Install the following packages for the toolchain:
- cmake
-- llvm-3.5
-- clang-3.5
+- llvm-3.5 (llvm-3.9 for ARM cross build)
+- clang-3.5 (clang-3.9 for ARM cross build)
- lldb-3.6
- lldb-3.6-dev
- libunwind8
ellismg@linux:~$ sudo apt-get update
+If you are going to cross build for ARM, you need llvm-3.9 and clang-3.9 and please add below package source instead for Ubuntu 14.04.
+hqueue@linux:~$ echo "deb llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list
+hqueue@linux:~$ wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
+hqueue@linux:~$ sudo apt-get update
+For other version of Debian/Ubuntu, please visit
Then install the packages you need:
How to enable -O3 optimization level for ARM/Linux
+If you are using clang-3.9, -O3 optimization is enabled as default and you can skip this section.
+If you are using older version of clang, please follow instructions in this section to enable -O3 optimization.
Currently, we can build coreclr with -O1 flag of clang in release build mode for Linux/ARM without any bugfix of llvm-3.6. This instruction is to enable -O3 optimization level of clang on Linux/ARM by fixing the bug of llvm.
First, download latest version from the clang-3.6/llvm-3.6 upstream:
# Check presence of CMake on the path
hash cmake 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install cmake before running this script"; exit 1; }
+ # Minimum required version of clang is version 3.9 for arm/armel cross build
+ if [[ $__CrossBuild == 1 && ("$__BuildArch" == "arm" || "$__BuildArch" == "armel") ]]; then
+ if ! [[ "$__ClangMajorVersion" -gt "3" || ( $__ClangMajorVersion == 3 && $__ClangMinorVersion == 9 ) ]]; then
+ echo "Please install clang3.9 or latest for arm/armel cross build"; exit 1;
+ fi
+ fi
# Check for clang
hash clang-$__ClangMajorVersion.$__ClangMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang$__ClangMajorVersion$__ClangMinorVersion 2>/dev/null || hash clang 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install clang-$__ClangMajorVersion.$__ClangMinorVersion before running this script"; exit 1; }
# Set default clang version
if [[ $__ClangMajorVersion == 0 && $__ClangMinorVersion == 0 ]]; then
if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then
- __ClangMajorVersion=3
- __ClangMinorVersion=6
+ if [[ "$__BuildArch" == "arm" || "$__BuildArch" == "armel" ]]; then
+ __ClangMajorVersion=3
+ __ClangMinorVersion=9
+ else
+ __ClangMajorVersion=3
+ __ClangMinorVersion=6
+ fi
# Cross building coreclr with rootfs in Docker
(set +x; echo "Start cross build coreclr for $__buildArch $__linuxCodeName")
- __buildCmd="./ $__buildArch cross $__verboseFlag $__skipMscorlib $__buildConfig -rebuild clang3.9"
+ __buildCmd="./ $__buildArch cross $__verboseFlag $__skipMscorlib $__buildConfig -rebuild"
$__dockerCmd $__buildCmd
sudo chown -R $(id -u -n) ./bin