+++ /dev/null
-#include <config.h>
-#include "Ecore.h"
-#include "ecore_private.h"
-#include "Ecore_Audio.h"
-#include "ecore_audio_private.h"
-#include <sndfile.h>
-static Ecore_Audio_Module *module = NULL;
-/* Virtual IO wrapper functions */
-static sf_count_t _sndfile_wrap_get_filelen(void *data)
- Ecore_Audio_Object *obj = data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = obj->module_data;
- if (!sndfile->vio)
- goto error;
- if (sndfile->vio->get_length)
- return sndfile->vio->get_length(obj);
- return -1;
-static sf_count_t _sndfile_wrap_seek(sf_count_t offset, int whence, void *data)
- Ecore_Audio_Object *obj = data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = obj->module_data;
- if (!sndfile->vio)
- goto error;
- if (sndfile->vio->seek)
- return sndfile->vio->seek(obj, offset, whence);
- return -1;
-static sf_count_t _sndfile_wrap_read(void *buffer, sf_count_t count, void *data)
- Ecore_Audio_Object *obj = data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = obj->module_data;
- if (!sndfile->vio)
- goto error;
- if (sndfile->vio->read)
- return sndfile->vio->read(obj, buffer, count);
- return 0;
-static sf_count_t _sndfile_wrap_write(const void *buffer, sf_count_t count, void *data)
- Ecore_Audio_Object *obj = data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = obj->module_data;
- if (!sndfile->vio)
- goto error;
- if (sndfile->vio->write)
- return sndfile->vio->write(obj, buffer, count);
- return 0;
-static sf_count_t _sndfile_wrap_tell(void *data)
- Ecore_Audio_Object *obj = data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = obj->module_data;
- if (!sndfile->vio)
- goto error;
- if (sndfile->vio->tell)
- return sndfile->vio->tell(obj);
- return -1;
-/* End virtual IO wrapper functions */
-static Ecore_Audio_Object *
-_sndfile_input_new(Ecore_Audio_Object *input)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile;
- sndfile = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile));
- if (!sndfile)
- {
- ERR("Could not allocate memory for private structure.");
- free(in);
- return NULL;
- }
- in->module_data = sndfile;
- sndfile->sfinfo.format = 0;
- sndfile->volume = 1.0;
- return (Ecore_Audio_Object *)in;
-static void
-_sndfile_input_del(Ecore_Audio_Object *input)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = in->module_data;
- eina_stringshare_del(sndfile->filename);
- sf_close(sndfile->handle);
- free(sndfile);
-static int
-_sndfile_input_read(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, void *data, int len)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = in->module_data;
- int read;
- /* FIXME: Nicer way to return bytes read instead of items */
- read = sf_read_float(sndfile->handle, data, len / 4) * 4;
- return read;
-static double
-_sndfile_input_seek(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, double offs, int mode)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = in->module_data;
- sf_count_t count, pos;
- count = offs * sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate;
- pos = sf_seek(sndfile->handle, count, mode);
- return (double)pos / sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate;
-static struct input_api inops = {
- .input_new = _sndfile_input_new,
- .input_del = _sndfile_input_del,
- .input_read = _sndfile_input_read,
- .input_seek = _sndfile_input_seek,
-EAPI void ecore_audio_input_sndfile_format_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, int format)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *in = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = in->module_data;
- sndfile->sfinfo.format = format;
-void ecore_audio_input_sndfile_filename_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, const char *filename)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = in->module_data;
- if (sndfile->handle)
- sf_close(sndfile->handle);
- if (sndfile->filename)
- eina_stringshare_del(sndfile->filename);
- if (sndfile->vio)
- {
- free(sndfile->vio);
- sndfile->vio = NULL;
- }
- sndfile->filename = eina_stringshare_add(filename);
- sndfile->handle = sf_open(sndfile->filename, SFM_READ, &sndfile->sfinfo);
- in->length = (double)sndfile->sfinfo.frames / sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate;
- // XXX: Propagate samplerate/channel update to output
- in->samplerate = sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate;
- in->channels = sndfile->sfinfo.channels;
-void ecore_audio_input_sndfile_vio_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, Ecore_Audio_Vio *vio)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = in->module_data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile_Private *priv = in->module->priv;
- if (sndfile->handle)
- sf_close(sndfile->handle);
- if (sndfile->filename)
- {
- eina_stringshare_del(sndfile->filename);
- sndfile->filename = NULL;
- }
- if (sndfile->vio)
- free(sndfile->vio);
- sndfile->vio = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Audio_Vio));
- sndfile->vio->get_length = vio->get_length;
- sndfile->vio->seek = vio->seek;
- sndfile->vio->read = vio->read;
- sndfile->vio->tell = vio->tell;
