zypp/pool/Makefile \
zypp/solver/Makefile \
zypp/solver/detail/Makefile \
- zypp/source/Makefile \
+ zypp/cache/Makefile \
+ zypp/cache/sqlite3x/Makefile
+ zypp/source/Makefile \
zypp/source/plaindir/Makefile \
zypp/source/susetags/Makefile \
zypp/source/yum/Makefile \
#include <zypp/TranslatedText.h>
-#include <zypp/parser/yum/YUMParser.h>
#include <zypp/base/Logger.h>
-#include <zypp/NVRAD.h>
-#include <zypp/target/rpm/RpmDb.h>
-#include <zypp/source/yum/YUMScriptImpl.h>
-#include <zypp/source/yum/YUMMessageImpl.h>
-#include <zypp/source/yum/YUMPackageImpl.h>
-#include <zypp/source/yum/YUMSourceImpl.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
-#include <zypp/CapFactory.h>
-#include <zypp/KeyRing.h>
-#include <zypp/PublicKey.h>
+#include "zypp/CapFactory.h"
+#include "zypp/KeyRing.h"
+#include "zypp/PublicKey.h"
+#include "zypp/cache/KnownSourcesCache.h"
using namespace zypp::detail;
using namespace std;
using namespace zypp;
-using namespace zypp::parser::yum;
-using namespace zypp::source::yum;
//using namespace DbXml;
int main()
- zypp::devel::PublicKey k("/suse/dmacvicar/duncan.txt");
- cout << k.id() << std::endl;
- cout << k.fingerprint() << std::endl;
- cout << k.name() << std::endl;
+ cache::KnownSourcesCache("/");
## ##################################################
SUBDIRS = base thread url media capability detail pool parser \
- source target solver zypp_detail ui
+ source cache target solver zypp_detail ui
pool/lib@PACKAGE@_pool.la \
parser/lib@PACKAGE@_parser.la \
source/lib@PACKAGE@_source.la \
+ cache/lib@PACKAGE@_cache.la \
media/lib@PACKAGE@_media.la \
url/lib@PACKAGE@_url.la \
target/lib@PACKAGE@_target.la \
--- /dev/null
+| ____ _ __ __ ___ |
+| |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
+| / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
+| / /__ | | | | | | |
+| /_____||_| |_| |_| |
+| |
+#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
+#include "zypp/cache/KnownSourcesCache.h"
+#include "zypp/target/store/PersistentStorage.h"
+#include "zypp/cache/sqlite3x/sqlite3x.hpp"
+#define ZYPP_DB_FILE "/var/lib/zypp/zypp.db"
+using namespace sqlite3x;
+using namespace std;
+namespace zypp
+{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+namespace cache
+{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+KnownSourcesCache::KnownSourcesCache( const Pathname &root_r )
+ try
+ {
+ sqlite3_connection con(ZYPP_DB_FILE);
+ {
+ int count = con.executeint("select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='sources';");
+ if( count==0 )
+ {
+ con.executenonquery("create table sources ( id integer primary key autoincrement, alias varchar, url varchar, description varchar, enabled integer, autorefresh integer, type varchar, cachedir varchar, path varchar);");
+ try
+ {
+ // import old sources
+ storage::PersistentStorage store;
+ store.init( root_r );
+ source::SourceInfoList old_sources = store.storedSources();
+ for ( source::SourceInfoList::const_iterator it = old_sources.begin(); it != old_sources.end(); it++ )
+ {
+ storeSource( *it );
+ }
+ }
+ catch(std::exception &e)
+ {
+ ERR << "Exception Occured: " << e.what() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ con.close();
+ }
+ catch(exception &ex) {
+ ERR << "Exception Occured: " << ex.what() << endl;
+ }
+source::SourceInfoList KnownSourcesCache::knownSources() const
+ return source::SourceInfoList();
+void KnownSourcesCache::storeSource( const source::SourceInfo &info )
+ try
+ {
+ sqlite3_connection con(ZYPP_DB_FILE);
+ sqlite3_transaction trans(con);
+ {
+ sqlite3_command cmd(con, "insert into sources ( alias, url, description, enabled, autorefresh, type, cachedir, path) values ( ?, ?, ?, ? , ?, ?, ?, ?);");
+ cmd.bind(1, info.alias());
+ cmd.bind(2, info.url().asCompleteString());
+ // FIXME
+ cmd.bind(4, info.enabled() ? 1 : 0 );
+ cmd.bind(5, info.autorefresh() ? 1 : 0 );
+ cmd.bind(6, info.type());
+ cmd.bind(6, info.cacheDir().asString());
+ cmd.bind(7, info.path().asString());
+ cmd.executenonquery();
+ }
+ trans.commit(); // note: if trans goes out of scope (due to an exception or anything else) before calling commit(), it will automatically rollback()
+ con.close();
+ }
+ catch(exception &ex) {
+ ERR << "Exception Occured: " << ex.what() << endl;
+ }
+std::ostream & KnownSourcesCache::dumpOn( std::ostream & str ) const
+ return str;
--- /dev/null
+| ____ _ __ __ ___ |
+| |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
+| / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
+| / /__ | | | | | | |
+| /_____||_| |_| |_| |
+| |
+/** \file zypp/KnownSourcesCache.h
+ *
+#ifndef ZYPP_KnownSourcesCache_H
+#define ZYPP_KnownSourcesCache_H
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <string>
+#include "zypp/base/ReferenceCounted.h"
+#include "zypp/base/NonCopyable.h"
