--- /dev/null
-void JniBundleResource::handleSetAttributesRequest(RCSResourceAttributes &attrs){
+ //******************************************************************
+ //
+ // Copyright 2015 Samsung Electronics All Rights Reserved.
+ //
+ //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+ //
+ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ // You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ //
+ // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ //
+ // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ // limitations under the License.
+ //
+ //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+ #include "JniBundleResource.h"
+ #include "JniRcsResourceAttributes.h"
+ #include "JavaClasses.h"
+ #include "JavaLocalRef.h"
+ #include "JNIEnvWrapper.h"
+ #include "JniRcsValue.h"
+ #include <jni.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include "Log.h"
+ #define LOG_TAG "JNI-JniBundleResource"
+ using namespace OIC::Service;
+ using namespace std;
+ namespace
+ {
+ jclass g_cls_RCSBundleInfo;
+ jfieldID g_field_mNativeHandle;
+ }
+ void initRCSJniBundleResource(JNIEnvWrapper *env)
+ {
+ auto clsJniBundleResource = env->FindClass(PACKAGE_NAME "/BundleResource");
+ g_field_mNativeHandle = env->GetFieldID(clsJniBundleResource, "mNativeHandle", "J");
+ }
+ JniBundleResource::JniBundleResource()
+ {
+ }
+ void JniBundleResource::initAttributes()
+ {
+ }
+ JniBundleResource::JniBundleResource(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource,
+ string bundleId, jobjectArray attributes)
+ {
+ LOGD("Creating android resource, bundleId: %s", bundleId.c_str());
+ (void) obj;
+ m_env = env;
+ int stringCount = m_env->GetArrayLength(attributes);
+ LOGD("string count is %d", stringCount);
+ LOGD("Get java vm.");
+ int jvmAccess = m_env->GetJavaVM(&m_jvm);
+ for (int i = 0; i < stringCount; i++)
+ {
+ jstring str = (jstring) m_env->GetObjectArrayElement(attributes, i);
+ const char *rawString = m_env->GetStringUTFChars(str, 0);
+ string s(rawString, strlen(rawString));
+ JniBundleResource::setAttribute(s, "");
+ m_env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(str, rawString);
+ m_env->DeleteLocalRef(str);
+ LOGD("Deleting and releasing resources - JNI bundle resource");
+ }
+ m_bundleId = bundleId;
+ this->m_bundleResource = m_env->NewGlobalRef(bundleResource);
+ m_bundleResourceClass = (jclass) m_env->NewGlobalRef(m_env->GetObjectClass(bundleResource));
+ LOGD("Looking for setter.");
+ m_attributeSetRequestHandler = m_env->GetMethodID(m_bundleResourceClass,
+ "handleSetAttributesRequest",
+ "(Lorg/iotivity/service/resourcecontainer/RcsResourceAttributes;)V");
+ LOGD("Looking for getter.");
+ m_attributeGetRequestHandler = m_env->GetMethodID(m_bundleResourceClass,
+ "handleGetAttributesRequest",
+ "()Lorg/iotivity/service/resourcecontainer/RcsResourceAttributes;");
+ LOGD("Looking for onUpdatedInputResource.");
+ m_superclass = (jclass) m_env->NewGlobalRef(m_env->GetSuperclass(m_bundleResourceClass));
+ m_classClass = (jclass) m_env->NewGlobalRef(m_env->FindClass("java/lang/Class"));
+ m_vectorClazz = (jclass) m_env->NewGlobalRef(m_env->FindClass("java/util/Vector"));
+ if (m_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+ m_env->ExceptionDescribe();
+ }
+ if (m_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+ m_env->ExceptionDescribe();
+ }
+ if(m_classClass != NULL){
+ // Find the getName() method on the class object
+ jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(m_classClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
+ // Call the getName() to get a jstring object back
+ if(m_superclass != NULL){
+ jstring strObj = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(m_superclass, mid);
+ // Now get the c string from the java jstring object
+ const char* str = env->GetStringUTFChars(strObj, NULL);
