#include "src/base/atomicops.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
+#include "src/base/sys-info.h"
#include "src/code-stubs.h"
#include "src/compilation-cache.h"
#include "src/cpu-profiler.h"
+int MarkCompactCollector::NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks() {
+ if (!FLAG_parallel_compaction) return 1;
+ // We cap the number of parallel compaction tasks by
+ // - (#cores - 1)
+ // - a value depending on the list of evacuation candidates
+ // - a hard limit
+ const int kPagesPerCompactionTask = 4;
+ const int kMaxCompactionTasks = 8;
+ return Min(kMaxCompactionTasks,
+ Min(1 + evacuation_candidates_.length() / kPagesPerCompactionTask,
+ Max(1, base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors() - 1)));
void MarkCompactCollector::EvacuatePagesInParallel() {
if (evacuation_candidates_.length() == 0) return;
- int num_tasks = 1;
- if (FLAG_parallel_compaction) {
- num_tasks = NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks();
- }
+ const int num_tasks = NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks();
// Set up compaction spaces.
CompactionSpaceCollection** compaction_spaces_for_tasks =
new CompactionSpaceCollection*[num_tasks];
+ FreeList** free_lists = new FreeList*[2 * num_tasks];
for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; i++) {
compaction_spaces_for_tasks[i] = new CompactionSpaceCollection(heap());
+ free_lists[i] = compaction_spaces_for_tasks[i]->Get(OLD_SPACE)->free_list();
+ free_lists[i + num_tasks] =
+ compaction_spaces_for_tasks[i]->Get(CODE_SPACE)->free_list();
- compaction_spaces_for_tasks[0]->Get(OLD_SPACE)->MoveOverFreeMemory(
- heap()->old_space());
- compaction_spaces_for_tasks[0]
- ->MoveOverFreeMemory(heap()->code_space());
+ heap()->old_space()->DivideFreeLists(free_lists, num_tasks, 1 * MB);
+ heap()->code_space()->DivideFreeLists(&free_lists[num_tasks], num_tasks,
+ 1 * MB);
+ delete[] free_lists;
compaction_in_progress_ = true;
// Kick off parallel tasks.
- // Contribute in main thread. Counter and signal are in principal not needed.
- concurrent_compaction_tasks_active_++;
+ // Perform compaction on the main thread.
EvacuatePages(compaction_spaces_for_tasks[0], &migration_slots_buffer_);
- pending_compaction_tasks_semaphore_.Signal();
void EvacuatePagesInParallel();
- int NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks() {
- // TODO(hpayer, mlippautz): Figure out some logic to determine the number
- // of compaction tasks.
- return 1;
- }
+ // The number of parallel compaction tasks, including the main thread.
+ int NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks();
void WaitUntilCompactionCompleted();
+FreeSpace* PagedSpace::TryRemoveMemory() {
+ FreeSpace* space = nullptr;
+ int node_size = 0;
+ space = free_list()->FindNodeIn(FreeList::kHuge, &node_size);
+ if (space == nullptr)
+ space = free_list()->FindNodeIn(FreeList::kLarge, &node_size);
+ if (space == nullptr)
+ space = free_list()->FindNodeIn(FreeList::kMedium, &node_size);
+ if (space == nullptr)
+ space = free_list()->FindNodeIn(FreeList::kSmall, &node_size);
+ if (space != nullptr) {
+ accounting_stats_.DecreaseCapacity(node_size);
+ }
+ return space;
+void PagedSpace::DivideFreeLists(FreeList** free_lists, int num,
+ intptr_t limit) {
+ CHECK(num > 0);
+ CHECK(free_lists != nullptr);
+ if (limit == 0) {
+ limit = std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::max();
+ }
+ int index = 0;
+ FreeSpace* space = nullptr;
+ while (((space = TryRemoveMemory()) != nullptr) &&
+ (free_lists[index]->available() < limit)) {
+ free_lists[index]->owner()->AddMemory(space->address(), space->size());
+ index = (index + 1) % num;
+ }
void FreeList::Reset() {
+void FreeList::UpdateFragmentationStats(FreeListCategoryType category,
+ Address address, int size) {
+ Page* page = Page::FromAddress(address);
+ switch (category) {
+ case kSmall:
+ page->add_available_in_small_free_list(size);
+ break;
+ case kMedium:
+ page->add_available_in_medium_free_list(size);
+ break;
+ case kLarge:
+ page->add_available_in_large_free_list(size);
+ break;
+ case kHuge:
+ page->add_available_in_huge_free_list(size);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+FreeSpace* FreeList::FindNodeIn(FreeListCategoryType category, int* node_size) {
+ FreeSpace* node = GetFreeListCategory(category)->PickNodeFromList(node_size);
+ if (node != nullptr) {
