my $handle = shift ;
- binmode $handle unless $^O eq 'MSWin32' ;
- #binmode $handle if $] == 5.008 ;
- #binmode $handle unless isSTDIN($handle) ;
+ binmode $handle
+ unless $^O eq 'MSWin32' && ! ( ${^UNICODE} || ${^UTF8LOCALE} );
sub setBinModeOutput($)
my $handle = shift ;
- #binmode $handle if $] == 5.008;
- #binmode $handle unless isSTDOUT($handle) ;
+ binmode $handle
+ unless $^O eq 'MSWin32' && ! ( ${^UNICODE} || ${^UTF8LOCALE} );
-#sub isSTDIO($)
-# my $handle = shift ;
-# return 0 unless isaFilehandle($handle);
-# return fileno $handle == fileno STDIN || fileno $handle == fileno STDOUT;
-#sub isSTDIN($)
-# my $handle = shift ;
-# return 0 unless isaFilehandle($handle);
-# return fileno $handle == fileno STDIN;
-#sub isSTDOUT($)
-# my $handle = shift ;
-# return 0 unless isaFilehandle($handle);
-# return fileno $handle == fileno STDOUT;
sub isaFilehandle($)
use utf8; # Pragma needed to keep Perl 5.6.0 happy
return 1;
-#sub ckInOutParams($$$$)
-# my $from = shift ;
-# ckInputParam($from, $_[0], $_[2])
-# or return undef ;
-# ckOutputParam($from, $_[1], $_[2])
-# or return undef ;
-# my $inType = whatIs($_[0]);
-# my $outType = whatIs($_[1]);
-# # Check that input != output
-# if ($inType eq $outType && $_[0] eq $_[1])
-# {
-# local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
-# croak("$from: input and output $inType are identical");
-# }
-# return 1;
sub Validator::new
my $class = shift ;