- if (sndfile->sfinfo.format != 0) {
- sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate = in->samplerate;
- sndfile->sfinfo.channels = in->channels;
- }
- sndfile->handle = sf_open_virtual(&priv->vio_wrapper, SFM_READ, &sndfile->sfinfo, in);
- in->length = (double)sndfile->sfinfo.frames / sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate;
- // XXX: Propagate samplerate/channel update to output
- in->samplerate = sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate;
- in->channels = sndfile->sfinfo.channels;
-static Ecore_Audio_Object *
-_sndfile_output_new(Ecore_Audio_Object *output)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile;
- sndfile = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile));
- if (!sndfile)
- {
- ERR("Could not allocate memory for private structure.");
- free(out);
- return NULL;
- }
- out->module_data = sndfile;
- sndfile->sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_OGG | SF_FORMAT_VORBIS;
- return (Ecore_Audio_Object *)out;
-static void
-_sndfile_output_del(Ecore_Audio_Object *output)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = out->module_data;
- eina_stringshare_del(sndfile->filename);
- free(sndfile->vio);
- sf_close(sndfile->handle);
- free(sndfile);
-static void
-_sndfile_output_volume_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *output, double volume)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = out->module_data;
- if ((volume < 0) || (volume > 1.0))
- return;
- sndfile->volume = volume;
-static double
-_sndfile_output_volume_get(Ecore_Audio_Object *output)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = out->module_data;
- return sndfile->volume;
-static Eina_Bool
-_sndfile_output_write_cb(void *data)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = out->module_data;
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in;
- int written, bread;
- void *buf;
- buf = malloc(1024);
- in = eina_list_data_get(out->inputs);
- bread = ecore_audio_input_read((Ecore_Audio_Object *)in, buf, 1024);
- DBG("read: %i", bread);
- if (bread == 0)
- {
- DBG("read done");
- out->paused = EINA_TRUE;
- return EINA_FALSE;
- }
- // XXX: Check for errors
- written = sf_write_float(sndfile->handle, buf, bread/4)*4;
- DBG("written: %i", written);
- return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_sndfile_output_paused_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *output, Eina_Bool paused)
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = output->module_data;
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- if (paused && sndfile->timer)
- ecore_timer_del(sndfile->timer);
- else if (out->inputs)
- sndfile->timer = ecore_timer_add(0.01, _sndfile_output_write_cb, output);
-static Eina_Bool
-_sndfile_output_add_input(Ecore_Audio_Object *output, Ecore_Audio_Object *input)
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = output->module_data;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile_Private *priv = output->module->priv;
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- sndfile->sfinfo.samplerate = in->samplerate;
- sndfile->sfinfo.channels = in->channels;
- if (sndfile->vio)
- sndfile->handle = sf_open_virtual(&priv->vio_wrapper, SFM_WRITE, &sndfile->sfinfo, out);
- else if (sndfile->filename)
- sndfile->handle = sf_open(sndfile->filename, SFM_WRITE, &sndfile->sfinfo);
- if (output->paused)
- return EINA_TRUE;
- if (!out->inputs)
- sndfile->timer = ecore_timer_add(0.01, _sndfile_output_write_cb, output);
- return EINA_TRUE;
-static Eina_Bool
-_sndfile_output_del_input(Ecore_Audio_Object *out EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Audio_Object *in EINA_UNUSED)
- //XXX: Check if it's the last one and pause the timer
- return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_sndfile_output_update_input_format(Ecore_Audio_Object *out EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Audio_Object *in EINA_UNUSED)
-static struct output_api outops = {
- .output_new = _sndfile_output_new,
- .output_del = _sndfile_output_del,
- .output_volume_set = _sndfile_output_volume_set,
- .output_volume_get = _sndfile_output_volume_get,
- .output_paused_set = _sndfile_output_paused_set,
- .output_add_input = _sndfile_output_add_input,
- .output_del_input = _sndfile_output_del_input,
- .output_update_input_format = _sndfile_output_update_input_format,
-EAPI void ecore_audio_output_sndfile_filename_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *output, const char *filename)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = out->module_data;
- if (sndfile->handle)
- sf_close(sndfile->handle);
- if (sndfile->filename)
- eina_stringshare_del(sndfile->filename);
- if (sndfile->vio)
- {
- free(sndfile->vio);
- sndfile->vio = NULL;
- }
- sndfile->filename = eina_stringshare_add(filename);
-EAPI void ecore_audio_output_sndfile_format_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *output, int format)
- Ecore_Audio_Output *out = (Ecore_Audio_Output *)output;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = out->module_data;
- sndfile->sfinfo.format = format;
