x">,
- GroupRange<1,6>,
- Desc<"Show processes matching all user IDs.">;
def platform_process_list_verbose : Option<"verbose", "v">, GroupRange<1, 6>,
Desc<"Enable verbose output.">;
if (match_info.GetProcessInfo().EffectiveGroupIDIsValid())
- packet.Printf("all_users:%u;", match_info.GetMatchAllUsers() ? 1 : 0);
+ if (match_info.GetProcessInfo().EffectiveGroupIDIsValid())
+ packet.Printf("all_users:%u;", match_info.GetMatchAllUsers() ? 1 : 0);
if (match_info.GetProcessInfo().GetArchitecture().IsValid()) {
const ArchSpec &match_arch =