with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
with Sem_Res; use Sem_Res;
+with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
+with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
OK_For_Dimension : constant array (Node_Kind) of Boolean :=
(N_Attribute_Reference => True,
+ N_Expanded_Name => True,
N_Defining_Identifier => True,
N_Function_Call => True,
N_Identifier => True,
-- that the dimensions of the returned type and of the returned object
-- match.
- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N : Node_Id);
- -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for function call. General case:
- -- propagate the dimensions from the returned type to N. Elementary
- -- function case (Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions): If N
- -- is a Sqrt call, then evaluate the resulting dimensions as half the
- -- dimensions of the parameter. Otherwise, verify that each parameters
- -- are dimensionless.
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for a subset of N_Has_Etype denoted by
-- the list below:
function Dimensions_Of (N : Node_Id) return Dimension_Type;
-- Return the dimension vector of node N
- function Dimensions_Msg_Of (N : Node_Id) return String;
- -- Given a node, return "has dimension" followed by the dimension symbols
- -- of N or "is dimensionless" if N is dimensionless.
+ function Dimensions_Msg_Of
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Description_Needed : Boolean := False) return String;
+ -- Given a node N, return the dimension symbols of N, preceded by "has
+ -- dimension" if Description_Needed. if N is dimensionless, return "[]", or
+ -- "is dimensionless" if Description_Needed.
+ procedure Dim_Warning_For_Numeric_Literal (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id);
+ -- Issue a warning on the given numeric literal N to indicate the
+ -- compilateur made the assumption that the literal is not dimensionless
+ -- but has the dimension of Typ.
procedure Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent
(N : Node_Id;
function Exists (Dim : Dimension_Type) return Boolean;
-- Returns True iff Dim does not denote the null dimension
+ function Exists (Str : String_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Returns True iff Str does not denote No_String
function Exists (Sys : System_Type) return Boolean;
-- Returns True iff Sys does not denote the null system
function Is_Invalid (Position : Dimension_Position) return Boolean;
-- Return True if Pos denotes the invalid position
- procedure Move_Dimensions (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id);
- -- Copy dimension vector of From to To, delete dimension vector of From
procedure Remove_Dimensions (N : Node_Id);
-- Remove the dimension vector of node N
procedure Set_Symbol (E : Entity_Id; Val : String_Id);
-- Associate a symbol representation of a dimension vector with a subtype
+ function String_From_Numeric_Literal (N : Node_Id) return String_Id;
+ -- Return the string that corresponds to the numeric litteral N as it
+ -- appears in the source.
function Symbol_Of (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id;
-- E denotes a subtype with a dimension. Return the symbol representation
-- of the dimension vector.
procedure Analyze_Dimension (N : Node_Id) is
- -- Aspect is an Ada 2012 feature
+ -- Aspect is an Ada 2012 feature. Note that there is no need to check
+ -- dimensions for nodes that don't come from source.
- if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then
+ if Ada_Version < Ada_2012
+ or else not Comes_From_Source (N)
+ then
end if;
case Nkind (N) is
when N_Assignment_Statement =>
Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement (N);
when N_Extended_Return_Statement =>
Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement (N);
- when N_Function_Call =>
- Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N);
when N_Attribute_Reference |
+ N_Expanded_Name |
N_Identifier |
N_Indexed_Component |
N_Qualified_Expression |
end case;
end Analyze_Dimension;
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Analyze_Dimension_Array_Aggregate --
+ ---------------------------------------
+ procedure Analyze_Dimension_Array_Aggregate
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Comp_Typ : Entity_Id)
+ is
+ Comp_Ass : constant List_Id := Component_Associations (N);
+ Dims_Of_Comp_Typ : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Comp_Typ);
+ Exps : constant List_Id := Expressions (N);
+ Comp : Node_Id;
+ Expr : Node_Id;
+ Error_Detected : Boolean := False;
+ -- This flag is used in order to indicate if an error has been detected
+ -- so far by the compiler in this routine.
+ begin
+ -- Aspect is an Ada 2012 feature. Nothing to do here if the component
+ -- base type is not a dimensioned type.
+ -- Note that here the original node must come from source since the
+ -- original array aggregate may not have been entirely decorated.