-EAPI void ecore_audio_output_sndfile_vio_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *output, Ecore_Audio_Vio *vio)
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile *sndfile = output->module_data;
- if (sndfile->handle)
- sf_close(sndfile->handle);
- if (sndfile->filename)
- {
- eina_stringshare_del(sndfile->filename);
- sndfile->filename = NULL;
- }
- if (sndfile->vio)
- free(sndfile->vio);
- sndfile->vio = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Audio_Vio));
- sndfile->vio->get_length = vio->get_length;
- sndfile->vio->seek = vio->seek;
- sndfile->vio->write = vio->write;
- sndfile->vio->tell = vio->tell;
- * @brief Initialize the Ecore_Audio sndfile module
- *
- * @return the initialized module on success, NULL on error
- */
-Ecore_Audio_Module *
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile_Private *priv;
- module = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Audio_Module));
- if (!module)
- {
- ERR("Could not allocate memory for module.");
- return NULL;
- }
- priv = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile_Private));
- if (!priv)
- {
- ERR("Could not allocate memory for private module region.");
- free(module);
- return NULL;
- }
- priv->vio_wrapper.get_filelen = _sndfile_wrap_get_filelen;
- priv->vio_wrapper.seek = _sndfile_wrap_seek;
- priv->vio_wrapper.read = _sndfile_wrap_read;
- priv->vio_wrapper.write = _sndfile_wrap_write;
- priv->vio_wrapper.tell = _sndfile_wrap_tell;
- module->type = ECORE_AUDIO_TYPE_SNDFILE;
- module->name = "sndfile";
- module->priv = priv;
- module->inputs = NULL;
- module->outputs = NULL;
- module->in_ops = &inops;
- module->out_ops = &outops;
- DBG("Initialized");
- return module;
- * @brief Shut down the Ecore_Audio sndfile module
- */
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile_Private *priv = (struct _Ecore_Audio_Sndfile_Private *)module->priv;
- free(priv);
- free(module);
- module = NULL;
- DBG("Shutting down");
-#endif /* HAVE_SNDFILE */
+++ /dev/null
-#include <config.h>
-#include "Ecore.h"
-#include "ecore_private.h"
-#include "Ecore_Audio.h"
-#include "ecore_audio_private.h"
-#include <math.h>
-static Ecore_Audio_Module *module = NULL;
-static Ecore_Audio_Object *
-_tone_input_new(Ecore_Audio_Object *input)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Tone *tone;
- tone = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _Ecore_Audio_Tone));
- if (!tone)
- {
- ERR("Could not allocate memory for private structure.");
- free(in);
- return NULL;
- }
- in->samplerate = 44100;
- in->channels = 1;
- in->module_data = tone;
- in->length = 1;
- tone->freq = 1000;
- tone->phase = 0;
- return (Ecore_Audio_Object *)in;
-static void
-_tone_input_del(Ecore_Audio_Object *input)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- free(in->module_data);
-static int
-_tone_input_read(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, void *data, int len)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Tone *tone = in->module_data;
- float *val = data;
- int i, remain;
- remain = in->length * in->samplerate * 4 - tone->phase * 4;
- if (remain > len)
- remain = len;
- for (i = 0; i < remain / 4; i++)
- {
- val[i] = sin(2 * M_PI * tone->freq * (tone->phase + i) / in->samplerate);
- }
- tone->phase += i;
- return remain;
-static double
-_tone_input_seek(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, double offs, int mode)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Tone *tone = in->module_data;
- int tmp;
- switch (mode) {
- case SEEK_SET:
- tmp = offs * in->samplerate;
- break;
- case SEEK_CUR:
- tmp = tone->phase + offs * in->samplerate;
- break;
- case SEEK_END:
- tmp = (in->length + offs) * in->samplerate;
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- if ((tmp < 0) || (tmp > in->length * in->samplerate))
- return -1;
- tone->phase = tmp;
- return (double)tone->phase / in->samplerate;
-static struct input_api inops = {
- .input_new = _tone_input_new,
- .input_del = _tone_input_del,
- .input_read = _tone_input_read,
- .input_seek = _tone_input_seek,
-EAPI void ecore_audio_input_tone_frequency_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, int freq)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- struct _Ecore_Audio_Tone *tone = in->module_data;
- tone->freq = freq;
-EAPI void ecore_audio_input_tone_duration_set(Ecore_Audio_Object *input, double duration)
- Ecore_Audio_Input *in = (Ecore_Audio_Input *)input;
- in->length = duration;
- * @brief Initialize the Ecore_Audio sndfile module
- *
- * @return the initialized module on success, NULL on error
- */
-Ecore_Audio_Module *
- module = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Audio_Module));
- if (!module)
- {
- ERR("Could not allocate memory for module.");
- return NULL;
- }
- module->type = ECORE_AUDIO_TYPE_TONE;
- module->name = "tone";
- module->priv = NULL;
- module->inputs = NULL;
- module->outputs = NULL;
- module->in_ops = &inops;
- module->out_ops = NULL;
- DBG("Initialized");
- return module;
- * @brief Shut down the Ecore_Audio sndfile module
- */
- free(module);
- module = NULL;
- DBG("Shutting down");