+#include "zypp/base/PtrTypes.h"
+#include "zypp/source/SourceInfo.h"
+#include "zypp/Pathname.h"
+namespace zypp
+{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ namespace cache
+ { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ DEFINE_PTR_TYPE(KnownSourcesCache);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // CLASS NAME : KnownSourcesCache
+ //
+ class KnownSourcesCache : public base::ReferenceCounted, private base::NonCopyable
+ {
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const KnownSourcesCache & obj );
+ public:
+ /** root path */
+ KnownSourcesCache( const Pathname &root_r );
+ ~KnownSourcesCache();
+ source::SourceInfoList knownSources() const;
+ void storeSource( const source::SourceInfo &info );
+ protected:
+ /** Overload to realize stream output. */
+ virtual std::ostream & dumpOn( std::ostream & str ) const;
+ //typedef std::map<media::MediaNr, media::MediaAccessId> MediaMap
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /** \relates KnownSourcesCache Stream output */
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const KnownSourcesCache & obj )
+ { return obj.dumpOn( str ); }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ } // namespace cache
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+} // namespace zypp
+#endif // ZYPP_SOURCE_KnownSourcesCache_H
--- /dev/null
+SUBDIRS = sqlite3x
+## ##################################################
+cacheincludedir = $(pkgincludedir)/cache
+cacheinclude_HEADERS = KnownSourcesCache.h
+## ##################################################
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = lib@PACKAGE@_cache.la
+## ##################################################
+lib@PACKAGE@_cache_la_SOURCES = KnownSourcesCache.cpp
+lib@PACKAGE@_cache_la_LIBADD = sqlite3x/lib@PACKAGE@_sqlite3x.la
+## hal/lib@PACKAGE@_cache_hal.la \
+## modalias/lib@PACKAGE@_cache_modalias.la \
+## store/lib@PACKAGE@_cache_store.la
--- /dev/null
+## ##################################################
+sqlite3xincludedir = $(pkgincludedir)/sqlite3x
+sqlite3xinclude_HEADERS = sqlite3x.hpp
+## ##################################################
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = lib@PACKAGE@_sqlite3x.la
+## ##################################################
+lib@PACKAGE@_sqlite3x_la_SOURCES = sqlite3x_command.cpp sqlite3x_connection.cpp \
+ sqlite3x_exception.cpp sqlite3x_reader.cpp sqlite3x_transaction.cpp
+lib@PACKAGE@_sqlite3x_la_LDFLAGS = -lsqlite3 @LIBZYPP_VERSION_INFO@
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Cory Nelson\r
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+ arising from the use of this software.\r
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\r
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\r
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\r
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\r
+ appreciated but is not required.\r
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\r
+ misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\r
+ \r
+ CVS Info :\r
+ $Author: phrostbyte $\r
+ $Date: 2005/06/16 20:46:40 $\r
+ $Revision: 1.1 $\r
+#ifndef __SQLITE3X_HPP__\r
+#define __SQLITE3X_HPP__\r
+#include <string>\r
+#include <exception>\r
+#include <stdexcept>\r
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>\r
+namespace sqlite3x\r
+ class sqlite3_connection : boost::noncopyable\r
+ {\r
+ private:\r
+ friend class sqlite3_command;\r
+ friend class database_error;\r
+ struct sqlite3 *db;\r
+ public:\r
+ sqlite3_connection();\r
+ sqlite3_connection(const char *db);\r
+ sqlite3_connection(const wchar_t *db);\r
+ ~sqlite3_connection();\r
+ void open(const char *db);\r
+ void open(const wchar_t *db);\r
+ void close();\r
+ long long insertid();\r
+ void setbusytimeout(int ms);\r
+ void executenonquery(const char *sql);\r
+ void executenonquery(const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ void executenonquery(const std::string &sql);\r
+ void executenonquery(const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ int executeint(const char *sql);\r
+ int executeint(const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ int executeint(const std::string &sql);\r
+ int executeint(const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ long long executeint64(const char *sql);\r
+ long long executeint64(const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ long long executeint64(const std::string &sql);\r
+ long long executeint64(const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ double executedouble(const char *sql);\r
+ double executedouble(const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ double executedouble(const std::string &sql);\r
+ double executedouble(const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ std::string executestring(const char *sql);\r