+ if Ada_Version < Ada_2012
+ or else not Comes_From_Source (Original_Node (N))
+ or else not Has_Dimension_System (Base_Type (Comp_Typ))
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Check whether there is any positional component association
+ if Is_Empty_List (Exps) then
+ Comp := First (Comp_Ass);
+ else
+ Comp := First (Exps);
+ end if;
+ while Present (Comp) loop
+ -- Get the expression from the component
+ if Nkind (Comp) = N_Component_Association then
+ Expr := Expression (Comp);
+ else
+ Expr := Comp;
+ end if;
+ -- Issue an error if the dimensions of the component type and the
+ -- dimensions of the component mismatch.
+ -- Note that we must ensure the expression has been fully analyzed
+ -- since it may not be decorated at this point. We also don't want to
+ -- issue the same error message multiple times on the same expression
+ -- (may happen when an aggregate is converted into a positional
+ -- aggregate).
+ if Comes_From_Source (Original_Node (Expr))
+ and then Present (Etype (Expr))
+ and then Dimensions_Of (Expr) /= Dims_Of_Comp_Typ
+ and then Sloc (Comp) /= Sloc (Prev (Comp))
+ then
+ -- Check if an error has already been encountered so far
+ if not Error_Detected then
+ Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in array aggregate", N);
+ Error_Detected := True;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Comp_Typ) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr),
+ Expr);
+ end if;
+ -- Look at the named components right after the positional components
+ if not Present (Next (Comp))
+ and then List_Containing (Comp) = Exps
+ then
+ Comp := First (Comp_Ass);
+ else
+ Next (Comp);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Analyze_Dimension_Array_Aggregate;
-- Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement --
Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in assignment", N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\left-hand side " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Lhs), N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\right-hand side " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Rhs), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\left-hand side " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Lhs, True), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\right-hand side " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Rhs, True), N);
end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Assignment_Statement;
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Assignment
Entity (N));
- Error_Msg_N ("\left operand " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (L), N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\right operand " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (R), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\left operand " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (L, True), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\right operand " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (R, True), N);
end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Binary_Op;
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op
end if;
end Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Analyze_Dimension_Call --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Analyze_Dimension_Call (N : Node_Id; Nam : Entity_Id) is
+ Actuals : constant List_Id := Parameter_Associations (N);
+ Actual : Node_Id;
+ Dims_Of_Formal : Dimension_Type;
+ Formal : Node_Id;
+ Formal_Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Error_Detected : Boolean := False;
+ -- This flag is used in order to indicate if an error has been detected
+ -- so far by the compiler in this routine.
+ begin
+ -- Aspect is an Ada 2012 feature. Nothing to do here if the list of
+ -- actuals is empty.Note that there is no need to check dimensions for
+ -- calls that don't come from source.
+ if Ada_Version < Ada_2012
+ or else not Comes_From_Source (N)
+ or else Is_Empty_List (Actuals)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Special processing for elementary functions
+ -- For Sqrt call, the resulting dimensions equal to half the dimensions
+ -- of the actual. For all other elementary calls, this routine check
+ -- that every actual is dimensionless.
+ if Nkind (N) = N_Function_Call then
+ Elementary_Function_Calls : declare
+ Dims_Of_Call : Dimension_Type;
+ Ent : Entity_Id := Nam;
+ function Is_Elementary_Function_Entity
+ (Sub_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Given Sub_Id, the original subprogram entity, return True if
+ -- call is to an elementary function
+ -- (see Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions).
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Is_Elementary_Function_Entity --
+ -----------------------------------
+ function Is_Elementary_Function_Entity
+ (Sub_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Sub_Id);
+ begin
+ -- Is function entity in
+ -- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions?
+ return
+ Loc > No_Location
+ and then
+ Is_RTU
+ (Cunit_Entity (Get_Source_Unit (Loc)),
+ Ada_Numerics_Generic_Elementary_Functions);
+ end Is_Elementary_Function_Entity;
+ begin
+ -- Get the original subprogram entity following the renaming chain
+ if Present (Alias (Ent)) then
+ Ent := Alias (Ent);
+ end if;
+ -- Check the call is an Elementary function call
+ if Is_Elementary_Function_Entity (Ent) then
+ -- Sqrt function call case
+ if Chars (Ent) = Name_Sqrt then
+ Dims_Of_Call := Dimensions_Of (First_Actual (N));
+ -- Eavluates the resulting dimensions (i.e. half the
+ -- dimensions of the actual).
