if (hKernel32 != NULL)
func = (pfnGetSystemTimeAsFileTime)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime");
+ if (func != NULL)
+ {
+ // GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime exists and we'd like to use it. However, on
+ // misconfigured systems, it's possible for the "precise" time to be inaccurate:
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/14187
+ // If it's inaccurate, though, we expect it to be wildly inaccurate, so as a
+ // workaround/heuristic, we get both the "normal" and "precise" times, and as
+ // long as they're close, we use the precise one. This workaround can be removed
+ // when we better understand what's causing the drift and the issue is no longer
+ // a problem or can be better worked around on all targeted OSes.
+ FILETIME systemTimeResult;
+ ::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&systemTimeResult);
+ FILETIME preciseSystemTimeResult;
+ func(&preciseSystemTimeResult);
+ LONG64 systemTimeLong100ns = (LONG64)((((ULONG64)systemTimeResult.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | (ULONG64)systemTimeResult.dwLowDateTime);
+ LONG64 preciseSystemTimeLong100ns = (LONG64)((((ULONG64)preciseSystemTimeResult.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | (ULONG64)preciseSystemTimeResult.dwLowDateTime);
+ const INT32 THRESHOLD_100NS = 1000000; // 100ms
+ if (abs(preciseSystemTimeLong100ns - systemTimeLong100ns) > THRESHOLD_100NS)
+ {
+ // Too much difference. Don't use GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime.
+ func = NULL;
+ }
+ }
if (func == NULL)