+ std::string executestring(const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ std::string executestring(const std::string &sql);\r
+ std::string executestring(const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ std::wstring executestring16(const char *sql);\r
+ std::wstring executestring16(const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ std::wstring executestring16(const std::string &sql);\r
+ std::wstring executestring16(const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ std::string executeblob(const char *sql);\r
+ std::string executeblob(const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ std::string executeblob(const std::string &sql);\r
+ std::string executeblob(const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ };\r
+ class sqlite3_command;\r
+ class database_error : public std::runtime_error {\r
+ public:\r
+ database_error(const char *msg);\r
+ database_error(sqlite3_connection &con);\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+ class sqlite3_transaction : boost::noncopyable {\r
+ private:\r
+ sqlite3_connection &con;\r
+ bool intrans;\r
+ public:\r
+ sqlite3_transaction(sqlite3_connection &con, bool start=true);\r
+ ~sqlite3_transaction();\r
+ void begin();\r
+ void commit();\r
+ void rollback();\r
+ };\r
+ class sqlite3_reader {\r
+ private:\r
+ friend class sqlite3_command;\r
+ sqlite3_command *cmd;\r
+ sqlite3_reader(sqlite3_command *cmd);\r
+ public:\r
+ sqlite3_reader();\r
+ sqlite3_reader(const sqlite3_reader ©);\r
+ ~sqlite3_reader();\r
+ sqlite3_reader& operator=(const sqlite3_reader ©);\r
+ bool read();\r
+ void reset();\r
+ void close();\r
+ int getint(int index);\r
+ long long getint64(int index);\r
+ double getdouble(int index);\r
+ std::string getstring(int index);\r
+ std::wstring getstring16(int index);\r
+ std::string getblob(int index);\r
+ std::string getcolname(int index);\r
+ std::wstring getcolname16(int index);\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+ class sqlite3_command : boost::noncopyable {\r
+ private:\r
+ friend class sqlite3_reader;\r
+ sqlite3_connection &con;\r
+ struct sqlite3_stmt *stmt;\r
+ unsigned int refs;\r
+ int argc;\r
+ public:\r
+ sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const char *sql);\r
+ sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const wchar_t *sql);\r
+ sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const std::string &sql);\r
+ sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const std::wstring &sql);\r
+ ~sqlite3_command();\r
+ void bind(int index);\r
+ void bind(int index, int data);\r
+ void bind(int index, long long data);\r
+ void bind(int index, double data);\r
+ void bind(int index, const char *data, int datalen);\r
+ void bind(int index, const wchar_t *data, int datalen);\r
+ void bind(int index, const void *data, int datalen);\r
+ void bind(int index, const std::string &data);\r
+ void bind(int index, const std::wstring &data);\r
+ sqlite3_reader executereader();\r
+ void executenonquery();\r
+ int executeint();\r
+ long long executeint64();\r
+ double executedouble();\r
+ std::string executestring();\r
+ std::wstring executestring16();\r
+ std::string executeblob();\r
+ };\r
+ \r
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Cory Nelson\r
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+ arising from the use of this software.\r
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\r
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\r
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\r
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\r
+ appreciated but is not required.\r
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\r
+ misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\r
+ \r
+ CVS Info :\r
+ $Author: phrostbyte $\r
+ $Date: 2005/06/16 20:46:40 $\r
+ $Revision: 1.1 $\r
+#include <sqlite3.h>\r
+#include "sqlite3x.hpp"\r
+namespace sqlite3x {\r
+sqlite3_command::sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const char *sql) : con(con),refs(0) {\r
+ const char *tail=NULL;\r
+ if(sqlite3_prepare(con.db, sql, -1, &this->stmt, &tail)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(con);\r
+ this->argc=sqlite3_column_count(this->stmt);\r
+sqlite3_command::sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const wchar_t *sql) : con(con),refs(0) {\r
+ const wchar_t *tail=NULL;\r
+ if(sqlite3_prepare16(con.db, sql, -1, &this->stmt, (const void**)&tail)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(con);\r
+ this->argc=sqlite3_column_count(this->stmt);\r
+sqlite3_command::sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const std::string &sql) : con(con),refs(0) {\r
+ const char *tail=NULL;\r