+ if Exists (Dims_Of_Call) then
+ for Position in Dims_Of_Call'Range loop
+ Dims_Of_Call (Position) :=
+ Dims_Of_Call (Position) *
+ Rational'(Numerator => 1,
+ Denominator => 2);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Dimensions (N, Dims_Of_Call);
+ end if;
+ -- All other elementary functions case. Note that every actual
+ -- here should be dimensionless.
+ else
+ Actual := First_Actual (N);
+ while Present (Actual) loop
+ if Exists (Dimensions_Of (Actual)) then
+ -- Check if an error has already been encountered so
+ -- far.
+ if not Error_Detected then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("dimensions mismatch in call of&",
+ N, Name (N));
+ Error_Detected := True;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension [], found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Actual),
+ Actual);
+ end if;
+ Next_Actual (Actual);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Nothing more to do for elementary functions
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end Elementary_Function_Calls;
+ end if;
+ -- General case. Check, for each parameter, the dimensions of the actual
+ -- and its corresponding formal match. Otherwise, complain.
+ Actual := First_Actual (N);
+ Formal := First_Formal (Nam);
+ while Present (Formal) loop
+ Formal_Typ := Etype (Formal);
+ Dims_Of_Formal := Dimensions_Of (Formal_Typ);
+ -- If the formal is not dimensionless, check dimensions of formal and
+ -- actual match. Otherwise, complain.
+ if Exists (Dims_Of_Formal)
+ and then Dimensions_Of (Actual) /= Dims_Of_Formal
+ then
+ -- Check if an error has already been encountered so far
+ if not Error_Detected then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("dimensions mismatch in& call", N, Name (N));
+ Error_Detected := True;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Formal_Typ) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Actual),
+ Actual);
+ end if;
+ Next_Actual (Actual);
+ Next_Formal (Formal);
+ end loop;
+ -- For function calls, propagate the dimensions from the returned type
+ -- to the function call.
+ if Nkind (N) = N_Function_Call then
+ Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N);
+ end if;
+ end Analyze_Dimension_Call;
-- Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration --
Expr : Node_Id) is
Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in component declaration", N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\component type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Etyp), N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\component expression " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Etyp) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr),
+ Expr);
end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration;
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration
+ -- Expression is present
if Present (Expr) then
Dims_Of_Expr := Dimensions_Of (Expr);
- -- Return an error if the dimension of the expression and the
- -- dimension of the type mismatch.
+ -- Check dimensions match
if Dims_Of_Etyp /= Dims_Of_Expr then
- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration (N, Etyp, Expr);
+ -- Numeric literal case. Issue a warning if the object type is not
+ -- dimensionless to indicate the literal is treated as if its
+ -- dimension matches the type dimension.
+ if Nkind_In (Original_Node (Expr),
+ N_Real_Literal,
+ N_Integer_Literal)
+ then
+ Dim_Warning_For_Numeric_Literal (Expr, Etyp);
+ -- Issue a dimension mismatch error for all other cases
+ else
+ Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration (N, Etyp, Expr);
+ end if;
end if;
-- Removal of dimensions in expression
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
- Return_Ent : constant Entity_Id :=
- Return_Statement_Entity (N);
- Return_Etyp : constant Entity_Id :=
- Etype (Return_Applies_To (Return_Ent));
- Dims_Of_Return_Etyp : constant Dimension_Type :=
- Dimensions_Of (Return_Etyp);
- Return_Obj_Decls : constant List_Id :=
- Return_Object_Declarations (N);
- Dims_Of_Return_Obj_Id : Dimension_Type;
- Return_Obj_Decl : Node_Id;
- Return_Obj_Id : Entity_Id;
+ Return_Ent : constant Entity_Id := Return_Statement_Entity (N);
+ Return_Etyp : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Etype (Return_Applies_To (Return_Ent));
+ Return_Obj_Decls : constant List_Id := Return_Object_Declarations (N);
+ Return_Obj_Decl : Node_Id;
+ Return_Obj_Id : Entity_Id;
+ Return_Obj_Typ : Entity_Id;
procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement
- (N : Node_Id;
- Return_Etyp : Entity_Id;
- Return_Obj_Id : Entity_Id);
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Return_Etyp : Entity_Id;
+ Return_Obj_Typ : Entity_Id);
-- Error using Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the dimensions of the
- -- returned type Return_Etyp and the returned object Return_Obj_Id of N.
