+int UtcDaliLayouting_VboxLayout_Padding(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ tet_infoline("UtcDaliLayouting_VboxLayout_Padding - Adding Padding to the vbox");
+ // Adding padding to the layout should offset the positioning of the children.
+ const Extents LAYOUT_PADDING = Extents(5, 10, 20, 2 );
+ const Size CONTROL_SIZE = Size( 40, 40 );
+ Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();
+ // Create a root layout, ideally Dali would have a default layout in the root layer.
+ // Without this root layer the LinearLayout (or any other layout) will not
+ // It uses the default stage size and ideally should have a layout added to it.
+ auto rootLayoutControl = Control::New();
+ rootLayoutControl.SetName( "AbsoluteLayout");
+ auto rootLayout = AbsoluteLayout::New();
+ DevelControl::SetLayout( rootLayoutControl, rootLayout );
+ rootLayoutControl.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
+ rootLayoutControl.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ stage.Add( rootLayoutControl );
+ auto vbox = Control::New();
+ auto vboxLayout = LinearLayout::New();
+ vboxLayout.SetOrientation( LinearLayout::Orientation::VERTICAL );
+ DevelControl::SetLayout( vbox, vboxLayout );
+ vbox.SetName( "VBox");
+ vbox.SetProperty( Toolkit::Control::Property::PADDING, LAYOUT_PADDING );
+ vbox.SetProperty( Toolkit::LayoutItem::ChildProperty::WIDTH_SPECIFICATION, ChildLayoutData::WRAP_CONTENT );
+ vbox.SetProperty( Toolkit::LayoutItem::ChildProperty::HEIGHT_SPECIFICATION, ChildLayoutData::WRAP_CONTENT );
+ std::vector< Control > controls;
+ controls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( CONTROL_SIZE.width, CONTROL_SIZE.height ) );
+ controls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( CONTROL_SIZE.width, CONTROL_SIZE.height ) );
+ controls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( CONTROL_SIZE.width, CONTROL_SIZE.height ) );
+ controls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( CONTROL_SIZE.width, CONTROL_SIZE.height ) );
+ for( auto&& iter : controls )
+ {
+ vbox.Add( iter );
+ }
+ vbox.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ vbox.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
+ rootLayoutControl.Add( vbox );
+ // Ensure layouting happens
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ // Extra update needed to Relayout one more time. Catches any position updates, false positive without this seen.
+ application.SendNotification();
+ // vbox centers elements horizontally, it fills test harness stage, which is 480x800.
+ tet_infoline("Test Child Actor Position");
+ auto controlYPosition = 0.0f;
+ controlYPosition = LAYOUT_PADDING.top; // First child positioned at offset defined by the padding
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS( controls[0].GetProperty<Vector3>( Actor::Property::POSITION ), Vector3( LAYOUT_PADDING.start,
+ 0.0f ), 0.0001f, TEST_LOCATION );
+ controlYPosition += CONTROL_SIZE.height; // Second child positioned is the position of the first child + the first child's height.
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS( controls[1].GetProperty<Vector3>( Actor::Property::POSITION ), Vector3( LAYOUT_PADDING.start,
+ controlYPosition,
+ 0.0f ),
+ 0.0001f, TEST_LOCATION );
+ controlYPosition += CONTROL_SIZE.height; // Third child positioned adjacent to second
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS( controls[2].GetProperty<Vector3>( Actor::Property::POSITION ), Vector3( LAYOUT_PADDING.start,
+ controlYPosition,
+ 0.0f ), 0.0001f, TEST_LOCATION );
+ controlYPosition += CONTROL_SIZE.height; // Forth passed adjacent to the third
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS( controls[3].GetProperty<Vector3>( Actor::Property::POSITION ), Vector3( LAYOUT_PADDING.start,
+ controlYPosition,
+ 0.0f ), 0.0001f, TEST_LOCATION );
+ auto totalControlsWidth = CONTROL_SIZE.width;
+ auto totalControlsHeight = CONTROL_SIZE.height * controls.size();
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS( vbox.GetProperty<Vector3>( Actor::Property::SIZE ), Vector3( totalControlsWidth + LAYOUT_PADDING.start + LAYOUT_PADDING.end,
+ totalControlsHeight + LAYOUT_PADDING.top + LAYOUT_PADDING.bottom,
+ 0.0f ), 0.0001f, TEST_LOCATION );
int UtcDaliLayouting_RelayoutOnChildOrderChanged(void)
Extents padding = GetPadding();
- LayoutLength childTop( 0 );
+ LayoutLength childTop( padding.top );
LayoutLength childLeft( padding.start );
// Where bottom of child should go
Extents padding = GetPadding();
- LayoutLength childTop( 0 );
+ LayoutLength childTop( padding.top );
LayoutLength childLeft( padding.start );
// Where bottom of child should go
auto childMargin = childLayout->GetMargin();
childTop += childMargin.top;
- childLeft = ( childSpace - childWidth ) / 2 + childMargin.start - childMargin.end;
+ childLeft = LayoutLength( padding.start ) + ( childSpace - childWidth ) / 2 + childMargin.start - childMargin.end;
childLayout->Layout( childLeft, childTop, childLeft + childWidth, childTop + childHeight );
childTop += childHeight + childMargin.bottom + mCellPadding.height;