* @rm: dpu resource manager handle
* @primary_idx: index of primary mixer in rm->mixer_blks[]
* @peer_idx: index of other mixer in rm->mixer_blks[]
- * @Return: true if rm->mixer_blks[peer_idx] is a peer of
+ * Return: true if rm->mixer_blks[peer_idx] is a peer of
* rm->mixer_blks[primary_idx]
static bool _dpu_rm_check_lm_peer(struct dpu_rm *rm, int primary_idx,
* proposed use case requirements, incl. hardwired dependent blocks like
* pingpong
* @rm: dpu resource manager handle
+ * @global_state: resources shared across multiple kms objects
* @enc_id: encoder id requesting for allocation
* @lm_idx: index of proposed layer mixer in rm->mixer_blks[], function checks
* if lm, and all other hardwired blocks connected to the lm (pp) is
* mixer in rm->dspp_blks[].
* @reqs: input parameter, rm requirements for HW blocks needed in the
* datapath.
- * @Return: true if lm matches all requirements, false otherwise
+ * Return: true if lm matches all requirements, false otherwise
static bool _dpu_rm_check_lm_and_get_connected_blks(struct dpu_rm *rm,
struct dpu_global_state *global_state,