+ -- returned type Return_Etyp and the returned object type Return_Obj_Typ
+ -- of N.
-- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement --
procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement
- (N : Node_Id;
- Return_Etyp : Entity_Id;
- Return_Obj_Id : Entity_Id)
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Return_Etyp : Entity_Id;
+ Return_Obj_Typ : Entity_Id)
Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in extended return statement", N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\returned type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Etyp), N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\returned object " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Obj_Id),
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Etyp) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Obj_Typ),
end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement;
if Present (Return_Obj_Decls) then
Return_Obj_Decl := First (Return_Obj_Decls);
while Present (Return_Obj_Decl) loop
if Nkind (Return_Obj_Decl) = N_Object_Declaration then
- Return_Obj_Id := Defining_Identifier (Return_Obj_Decl);
+ Return_Obj_Id := Defining_Identifier (Return_Obj_Decl);
if Is_Return_Object (Return_Obj_Id) then
- Dims_Of_Return_Obj_Id := Dimensions_Of (Return_Obj_Id);
+ Return_Obj_Typ := Etype (Return_Obj_Id);
+ -- Issue an error message if dimensions mismatch
- if Dims_Of_Return_Etyp /= Dims_Of_Return_Obj_Id then
+ if Dimensions_Of (Return_Etyp) /=
+ Dimensions_Of (Return_Obj_Typ)
+ then
- (N, Return_Etyp, Return_Obj_Id);
+ (N, Return_Etyp, Return_Obj_Typ);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement;
- -------------------------------------
- -- Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call --
- -------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ -- Analyze_Dimension_Extension_Or_Record_Aggregate --
+ -----------------------------------------------------
- -- Propagate the dimensions from the returned type to the call node. Note
- -- that there is a special treatment for elementary function calls. Indeed
- -- for Sqrt call, the resulting dimensions equal to half the dimensions of
- -- the actual, and for other elementary calls, this routine check that
- -- every actuals are dimensionless.
+ procedure Analyze_Dimension_Extension_Or_Record_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) is
+ Comp : Node_Id := First (Component_Associations (N));
+ Comp_Id : Entity_Id;
+ Comp_Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Expr : Node_Id;
- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N : Node_Id) is
- Actuals : constant List_Id := Parameter_Associations (N);
- Name_Call : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
- Actual : Node_Id;
- Dims_Of_Actual : Dimension_Type;
- Dims_Of_Call : Dimension_Type;
- Ent : Entity_Id;
+ Error_Detected : Boolean := False;
+ -- This flag is used in order to indicate if an error has been detected
+ -- so far by the compiler in this routine.
+ begin
+ -- Aspect is an Ada 2012 feature. Note that there is no need to check
+ -- dimensions for aggregates that don't come from source.
- function Is_Elementary_Function_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Given E, the original subprogram entity, return True if call is to an
- -- elementary function (see Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions).
+ if Ada_Version < Ada_2012
+ or else not Comes_From_Source (N)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
- -----------------------------------
- -- Is_Elementary_Function_Entity --
- -----------------------------------
+ while Present (Comp) loop
+ Comp_Id := Entity (First (Choices (Comp)));
+ Comp_Typ := Etype (Comp_Id);
- function Is_Elementary_Function_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
- Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E);
+ -- Check the component type is either a dimensioned type or a
+ -- dimensioned subtype.
- begin
- -- Is function entity in Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions?
+ if Has_Dimension_System (Base_Type (Comp_Typ)) then
+ Expr := Expression (Comp);
- return
- Loc > No_Location
- and then
- Is_RTU
- (Cunit_Entity (Get_Source_Unit (Loc)),
- Ada_Numerics_Generic_Elementary_Functions);
- end Is_Elementary_Function_Entity;
+ -- Issue an error if the dimensions of the component type and the
+ -- dimensions of the component mismatch.
