--- /dev/null
+// Copyright 2015 Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "runtime/locale_manager.h"
+#include <runtime_info.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "common/logger.h"
+#include "common/file_utils.h"
+namespace wrt {
+namespace {
+std::string localeToBCP47LangTag(
+ const std::string locale) {
+ // Cut off codepage information from given string (if any exists)
+ // i.e. change en_US.UTF-8 into en_US */
+ std::string lang = locale.substr(0, locale.find_first_of("."));
+ // Replace all '_' with '-'
+ std::replace(lang.begin(), lang.end(), '_', '-');
+ return lang;
+} // namespace
+LocaleManager::LocaleManager() {
+ UpdateSystemLocale();
+LocaleManager::~LocaleManager() {
+void LocaleManager::SetDefaultLocale(const std::string& locale) {
+ if (!default_locale_.empty() && system_locales_.size() > 0 &&
+ system_locales_.back() == default_locale_) {
+ system_locales_.pop_back();
+ }
+ default_locale_ = locale;
+ if (!default_locale_.empty()) {
+ system_locales_.push_back(locale);
+ }
+void LocaleManager::set_base_resource_path(const std::string& path) {
+ resource_base_path_ = path;
+ if (resource_base_path_[resource_base_path_.length()-1] != '/')
+ resource_base_path_ += "/";
+void LocaleManager::UpdateSystemLocale() {
+ char* str = NULL;
+ runtime_info_get_value_string(RUNTIME_INFO_KEY_LANGUAGE, &str)
+ || str == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string lang = localeToBCP47LangTag(str);
+ if (lang.length() == 0) {
+ LoggerE("Language tag was invalid");
+ return;
+ }
+ system_locales_.clear();
+ while (true) {
+ LoggerD("Processing language description: %s", lang.c_str());
+ system_locales_.push_back(lang);
+ // compatibility with lower language Tag by SDK
+ std::string lower = lang;
+ std::transform(lower.begin(), lower.end(), lower.begin(), ::tolower);
+ if (lower != lang) {
+ system_locales_.push_back(lower);
+ }
+ size_t position = lang.find_last_of("-");
+ if (position == std::string::npos) {
+ break;
+ }
+ lang = lang.substr(0, position);
+ }
+ if (!default_locale_.empty()) {
+ system_locales_.push_back(default_locale_);
+ }
+bool LocaleManager::Exists(const std::string& path) {
+ auto find = file_existed_cache_.find(path);
+ if (find != file_existed_cache_.end())
+ return find->second;
+ return file_existed_cache_[path] = utils::Exists(path);
+std::string LocaleManager::GetLocalizedPath(const std::string& origin) {
+ const char* FILE_SCHEME = "file:///";
+ const char* APP_SCHEME = "app://";
+ const char* LOCALE_PATH = "locales/";
+ auto find = locale_cache_.find(origin);
+ if (find != locale_cache_.end()) {
+ return find->second;
+ }
+ std::string& result = locale_cache_[origin];
+ std::string url = origin;
+ std::string suffix;
+ size_t pos = url.find_first_of("#?");
+ if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+ suffix = url.substr(pos);
+ url.resize(pos);
+ }
+ if (url.compare(0, strlen(APP_SCHEME), APP_SCHEME) == 0) {
+ // remove "app://"
+ url.erase(0, strlen(APP_SCHEME));
+ // remove app id + /
+ std::string check = appid_+"/";
+ if (url.compare(0, check.length(), check) == 0) {
+ url.erase(0, check.length());
+ } else {
+ LoggerE("appid was invalid");
+ return result;
+ }
+ } else if (url.compare(0, strlen(FILE_SCHEME), FILE_SCHEME) == 0) {
+ // remove "file:///"
+ url.erase(0, strlen(FILE_SCHEME));
+ }
+ if (!url.empty() && url[url.length()-1] == '/') {
+ url.erase(url.length()-1, 1);
+ }
+ if (url.empty()) {
+ LoggerE("URL Localization error");
+ return result;
+ }
+ auto locales = system_locales_.begin();
+ for ( ; locales != system_locales_.end(); ++locales) {
+ // check ../locales/
+ std::string app_locale_path = resource_base_path_ + LOCALE_PATH;
+ if (!Exists(app_locale_path)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::string resource_path = app_locale_path + (*locales) + "/" + url;
+ if (Exists(resource_path)) {
+ result = resource_path + suffix;
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string default_locale = resource_base_path_ + url;
+ if (Exists(default_locale)) {
+ result = default_locale + suffix;
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = url + suffix;
+ return result;
+} // namespace wrt
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright 2015 Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+namespace wrt {
+class LocaleManager {
+ public:
+ LocaleManager();
+ virtual ~LocaleManager();
+ void SetDefaultLocale(const std::string& locale);
+ void UpdateSystemLocale();
+ const std::list<std::string>& system_locales() const
+ { return system_locales_; }
+ // for localization, it will be move to another class
+ // input : file:///..... , app://[appid]/....
+ // output : /[system path]/.../locales/.../
+ std::string GetLocalizedPath(const std::string& origin);
+ void set_base_resource_path(const std::string& base_path);
+ void set_appid(const std::string& appid) { appid_ = appid; }
+ private:
+ std::string default_locale_;
+ std::list<std::string> system_locales_;
+ // for localization
+ bool Exists(const std::string& path);
+ std::string resource_base_path_;
+ std::string appid_;
+ std::map<const std::string, bool> file_existed_cache_;
+ std::map<const std::string, std::string> locale_cache_;
+} // namespace wrt
+void Runtime::OnLanguageChanged(const std::string& language) {
+ if (application_) {
+ application_->OnLanguageChanged();
+ }
int Runtime::Exec(int argc, char* argv[]) {
ui_app_lifecycle_callback_s ops = {0, };
+ // language changed callback
+ auto language_changed = [](app_event_info_h event_info, void *user_data) {
+ char* str;
+ if (app_event_get_language(event_info, &str) == 0 && str != NULL) {
+ std::string language = std::string(str);
+ std::free(str);
+ Runtime* runtime = reinterpret_cast<Runtime*>(user_data);
+ runtime->OnLanguageChanged(language);
+ }
+ };
+ app_event_handler_h ev_handle;
+ ui_app_add_event_handler(&ev_handle,
+ language_changed,
+ this);
return ui_app_main(argc, argv, &ops, this);