--- /dev/null
+import mock
+import unittest
+from jenkinsapi import config
+from jenkinsapi.job import Job
+from jenkinsapi.jenkinsbase import JenkinsBase
+from jenkinsapi.exceptions import NoBuildData
+class TestJobGetAllBuilds(unittest.TestCase):
+ # this job has builds
+ JOB1_DATA = {"actions": [],
+ "description": "test job",
+ "displayName": "foo",
+ "displayNameOrNull": None,
+ "name": "foo",
+ "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/",
+ "buildable": True,
+ # do as if build 1 & 2 are not returned by jenkins
+ "builds": [{"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/3/"}],
+ "color": "blue",
+ "firstBuild": {"number": 1, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/1/"},
+ "healthReport": [{"description": "Build stability: No recent builds failed.",
+ "iconUrl": "health-80plus.png", "score": 100}],
+ "inQueue": False,
+ "keepDependencies": False,
+ "lastBuild": {"number": 4, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/4/"}, # build running
+ "lastCompletedBuild": {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/3/"},
+ "lastFailedBuild": None,
+ "lastStableBuild": {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/3/"},
+ "lastSuccessfulBuild": {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/3/"},
+ "lastUnstableBuild": None,
+ "lastUnsuccessfulBuild": None,
+ "nextBuildNumber": 4,
+ "property": [],
+ "queueItem": None,
+ "concurrentBuild": False,
+ "downstreamProjects": [],
+ "scm": {},
+ "upstreamProjects": []}
+ JOB1_ALL_BUILDS_DATA = {"allBuilds": [
+ {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/3/"},
+ {"number": 2, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/2/"},
+ {"number": 1, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/foo/1/"}],
+ }
+ JOB1_API_URL = 'http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
+ JOB2_DATA = {'actions': [],
+ 'buildable': True,
+ 'builds': [],
+ 'color': 'notbuilt',
+ 'concurrentBuild': False,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'displayName': 'look_ma_no_builds',
+ 'displayNameOrNull': None,
+ 'downstreamProjects': [],
+ 'firstBuild': None,
+ 'healthReport': [],
+ 'inQueue': False,
+ 'keepDependencies': False,
+ 'lastBuild': None,
+ 'lastCompletedBuild': None,
+ 'lastFailedBuild': None,
+ 'lastStableBuild': None,
+ 'lastSuccessfulBuild': None,
+ 'lastUnstableBuild': None,
+ 'lastUnsuccessfulBuild': None,
+ 'name': 'look_ma_no_builds',
+ 'nextBuildNumber': 1,
+ 'property': [{}],
+ 'queueItem': None,
+ 'scm': {},
+ 'upstreamProjects': [],
+ 'url': 'http://halob:8080/job/look_ma_no_builds/'}
+ JOB2_API_URL = 'http://halob:8080/job/look_ma_no_builds/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
+ # Full list available immediatly
+ JOB3_DATA = {"actions": [],
+ "description": "test job",
+ "displayName": "fullfoo",
+ "displayNameOrNull": None,
+ "name": "fullfoo",
+ "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/",
+ "buildable": True,
+ # all builds have been returned by Jenkins
+ "builds": [{"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/3/"},
+ {"number": 2, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/2/"},
+ {"number": 1, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/1/"}],
+ "color": "blue",
+ "firstBuild": {"number": 1, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/1/"},
+ "healthReport": [{"description": "Build stability: No recent builds failed.",
+ "iconUrl": "health-80plus.png", "score": 100}],
+ "inQueue": False,
+ "keepDependencies": False,
+ "lastBuild": {"number": 4, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/4/"}, # build running
+ "lastCompletedBuild": {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/3/"},
+ "lastFailedBuild": None,
+ "lastStableBuild": {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/3/"},
+ "lastSuccessfulBuild": {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/3/"},
+ "lastUnstableBuild": None,
+ "lastUnsuccessfulBuild": None,
+ "nextBuildNumber": 4,
+ "property": [],
+ "queueItem": None,
+ "concurrentBuild": False,
+ "downstreamProjects": [],
+ "scm": {},
+ "upstreamProjects": []}
+ JOB3_ALL_BUILDS_DATA = {"allBuilds": [
+ {"number": 3, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/3/"},
+ {"number": 2, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/2/"},
+ {"number": 1, "url": "http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/1/"}],
+ }
+ JOB3_API_URL = 'http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
+ URL_DATA = {
+ (JOB1_API_URL, str({'tree': 'allBuilds[number,url]'})): JOB1_ALL_BUILDS_DATA,
+ # this one below should never be used
+ (JOB3_API_URL, str({'tree': 'allBuilds[number,url]'})): JOB3_ALL_BUILDS_DATA,
+ }
+ def fakeGetData(self, url, params=None):
+ TestJobGetAllBuilds.__get_data_call_count += 1
+ if params is None:
+ try:
+ return dict(TestJobGetAllBuilds.URL_DATA[url])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Exception("Missing data for url: %s" % url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ return dict(TestJobGetAllBuilds.URL_DATA[(url, str(params))])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Exception("Missing data for url: %s with parameters %s" % (url, repr(params)))
+ @mock.patch.object(JenkinsBase, 'get_data', fakeGetData)
+ def setUp(self):
+ TestJobGetAllBuilds.__get_data_call_count = 0
+ self.J = mock.MagicMock() # Jenkins object
+ self.j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', self.J)
+ def test_get_build_dict(self):
+ # The job data contains only one build, so we expect that the
+ # remaining jobs will be fetched automatically
+ ret = self.j.get_build_dict()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, dict))
+ self.assertEquals(len(ret), 4)
+ @mock.patch.object(JenkinsBase, 'get_data', fakeGetData)
+ def test_incomplete_builds_list_will_call_jenkins_twice(self):
+ # The job data contains only one build, so we expect that the
+ # remaining jobs will be fetched automatically, and to have two calls to
+ # the Jenkins API
+ TestJobGetAllBuilds.__get_data_call_count = 0
+ self.j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', self.J)
+ self.assertEquals(TestJobGetAllBuilds.__get_data_call_count, 2)
+ @mock.patch.object(JenkinsBase, 'get_data', fakeGetData)
+ def test_complete_builds_list_will_call_jenkins_once(self):
+ # The job data contains all builds, so we will not gather remaining builds
+ TestJobGetAllBuilds.__get_data_call_count = 0
+ self.j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/fullfoo/', 'fullfoo', self.J)
+ self.assertEquals(TestJobGetAllBuilds.__get_data_call_count, 1)
+ @mock.patch.object(JenkinsBase, 'get_data', fakeGetData)
+ def test_nobuilds_get_build_dict(self):
+ j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/look_ma_no_builds/', 'look_ma_no_builds', self.J)
+ ret = j.get_build_dict()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, dict))
+ self.assertEquals(len(ret), 0)
+ def test_get_build_ids(self):
+ # The job data contains only one build, so we expect that the
+ # remaining jobs will be fetched automatically
+ ret = list(self.j.get_build_ids())
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, list))
+ self.assertEquals(len(ret), 4)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()