- -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call
+ if Dimensions_Of (Expr) /= Dimensions_Of (Comp_Typ) then
+ -- Check if an error has already been encountered so far
- begin
- -- Look for elementary function call
+ if not Error_Detected then
+ -- Extension aggregate case
- if Is_Entity_Name (Name_Call) then
- Ent := Entity (Name_Call);
+ if Nkind (N) = N_Extension_Aggregate then
+ Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in extension aggregate",
+ N);
- -- Get the original subprogram entity following the renaming chain
+ -- Record aggregate case
- if Present (Alias (Ent)) then
- Ent := Alias (Ent);
- end if;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in record aggregate",
+ N);
+ end if;
- -- Elementary function case
+ Error_Detected := True;
+ end if;
- if Is_Elementary_Function_Entity (Ent) then
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Comp_Typ) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr),
+ Comp);
+ end if;
+ end if;
- -- Sqrt function call case
+ Next (Comp);
+ end loop;
+ end Analyze_Dimension_Extension_Or_Record_Aggregate;
- if Chars (Ent) = Name_Sqrt then
- Dims_Of_Call := Dimensions_Of (First (Actuals));
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Analyze_Dimension_Formals --
+ -------------------------------
- if Exists (Dims_Of_Call) then
- for Position in Dims_Of_Call'Range loop
- Dims_Of_Call (Position) :=
- Dims_Of_Call (Position) * Rational'(Numerator => 1,
- Denominator => 2);
- end loop;
+ procedure Analyze_Dimension_Formals (N : Node_Id; Formals : List_Id) is
+ Dims_Of_Typ : Dimension_Type;
+ Formal : Node_Id;
+ Typ : Entity_Id;
- Set_Dimensions (N, Dims_Of_Call);
- end if;
+ begin
+ -- Aspect is an Ada 2012 feature. Note that there is no need to check
+ -- dimensions for sub specs that don't come from source.
- -- All other elementary functions case. Note that every actual
- -- here should be dimensionless.
+ if Ada_Version < Ada_2012
+ or else not Comes_From_Source (N)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
- else
- Actual := First (Actuals);
- while Present (Actual) loop
- Dims_Of_Actual := Dimensions_Of (Actual);
- if Exists (Dims_Of_Actual) then
- Error_Msg_NE ("parameter of& must be dimensionless",
- Actual, Name_Call);
- Error_Msg_N ("\parameter " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Actual),
- Actual);
- end if;
+ Formal := First (Formals);
- Next (Actual);
- end loop;
- end if;
+ while Present (Formal) loop
+ Typ := Parameter_Type (Formal);
+ Dims_Of_Typ := Dimensions_Of (Typ);
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
+ if Exists (Dims_Of_Typ) then
+ declare
+ Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Formal);
- -- Other cases
+ begin
+ -- Issue a warning if Expr is a numeric literal and if its
+ -- dimensions differ with the dimensions of the formal type.
+ if Present (Expr)
+ and then Dims_Of_Typ /= Dimensions_Of (Expr)
+ and then Nkind_In (Original_Node (Expr),
+ N_Real_Literal,
+ N_Integer_Literal)
+ then
+ Dim_Warning_For_Numeric_Literal (Expr, Etype (Typ));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
- Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N);
- end Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call;
+ Next (Formal);
+ end loop;
+ end Analyze_Dimension_Formals;
-- Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype --
Expr : Node_Id) is
Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in object declaration", N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\object type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Etyp), N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\object expression " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Etyp) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr),
+ Expr);
end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Declaration;
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration
if Present (Expr) then
Dim_Of_Expr := Dimensions_Of (Expr);
- -- Case when expression is not a literal and when dimensions of the
- -- expression and of the type mismatch
+ -- Check dimensions match
- if not Nkind_In (Original_Node (Expr),
+ if Dim_Of_Expr /= Dim_Of_Etyp then
+ -- Numeric literal case. Issue a warning if the object type is not
+ -- dimensionless to indicate the literal is treated as if its
+ -- dimension matches the type dimension.
+ if Nkind_In (Original_Node (Expr),
- and then Dim_Of_Expr /= Dim_Of_Etyp
- then
- -- Propagate the dimension from the expression to the object
- -- entity when the object is a constant whose type is a
- -- dimensioned type.