+ if(sqlite3_prepare(con.db, sql.data(), (int)sql.length(), &this->stmt, &tail)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(con);\r
+ this->argc=sqlite3_column_count(this->stmt);\r
+sqlite3_command::sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const std::wstring &sql) : con(con),refs(0) {\r
+ const wchar_t *tail=NULL;\r
+ if(sqlite3_prepare16(con.db, sql.data(), (int)sql.length()*2, &this->stmt, (const void**)&tail)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(con);\r
+ this->argc=sqlite3_column_count(this->stmt);\r
+sqlite3_command::~sqlite3_command() {\r
+ sqlite3_finalize(this->stmt);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_null(this->stmt, index)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, int data) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_int(this->stmt, index, data)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, long long data) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_int64(this->stmt, index, data)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, double data) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_double(this->stmt, index, data)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, const char *data, int datalen) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_text(this->stmt, index, data, datalen, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, const wchar_t *data, int datalen) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_text16(this->stmt, index, data, datalen, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, const void *data, int datalen) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_blob(this->stmt, index, data, datalen, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, const std::string &data) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_text(this->stmt, index, data.data(), (int)data.length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, const std::wstring &data) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_bind_text16(this->stmt, index, data.data(), (int)data.length()*2, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->con);\r
+sqlite3_reader sqlite3_command::executereader() {\r
+ return sqlite3_reader(this);\r
+void sqlite3_command::executenonquery() {\r
+ this->executereader().read();\r
+int sqlite3_command::executeint() {\r
+ sqlite3_reader reader=this->executereader();\r
+ if(!reader.read()) throw database_error("nothing to read");\r
+ return reader.getint(0);\r
+long long sqlite3_command::executeint64() {\r
+ sqlite3_reader reader=this->executereader();\r
+ if(!reader.read()) throw database_error("nothing to read");\r
+ return reader.getint64(0);\r
+double sqlite3_command::executedouble() {\r
+ sqlite3_reader reader=this->executereader();\r
+ if(!reader.read()) throw database_error("nothing to read");\r
+ return reader.getdouble(0);\r
+std::string sqlite3_command::executestring() {\r
+ sqlite3_reader reader=this->executereader();\r
+ if(!reader.read()) throw database_error("nothing to read");\r
+ return reader.getstring(0);\r
+std::wstring sqlite3_command::executestring16() {\r
+ sqlite3_reader reader=this->executereader();\r
+ if(!reader.read()) throw database_error("nothing to read");\r
+ return reader.getstring16(0);\r
+std::string sqlite3_command::executeblob() {\r
+ sqlite3_reader reader=this->executereader();\r
+ if(!reader.read()) throw database_error("nothing to read");\r
+ return reader.getblob(0);\r
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Cory Nelson\r
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+ arising from the use of this software.\r
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\r
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\r
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\r
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\r
+ appreciated but is not required.\r
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\r
+ misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\r
+ \r
+ CVS Info :\r
+ $Author: phrostbyte $\r
+ $Date: 2005/06/16 20:46:40 $\r
+ $Revision: 1.1 $\r
+#include <sqlite3.h>\r
+#include "sqlite3x.hpp"\r
+namespace sqlite3x {\r
+sqlite3_connection::sqlite3_connection() : db(NULL) {}\r
+sqlite3_connection::sqlite3_connection(const char *db) : db(NULL) { this->open(db); }\r
+sqlite3_connection::sqlite3_connection(const wchar_t *db) : db(NULL) { this->open(db); }\r
+sqlite3_connection::~sqlite3_connection() { if(this->db) sqlite3_close(this->db); }\r
+void sqlite3_connection::open(const char *db) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_open(db, &this->db)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error("unable to open database");\r
+void sqlite3_connection::open(const wchar_t *db) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_open16(db, &this->db)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error("unable to open database");\r
