+static void
+st_TexSubImage(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint dims,
+ struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
+ GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
+ GLint width, GLint height, GLint depth,
+ GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels,
+ const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack)
+ struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx);
+ struct st_texture_image *stImage = st_texture_image(texImage);
+ struct st_texture_object *stObj = st_texture_object(texImage->TexObject);
+ struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe;
+ struct pipe_screen *screen = pipe->screen;
+ struct pipe_resource *dst = stImage->pt;
+ struct pipe_resource *src = NULL;
+ struct pipe_resource src_templ;
+ struct pipe_transfer *transfer;
+ struct pipe_blit_info blit;
+ enum pipe_format src_format, dst_format;
+ gl_format mesa_src_format;
+ GLenum gl_target = texImage->TexObject->Target;
+ unsigned bind;
+ GLubyte *map;
+ if (!dst) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* XXX Fallback for depth-stencil formats due to an incomplete stencil
+ * blit implementation in some drivers. */
+ if (format == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* If the base internal format and the texture format don't match,
+ * we can't use blit-based TexSubImage. */
+ if (texImage->_BaseFormat !=
+ _mesa_get_format_base_format(texImage->TexFormat)) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* See if the texture format already matches the format and type,
+ * in which case the memcpy-based fast path will likely be used and
+ * we don't have to blit. */
+ if (_mesa_format_matches_format_and_type(texImage->TexFormat, format,
+ type, unpack->SwapBytes)) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ if (format == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT || format == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)
+ else
+ /* See if the destination format is supported.
+ * For luminance and intensity, only the red channel is stored there. */
+ dst_format = util_format_linear(dst->format);
+ dst_format = util_format_luminance_to_red(dst_format);
+ dst_format = util_format_intensity_to_red(dst_format);
+ if (!dst_format ||
+ !screen->is_format_supported(screen, dst_format, dst->target,
+ dst->nr_samples, bind)) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* Choose the source format. */
+ src_format = st_choose_matching_format(screen, PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW,
+ format, type, unpack->SwapBytes);
+ if (!src_format) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ mesa_src_format = st_pipe_format_to_mesa_format(src_format);
+ /* There is no reason to do this if we cannot use memcpy for the temporary
+ * source texture at least. This also takes transfer ops into account,
+ * etc. */
+ if (!_mesa_texstore_can_use_memcpy(ctx,
+ _mesa_get_format_base_format(mesa_src_format),
+ mesa_src_format, format, type, unpack)) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* TexSubImage only sets a single cubemap face. */
+ if (gl_target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) {
+ gl_target = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
+ }
+ /* Initialize the source texture description. */
+ memset(&src_templ, 0, sizeof(src_templ));
+ src_templ.target = gl_target_to_pipe(gl_target);
+ src_templ.format = src_format;
+ src_templ.bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;
+ src_templ.usage = PIPE_USAGE_STAGING;
+ st_gl_texture_dims_to_pipe_dims(gl_target, width, height, depth,
+ &src_templ.width0, &src_templ.height0,
+ &src_templ.depth0, &src_templ.array_size);
+ /* Check for NPOT texture support. */
+ if (!screen->get_param(screen, PIPE_CAP_NPOT_TEXTURES) &&
+ (!util_is_power_of_two(src_templ.width0) ||
+ !util_is_power_of_two(src_templ.height0) ||
+ !util_is_power_of_two(src_templ.depth0))) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* Create the source texture. */
+ src = screen->resource_create(screen, &src_templ);
+ if (!src) {
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* Map source pixels. */
+ pixels = _mesa_validate_pbo_teximage(ctx, dims, width, height, depth,
+ format, type, pixels, unpack,
+ "glTexSubImage");
+ if (!pixels) {
+ /* This is a GL error. */
+ pipe_resource_reference(&src, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* From now on, we need the gallium representation of dimensions. */
+ if (gl_target == GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY) {
+ depth = height;
+ height = 1;
+ }
+ map = pipe_transfer_map_3d(pipe, src, 0, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE, 0, 0, 0,
+ width, height, depth, &transfer);
+ if (!map) {
+ _mesa_unmap_teximage_pbo(ctx, unpack);
+ pipe_resource_reference(&src, NULL);
+ goto fallback;
+ }
+ /* Upload pixels (just memcpy). */
+ {
+ const uint bytesPerRow = width * util_format_get_blocksize(src_format);
+ GLuint row, slice;
+ for (slice = 0; slice < depth; slice++) {
+ if (gl_target == GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY) {
+ /* 1D array textures.