+ then
+ Dim_Warning_For_Numeric_Literal (Expr, Etyp);
+ -- Case where the object is a constant whose type is a dimensioned
+ -- type.
+ elsif Constant_Present (N) and then not Exists (Dim_Of_Etyp) then
+ -- Propagate the dimension from the expression to the object
+ -- entity
- if Constant_Present (N) and then not Exists (Dim_Of_Etyp) then
Set_Dimensions (Id, Dim_Of_Expr);
- -- Otherwise, issue an error message
+ -- For all other cases, issue an error message
Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Declaration (N, Etyp, Expr);
Sub_Mark : Node_Id;
Renamed_Name : Node_Id) is
- Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in object renaming declaration",
- N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Sub_Mark), N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\renamed object " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Renamed_Name),
- N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in object renaming declaration", N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Sub_Mark) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Renamed_Name),
+ Renamed_Name);
end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Renaming_Declaration;
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration
Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in return statement", N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\returned type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Etyp), N);
- Error_Msg_N ("\returned expression " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("\expected dimension " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Etyp) & ", found " &
+ Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr),
+ Expr);
end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Simple_Return_Statement;
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement
-- it cannot inherit a dimension from its subtype.
if Exists (Dims_Of_Id) then
- Error_Msg_N ("subtype& already" & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Id), N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("subtype& already" & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Id, True),
+ N);
Set_Dimensions (Id, Dims_Of_Etyp);
Set_Symbol (Id, Symbol_Of (Etyp));
-- Dimensions_Msg_Of --
- function Dimensions_Msg_Of (N : Node_Id) return String is
+ function Dimensions_Msg_Of
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Description_Needed : Boolean := False) return String
+ is
Dims_Of_N : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (N);
Dimensions_Msg : Name_Id;
System : System_Type;
Name_Len := 0;
+ -- N is not dimensionless
if Exists (Dims_Of_N) then
System := System_Of (Base_Type (Etype (N)));
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("has dimension ");
+ -- When Description_Needed, add to string "has dimension " before the
+ -- actual dimension.
+ if Description_Needed then
+ Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("has dimension ");
+ end if;
(From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Dim_Symbols (Dims_Of_N, System, True));
- else
+ -- N is dimensionless
+ -- When Description_Needed, return "is dimensionless"
+ elsif Description_Needed then
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("is dimensionless");
+ -- Otherwise, return "[]"
+ else
+ Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("[]");
end if;
Dimensions_Msg := Name_Find;
return Dimension_Table_Range (Key mod 511);
end Dimension_Table_Hash;
+ -------------------------------------
+ -- Dim_Warning_For_Numeric_Literal --
+ -------------------------------------
+ procedure Dim_Warning_For_Numeric_Literal (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ -- Initialize name buffer
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ Add_String_To_Name_Buffer (String_From_Numeric_Literal (N));
+ -- Insert a blank between the literal and the symbol
+ Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (" ");
+ Add_String_To_Name_Buffer (Symbol_Of (Typ));
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
+ Error_Msg_N ("?assumed to be%%", N);
+ end Dim_Warning_For_Numeric_Literal;
-- Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type --
return Dim /= Null_Dimension;
end Exists;
+ function Exists (Str : String_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Str /= No_String;
+ end Exists;
function Exists (Sys : System_Type) return Boolean is
return Sys /= Null_System;
Dims_Of_Actual : Dimension_Type;
Etyp : Entity_Id;
New_Str_Lit : Node_Id := Empty;
- System : System_Type;
+ Symbols : String_Id;
Is_Put_Dim_Of : Boolean := False;
-- This flag is used in order to differentiate routines Put and
-- by the routine From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Dim_Symbols.
if Exists (Dims_Of_Actual) then
- System := System_Of (Base_Type (Etyp));
New_Str_Lit :=
Make_String_Literal (Loc,
- From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Dim_Symbols (Dims_Of_Actual, System));
+ From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Dim_Symbols
+ (Dims_Of_Actual, System_Of (Base_Type (Etyp))));
-- If dimensionless, the output is []
-- Add the symbol as a suffix of the value if the subtype has a
-- unit symbol or if the parameter is not dimensionless.