+void sqlite3_connection::close() {\r
+ if(this->db) {\r
+ if(sqlite3_close(this->db)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(*this);\r
+ this->db=NULL;\r
+ }\r
+long long sqlite3_connection::insertid() {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(this->db);\r
+void sqlite3_connection::setbusytimeout(int ms) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ if(sqlite3_busy_timeout(this->db, ms)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(*this);\r
+void sqlite3_connection::executenonquery(const char *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executenonquery();\r
+void sqlite3_connection::executenonquery(const wchar_t *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executenonquery();\r
+void sqlite3_connection::executenonquery(const std::string &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executenonquery();\r
+void sqlite3_connection::executenonquery(const std::wstring &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executenonquery();\r
+int sqlite3_connection::executeint(const char *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint();\r
+int sqlite3_connection::executeint(const wchar_t *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint();\r
+int sqlite3_connection::executeint(const std::string &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint();\r
+int sqlite3_connection::executeint(const std::wstring &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint();\r
+long long sqlite3_connection::executeint64(const char *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint64();\r
+long long sqlite3_connection::executeint64(const wchar_t *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint64();\r
+long long sqlite3_connection::executeint64(const std::string &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint64();\r
+long long sqlite3_connection::executeint64(const std::wstring &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeint64();\r
+double sqlite3_connection::executedouble(const char *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executedouble();\r
+double sqlite3_connection::executedouble(const wchar_t *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executedouble();\r
+double sqlite3_connection::executedouble(const std::string &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executedouble();\r
+double sqlite3_connection::executedouble(const std::wstring &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executedouble();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executestring(const char *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executestring(const wchar_t *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executestring(const std::string &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executestring(const std::wstring &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring();\r
+std::wstring sqlite3_connection::executestring16(const char *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring16();\r
+std::wstring sqlite3_connection::executestring16(const wchar_t *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring16();\r
+std::wstring sqlite3_connection::executestring16(const std::string &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring16();\r
+std::wstring sqlite3_connection::executestring16(const std::wstring &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executestring16();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executeblob(const char *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeblob();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executeblob(const wchar_t *sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeblob();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executeblob(const std::string &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeblob();\r
+std::string sqlite3_connection::executeblob(const std::wstring &sql) {\r
+ if(!this->db) throw database_error("database is not open");\r
+ return sqlite3_command(*this, sql).executeblob();\r
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Cory Nelson\r
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+ arising from the use of this software.\r
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\r
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\r
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\r
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\r
+ appreciated but is not required.\r
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\r
+ misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\r
+ \r
+ CVS Info :\r
+ $Author: phrostbyte $\r
+ $Date: 2005/06/16 20:46:40 $\r
+ $Revision: 1.1 $\r
+#include <sqlite3.h>\r
+#include "sqlite3x.hpp"\r
+namespace sqlite3x {\r
