* Fix artifact source globbing for extract
There was a change the extract AzDO task that fixed a bug where it appeared to be matching some subpaths without globbing.
If you specified foo/x* it would apparently match subpaths of foo. Runtime was relying on this behavior, as the artifact target directory would implicitly get a subdirectory which was the artifact name, but not including that artifact name in the globbing pattern.
Fix this by including ** before the archive.
* Update download-artifact-step.yml
displayName: 'Unzip $(runtimeFlavorName) artifacts: ${{ platform }}'
archiveFilePatterns: |
- $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/__download__/AllPlatforms/$(runtimeFlavorName)Product_${{ platform }}_${{ parameters.liveRuntimeBuildConfig }}.*
+ $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/__download__/AllPlatforms/**/$(runtimeFlavorName)Product_${{ platform }}_${{ parameters.liveRuntimeBuildConfig }}.*
destinationFolder: $(AllArtifactsDownloadPath)/$(runtimeFlavorName)Product_${{ platform }}_${{ parameters.liveRuntimeBuildConfig }}/
cleanUnpackFolder: false
- task: ExtractFiles@1
displayName: 'Unzip Libraries artifacts: ${{ platform }}'
archiveFilePatterns: |
- $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/__download__/AllPlatforms/libraries_bin_${{ platform }}_${{ parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig }}.*
+ $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/__download__/AllPlatforms/**/libraries_bin_${{ platform }}_${{ parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig }}.*
destinationFolder: $(AllArtifactsDownloadPath)/libraries_bin_${{ platform }}_${{ parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig }}/
cleanUnpackFolder: false