- if Symbol_Of (Etyp) /= No_String then
+ if Exists (Symbol_Of (Etyp)) then
+ Symbols := Symbol_Of (Etyp);
+ else
+ Symbols := From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Unit_Symbols
+ (Dims_Of_Actual, System_Of (Base_Type (Etyp)));
+ end if;
+ -- Check Symbols exists
+ if Exists (Symbols) then
-- Put a space between the value and the dimension
Store_String_Char (' ');
- Store_String_Chars (Symbol_Of (Etyp));
+ Store_String_Chars (Symbols);
New_Str_Lit := Make_String_Literal (Loc, End_String);
- -- Check that the item is not dimensionless
- -- Create the new String_Literal with the new String_Id generated
- -- by the routine From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Unit_Symbols.
- elsif Exists (Dims_Of_Actual) then
- System := System_Of (Base_Type (Etyp));
- New_Str_Lit :=
- Make_String_Literal (Loc,
- From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Unit_Symbols (Dims_Of_Actual, System));
end if;
end if;
First_Dim : Boolean := True;
- -- Initialization of the new String_Id
+ -- Return No_String if dimensionless
- Start_String;
+ if not Exists (Dims) then
+ return No_String;
+ end if;
- -- Put a space between the value and the symbols
+ -- Initialization of the new String_Id
- Store_String_Char (' ');
+ Start_String;
for Position in Dimension_Type'Range loop
Dim_Power := Dims (Position);
Dims_Of_From : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (From);
+ if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then
+ return;
+ end if;
-- Copy the dimension of 'From to 'To' and remove dimension of 'From'
if Exists (Dims_Of_From) then
end if;
end Remove_Dimensions;
- ------------------------------
- -- Remove_Dimension_In_Call --
- ------------------------------
- procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Call (Call : Node_Id) is
- Actual : Node_Id;
- begin
- if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then
- return;
- end if;
- Actual := First (Parameter_Associations (Call));
- while Present (Actual) loop
- Remove_Dimensions (Actual);
- Next (Actual);
- end loop;
- end Remove_Dimension_In_Call;
-- Remove_Dimension_In_Statement --
Symbol_Table.Set (E, Val);
end Set_Symbol;
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- String_From_Numeric_Literal --
+ ---------------------------------
+ function String_From_Numeric_Literal (N : Node_Id) return String_Id is
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+ Sbuffer : constant Source_Buffer_Ptr :=
+ Source_Text (Get_Source_File_Index (Loc));
+ Src_Ptr : Source_Ptr := Loc;
+ C : Character := Sbuffer (Src_Ptr);
+ -- Current source program character
+ function Belong_To_Numeric_Literal (C : Character) return Boolean;
+ -- Return True if C belongs to a numeric literal
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Belong_To_Numeric_Literal --
+ -------------------------------
+ function Belong_To_Numeric_Literal (C : Character) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case C is
+ when '0' .. '9' |
+ '_' |
+ '.' |
+ 'e' |
+ '#' |
+ 'A' |
+ 'B' |
+ 'C' |
+ 'D' |
+ 'E' |
+ 'F' =>
+ return True;
+ -- Make sure '+' or '-' is part of an exponent.
+ when '+' | '-' =>
+ declare
+ Prev_C : constant Character := Sbuffer (Src_Ptr - 1);
+ begin
+ return Prev_C = 'e' or else Prev_C = 'E';
+ end;
+ -- All other character doesn't belong to a numeric literal
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Belong_To_Numeric_Literal;
+ -- Start of processing for String_From_Numeric_Literal
+ begin
+ Start_String;
+ while Belong_To_Numeric_Literal (C) loop
+ Store_String_Char (C);
+ Src_Ptr := Src_Ptr + 1;
+ C := Sbuffer (Src_Ptr);
+ end loop;
+ return End_String;
+ end String_From_Numeric_Literal;
-- Symbol_Of --
function Symbol_Of (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id is
+ Subtype_Symbol : constant String_Id := Symbol_Table.Get (E);
- return Symbol_Table.Get (E);
+ if Subtype_Symbol /= No_String then
+ return Subtype_Symbol;
+ else
+ return From_Dim_To_Str_Of_Unit_Symbols
+ (Dimensions_Of (E), System_Of (Base_Type (E)));
+ end if;
end Symbol_Of;
return Null_System;
end System_Of;
end Sem_Dim;