+ * We need to convert gallium coords to GL coords.
+ */
+ GLvoid *src = _mesa_image_address3d(unpack, pixels,
+ width, depth, format,
+ type, 0, slice, 0);
+ memcpy(map, src, bytesPerRow);
+ }
+ else {
+ ubyte *slice_map = map;
+ for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
+ GLvoid *src = _mesa_image_address3d(unpack, pixels,
+ width, height, format,
+ type, slice, row, 0);
+ memcpy(slice_map, src, bytesPerRow);
+ slice_map += transfer->stride;
+ }
+ }
+ map += transfer->layer_stride;
+ }
+ }
+ pipe_transfer_unmap(pipe, transfer);
+ _mesa_unmap_teximage_pbo(ctx, unpack);
+ /* Blit. */
+ blit.src.resource = src;
+ blit.src.level = 0;
+ blit.src.format = src_format;
+ blit.dst.resource = dst;
+ blit.dst.level = stObj->pt != stImage->pt ? 0 : texImage->Level;
+ blit.dst.format = dst_format;
+ blit.src.box.x = blit.src.box.y = blit.src.box.z = 0;
+ blit.dst.box.x = xoffset;
+ blit.dst.box.y = yoffset;
+ blit.dst.box.z = zoffset + texImage->Face;
+ blit.src.box.width = blit.dst.box.width = width;
+ blit.src.box.height = blit.dst.box.height = height;
+ blit.src.box.depth = blit.dst.box.depth = depth;
+ blit.mask = get_blit_mask(format, texImage->_BaseFormat);
+ blit.filter = PIPE_TEX_FILTER_NEAREST;
+ blit.scissor_enable = FALSE;
+ st->pipe->blit(st->pipe, &blit);
+ pipe_resource_reference(&src, NULL);
+ return;
+ _mesa_store_texsubimage(ctx, dims, texImage, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
+ width, height, depth, format, type, pixels,
+ unpack);
static void
st_TexImage(struct gl_context * ctx, GLuint dims,
struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels,
const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack)
+ assert(dims == 1 || dims == 2 || dims == 3);
prep_teximage(ctx, texImage, format, type);
- _mesa_store_teximage(ctx, dims, texImage, format, type, pixels, unpack);
+ if (texImage->Width == 0 || texImage->Height == 0 || texImage->Depth == 0)
+ return;
+ /* allocate storage for texture data */
+ if (!ctx->Driver.AllocTextureImageBuffer(ctx, texImage)) {
+ _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glTexImage%uD", dims);
+ return;
+ }
+ st_TexSubImage(ctx, dims, texImage, 0, 0, 0,
+ texImage->Width, texImage->Height, texImage->Depth,
+ format, type, pixels, unpack);
functions->ChooseTextureFormat = st_ChooseTextureFormat;
functions->QuerySamplesForFormat = st_QuerySamplesForFormat;
functions->TexImage = st_TexImage;
- functions->TexSubImage = _mesa_store_texsubimage;
+ functions->TexSubImage = st_TexSubImage;
functions->CompressedTexSubImage = _mesa_store_compressed_texsubimage;
functions->CopyTexSubImage = st_CopyTexSubImage;
functions->GenerateMipmap = st_generate_mipmap;