+database_error::database_error(const char *msg) : runtime_error(msg) {}\r
+database_error::database_error(sqlite3_connection &con) : runtime_error(sqlite3_errmsg(con.db)) {}\r
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Cory Nelson\r
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+ arising from the use of this software.\r
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\r
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\r
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\r
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\r
+ appreciated but is not required.\r
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\r
+ misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\r
+ \r
+ CVS Info :\r
+ $Author: phrostbyte $\r
+ $Date: 2005/06/16 20:46:40 $\r
+ $Revision: 1.1 $\r
+#include <sqlite3.h>\r
+#include "sqlite3x.hpp"\r
+namespace sqlite3x {\r
+sqlite3_reader::sqlite3_reader() : cmd(NULL) {}\r
+sqlite3_reader::sqlite3_reader(const sqlite3_reader ©) : cmd(copy.cmd) {\r
+ if(this->cmd) ++this->cmd->refs;\r
+sqlite3_reader::sqlite3_reader(sqlite3_command *cmd) : cmd(cmd) {\r
+ ++cmd->refs;\r
+sqlite3_reader::~sqlite3_reader() {\r
+ this->close();\r
+sqlite3_reader& sqlite3_reader::operator=(const sqlite3_reader ©) {\r
+ this->close();\r
+ this->cmd=copy.cmd;\r
+ if(this->cmd) ++this->cmd->refs;\r
+ return *this;\r
+bool sqlite3_reader::read() {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ switch(sqlite3_step(this->cmd->stmt)) {\r
+ case SQLITE_ROW:\r
+ return true;\r
+ case SQLITE_DONE:\r
+ return false;\r
+ default:\r
+ throw database_error(this->cmd->con);\r
+ }\r
+void sqlite3_reader::reset() {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if(sqlite3_reset(this->cmd->stmt)!=SQLITE_OK)\r
+ throw database_error(this->cmd->con);\r
+void sqlite3_reader::close() {\r
+ if(this->cmd) {\r
+ if(--this->cmd->refs==0) sqlite3_reset(this->cmd->stmt);\r
+ this->cmd=NULL;\r
+ }\r
+int sqlite3_reader::getint(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return sqlite3_column_int(this->cmd->stmt, index);\r
+long long sqlite3_reader::getint64(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return sqlite3_column_int64(this->cmd->stmt, index);\r
+double sqlite3_reader::getdouble(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return sqlite3_column_double(this->cmd->stmt, index);\r
+std::string sqlite3_reader::getstring(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return std::string((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(this->cmd->stmt, index), sqlite3_column_bytes(this->cmd->stmt, index));\r
+std::wstring sqlite3_reader::getstring16(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return std::wstring((const wchar_t*)sqlite3_column_text16(this->cmd->stmt, index), sqlite3_column_bytes16(this->cmd->stmt, index)/2);\r
+std::string sqlite3_reader::getblob(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return std::string((const char*)sqlite3_column_blob(this->cmd->stmt, index), sqlite3_column_bytes(this->cmd->stmt, index));\r
+std::string sqlite3_reader::getcolname(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return sqlite3_column_name(this->cmd->stmt, index);\r
+std::wstring sqlite3_reader::getcolname16(int index) {\r
+ if(!this->cmd) throw database_error("reader is closed");\r
+ if((index)>(this->cmd->argc-1)) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range");\r
+ return (const wchar_t*)sqlite3_column_name16(this->cmd->stmt, index);\r
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Cory Nelson\r
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+ arising from the use of this software.\r
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\r
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\r
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\r
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\r
+ appreciated but is not required.\r
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\r
+ misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\r
+ \r
+ CVS Info :\r
+ $Author: phrostbyte $\r
+ $Date: 2005/06/16 20:46:40 $\r
+ $Revision: 1.1 $\r
+#include <sqlite3.h>\r
+#include "sqlite3x.hpp"\r
+namespace sqlite3x {\r
+sqlite3_transaction::sqlite3_transaction(sqlite3_connection &con, bool start) : con(con),intrans(false) {\r
+ if(start) begin();\r
+sqlite3_transaction::~sqlite3_transaction() {\r
+ if(intrans) {\r
+ try {\r
+ rollback();\r
+ }\r
+ catch(...) {\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+void sqlite3_transaction::begin() {\r
+ con.executenonquery("begin;");\r
+ intrans=true;\r
+void sqlite3_transaction::commit() {\r
+ con.executenonquery("commit;");\r
+ intrans=false;\r
+void sqlite3_transaction::rollback() {\r
+ con.executenonquery("rollback;");\r
+ intrans=false;\r