lldb::addr_t m_base;
lldb::addr_t m_size;
+/// Duplicate the HashElfTextSection() from the breakpad sources.
+/// Breakpad, a Google crash log reporting tool suite, creates minidump files
+/// for many different architectures. When using Breakpad to create ELF
+/// minidumps, it will check for a GNU build ID when creating a minidump file
+/// and if one doesn't exist in the file, it will say the UUID of the file is a
+/// checksum of up to the first 4096 bytes of the .text section. Facebook also
+/// uses breakpad and modified this hash to avoid collisions so we can
+/// calculate and check for this as well.
+/// The breakpad code might end up hashing up to 15 bytes that immediately
+/// follow the .text section in the file, so this code must do exactly what it
+/// does so we can get an exact match for the UUID.
+/// \param[in] module_sp The module to grab the .text section from.
+/// \param[in/out] breakpad_uuid A vector that will receive the calculated
+/// breakpad .text hash.
+/// \param[in/out] facebook_uuid A vector that will receive the calculated
+/// facebook .text hash.
+void HashElfTextSection(ModuleSP module_sp, std::vector<uint8_t> &breakpad_uuid,
+ std::vector<uint8_t> &facebook_uuid) {
+ SectionList *sect_list = module_sp->GetSectionList();
+ if (sect_list == nullptr)
+ return;
+ SectionSP sect_sp = sect_list->FindSectionByName(ConstString(".text"));
+ if (!sect_sp)
+ return;
+ constexpr size_t kMDGUIDSize = 16;
+ constexpr size_t kBreakpadPageSize = 4096;
+ // The breakpad code has a bug where it might access beyond the end of a
+ // .text section by up to 15 bytes, so we must ensure we round up to the
+ // next kMDGUIDSize byte boundary.
+ DataExtractor data;
+ const size_t text_size = sect_sp->GetFileSize();
+ const size_t read_size = std::min<size_t>(
+ llvm::alignTo(text_size, kMDGUIDSize), kBreakpadPageSize);
+ sect_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetData(sect_sp->GetFileOffset(), read_size, data);
+ breakpad_uuid.assign(kMDGUIDSize, 0);
+ facebook_uuid.assign(kMDGUIDSize, 0);
+ // The only difference between the breakpad hash and the facebook hash is the
+ // hashing of the text section size into the hash prior to hashing the .text
+ // contents.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < kMDGUIDSize; i++)
+ facebook_uuid[i] ^= text_size % 255;
+ // This code carefully duplicates how the hash was created in Breakpad
+ // sources, including the error where it might has an extra 15 bytes past the
+ // end of the .text section if the .text section is less than a page size in
+ // length.
+ const uint8_t *ptr = data.GetDataStart();
+ const uint8_t *ptr_end = data.GetDataEnd();
+ while (ptr < ptr_end) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < kMDGUIDSize; i++) {
+ breakpad_uuid[i] ^= ptr[i];
+ facebook_uuid[i] ^= ptr[i];
+ }
+ ptr += kMDGUIDSize;
+ }
} // namespace
ConstString ProcessMinidump::GetPluginNameStatic() {
const bool match = dmp_bytes.empty() || mod_bytes.empty() ||
mod_bytes.take_front(dmp_bytes.size()) == dmp_bytes;
if (!match) {
+ // Breakpad generates minindump files, and if there is no GNU build
+ // ID in the binary, it will calculate a UUID by hashing first 4096
+ // bytes of the .text section and using that as the UUID for a module
+ // in the minidump. Facebook uses a modified breakpad client that
+ // uses a slightly modified this hash to avoid collisions. Check for
+ // UUIDs from the minindump that match these cases and accept the
+ // module we find if they do match.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> breakpad_uuid;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> facebook_uuid;
+ HashElfTextSection(module_sp, breakpad_uuid, facebook_uuid);
+ if (dmp_bytes == llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t>(breakpad_uuid)) {
+ LLDB_LOG(log, "Breakpad .text hash match for {0}.", name);
+ } else if (dmp_bytes == llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t>(facebook_uuid)) {
+ LLDB_LOG(log, "Facebook .text hash match for {0}.", name);
+ } else {
+ // The UUID wasn't a partial match and didn't match the .text hash
+ // so remove the module from the target, we will need to create a
+ // placeholder object file.
+ }
+ } else {
+ LLDB_LOG(log, "Partial uuid match for {0}.", name);
+ } else {
+ LLDB_LOG(log, "Full uuid match for {0}.", name);
if (module_sp) {
// Watch out for place holder modules that have different paths, but the
+ def test_breakpad_hash_match(self):
+ """
+ Breakpad creates minidump files using CvRecord in each module whose
+ signature is set to PDB70 where the UUID is a hash generated by
+ breakpad of the .text section. This is only done when the
+ executable has no ELF build ID.
+ This test verifies that if we have a minidump with a 16 byte UUID,
+ that we are able to associate a symbol file with no ELF build ID
+ and match it up by hashing the .text section.
+ """
+ so_path = self.getBuildArtifact("libbreakpad.so")
+ self.yaml2obj("libbreakpad.yaml", so_path)
+ cmd = 'settings set target.exec-search-paths "%s"' % (os.path.dirname(so_path))
+ self.dbg.HandleCommand(cmd)
+ modules = self.get_minidump_modules("linux-arm-breakpad-uuid-match.yaml")
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(modules))
+ # LLDB makes up it own UUID as well when there is no build ID so we
+ # will check that this matches.
+ self.verify_module(modules[0], so_path, "D9C480E8")
+ def test_breakpad_overflow_hash_match(self):
+ """
+ This is a similar to test_breakpad_hash_match, but it verifies that
+ if the .text section does not end on a 16 byte boundary, then it
+ will overflow into the next section's data by up to 15 bytes. This
+ verifies that we are able to match what breakpad does as it will do
+ this.
+ """
+ so_path = self.getBuildArtifact("libbreakpad.so")
+ self.yaml2obj("libbreakpad-overflow.yaml", so_path)
+ cmd = 'settings set target.exec-search-paths "%s"' % (os.path.dirname(so_path))
+ self.dbg.HandleCommand(cmd)
+ modules = self.get_minidump_modules("linux-arm-breakpad-uuid-match.yaml")
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(modules))
+ # LLDB makes up it own UUID as well when there is no build ID so we
+ # will check that this matches.
+ self.verify_module(modules[0], so_path, "48EB9FD7")
+ def test_facebook_hash_match(self):
+ """
+ Breakpad creates minidump files using CvRecord in each module whose
+ signature is set to PDB70 where the UUID is a hash generated by
+ breakpad of the .text section and Facebook modified this hash to
+ avoid collisions. This is only done when the executable has no ELF
+ build ID.
+ This test verifies that if we have a minidump with a 16 byte UUID,
+ that we are able to associate a symbol file with no ELF build ID
+ and match it up by hashing the .text section like Facebook does.
+ """
+ so_path = self.getBuildArtifact("libbreakpad.so")
+ self.yaml2obj("libbreakpad.yaml", so_path)
+ cmd = 'settings set target.exec-search-paths "%s"' % (os.path.dirname(so_path))
+ self.dbg.HandleCommand(cmd)
+ modules = self.get_minidump_modules("linux-arm-facebook-uuid-match.yaml")
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(modules))
+ # LLDB makes up it own UUID as well when there is no build ID so we
+ # will check that this matches.
+ self.verify_module(modules[0], so_path, "D9C480E8")
def test_relative_module_name(self):
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
self.addTearDownHook(lambda: os.chdir(old_cwd))