+ UpdateFragmentationStats(category, node->address(), -(*node_size));
+ DCHECK(IsVeryLong() || available() == SumFreeLists());
+ }
+ return node;
FreeSpace* FreeList::FindNodeFor(int size_in_bytes, int* node_size) {
FreeSpace* node = NULL;
Page* page = NULL;
if (size_in_bytes <= kSmallAllocationMax) {
- node = small_list_.PickNodeFromList(node_size);
- if (node != NULL) {
- DCHECK(size_in_bytes <= *node_size);
- page = Page::FromAddress(node->address());
- page->add_available_in_small_free_list(-(*node_size));
- DCHECK(IsVeryLong() || available() == SumFreeLists());
+ node = FindNodeIn(kSmall, node_size);
+ if (node != nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(size_in_bytes <= node->size());
return node;
if (size_in_bytes <= kMediumAllocationMax) {
- node = medium_list_.PickNodeFromList(node_size);
- if (node != NULL) {
- DCHECK(size_in_bytes <= *node_size);
- page = Page::FromAddress(node->address());
- page->add_available_in_medium_free_list(-(*node_size));
- DCHECK(IsVeryLong() || available() == SumFreeLists());
+ node = FindNodeIn(kMedium, node_size);
+ if (node != nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(size_in_bytes <= node->size());
return node;
if (size_in_bytes <= kLargeAllocationMax) {
- node = large_list_.PickNodeFromList(node_size);
- if (node != NULL) {
- DCHECK(size_in_bytes <= *node_size);
- page = Page::FromAddress(node->address());
- page->add_available_in_large_free_list(-(*node_size));
- DCHECK(IsVeryLong() || available() == SumFreeLists());
+ node = FindNodeIn(kLarge, node_size);
+ if (node != nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(size_in_bytes <= node->size());
return node;
PagedSpace* owner() { return owner_; }
+ enum FreeListCategoryType { kSmall, kMedium, kLarge, kHuge };
// The size range of blocks, in bytes.
static const int kMinBlockSize = 3 * kPointerSize;
static const int kMaxBlockSize = Page::kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize;
static const int kLargeAllocationMax = kMediumListMax;
FreeSpace* FindNodeFor(int size_in_bytes, int* node_size);
+ FreeSpace* FindNodeIn(FreeListCategoryType category, int* node_size);
+ FreeListCategory* GetFreeListCategory(FreeListCategoryType category) {
+ switch (category) {
+ case kSmall:
+ return &small_list_;
+ case kMedium:
+ return &medium_list_;
+ case kLarge:
+ return &large_list_;
+ case kHuge:
+ return &huge_list_;
+ default:
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void UpdateFragmentationStats(FreeListCategoryType category, Address address,
+ int size);
PagedSpace* owner_;
Heap* heap_;
FreeListCategory large_list_;
FreeListCategory huge_list_;
+ friend class PagedSpace;
virtual bool is_local() { return false; }
+ // Divide {this} free lists up among {other_free_lists} up to some certain
+ // {limit} of bytes. Note that this operation eventually needs to iterate
+ // over nodes one-by-one, making it a potentially slow operation.
+ void DivideFreeLists(FreeList** other_free_lists, int num, intptr_t limit);
+ // Adds memory starting at {start} of {size_in_bytes} to the space.
+ void AddMemory(Address start, int size_in_bytes) {
+ IncreaseCapacity(size_in_bytes);
+ Free(start, size_in_bytes);
+ }
+ // Tries to remove some memory from {this} free lists. We try to remove
+ // as much memory as possible, i.e., we check the free lists from huge
+ // to small.
+ FreeSpace* TryRemoveMemory();
// PagedSpaces that should be included in snapshots have different, i.e.,
// smaller, initial pages.
CompactionSpace(Heap* heap, AllocationSpace id, Executability executable)
: PagedSpace(heap, id, executable) {}
- // Adds external memory starting at {start} of {size_in_bytes} to the space.
- void AddExternalMemory(Address start, int size_in_bytes) {
- IncreaseCapacity(size_in_bytes);
- Free(start, size_in_bytes);
- }
virtual bool is_local() { return true; }
CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->CountTotalPages(), 0);
CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->Capacity(), 0);
// Make the rest of memory available for compaction.
- compaction_space->AddExternalMemory(HeapObject::cast(chunk)->address(),
- static_cast<int>(rest));
+ compaction_space->AddMemory(HeapObject::cast(chunk)->address(),
+ static_cast<int>(rest));
CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->CountTotalPages(), 0);
CHECK_EQ(compaction_space->Capacity(), rest);
while (num_rest_objects-- > 0) {