+ LOGD("Name of super class is %s", str);
+ //check for softsensor resource
+ if(strcmp("org.iotivity.service.resourcecontainer.BundleSoftSensorResource", str) == 0){
+ m_onUpdatedInputResource = m_env->GetMethodID(m_bundleResourceClass,
+ "onUpdatedInputResource", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Vector;)V");
+ if (m_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+ m_env->ExceptionDescribe();
+ }
+ LOGD("Looking up vector add method.");
+ if(m_vectorClazz != NULL){
+ m_vectorAddMethod = m_env->GetMethodID(m_vectorClazz, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
+ if (m_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+ m_env->ExceptionDescribe();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LOGD("Deleting and releasing resources - JNIBundleResource 2");
+ m_env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(strObj, str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ JniBundleResource::~JniBundleResource()
+ {
+ }
+ RCSResourceAttributes::Value JniBundleResource::handleGetAttributeRequest(
+ const std::string &attributeName)
+ {
+ LOGD("handleGetAttributeRequest called2");
+ LOGD("Attaching thread now");
+ int attached = m_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&m_env, NULL);
+ if(attached>0)
+ {
+ LOGE("Failed to attach thread to JavaVM");
+ }
+ else{
+ if(m_attributeGetRequestHandler != NULL){
+ jstring attrName = m_env->NewStringUTF(attributeName.c_str());
+ auto responseObj = m_env->CallObjectMethod(m_bundleResource,
+ m_attributeGetRequestHandler, attrName);
+ if (responseObj)
+ {
+ LOGD("parsing attributes");
+ RCSResourceAttributes attrs = toNativeAttributes(m_env, responseObj);
+ LOGD("Received attributes %d", attrs.size());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return JniBundleResource::getAttribute(attributeName);
+ }
+ void JniBundleResource::handleSetAttributeRequest(const std::string &attributeName,
+ RCSResourceAttributes::Value &&value)
+ {
+ if(m_attributeSetRequestHandler != NULL){
+ jstring attrName = m_env->NewStringUTF(attributeName.c_str());
+ jstring val = m_env->NewStringUTF(value.toString().c_str());
+ //LOGD("handleSetAttributeRequest calling object method %d", &m_attributeSetRequestHandler);
+ m_env->CallObjectMethod(m_bundleResource, m_attributeSetRequestHandler, attrName, val);
+ }
+ JniBundleResource::setAttribute(attributeName, std::move(value));
+ }
-RCSResourceAttributes & JniBundleResource::handleGetAttributesRequest()
++void JniBundleResource::handleSetAttributesRequest(const RCSResourceAttributes &attrs){
+ LOGD("handleSetAttributesRequest called %d", attrs.size());
+ //m_env->CallObjectMethod(m_bundleResource, m_attributeSetRequestHandler, attrName, val);
+ //JniBundleResource::setAttribute(attributeName, std::move(value));
+ if(m_attributeSetRequestHandler != NULL && m_bundleResource != NULL){
+ int attached = m_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&m_env, NULL);
+ if(attached>0)
+ {
+ LOGE("Failed to attach thread to JavaVM");
+ }
+ else{
+ LOGD("Creating resource attributes for JNI.");
+ m_env->MonitorEnter(m_bundleResource);
+ auto jniRcsAttributes = newAttributesObject(m_env, attrs);
+ LOGD("jobject created. calling");
+ m_env->CallVoidMethod(m_bundleResource,
+ m_attributeSetRequestHandler, jniRcsAttributes);
+ JniBundleResource::setAttributes(attrs);
+ m_env->MonitorExit(m_bundleResource);
+ m_jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
+ }
+ }
+ }
- RCSResourceAttributes attrs = toNativeAttributes(m_env, responseObj);
++RCSResourceAttributes JniBundleResource::handleGetAttributesRequest()
+ {
+ LOGD("handleGetAttributesRequest");
+ if(m_attributeGetRequestHandler != NULL && m_bundleResource != NULL){
+ LOGD("attaching thread");
+ int attached = m_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&m_env, NULL);
+ if(attached>0)
+ {
+ LOGE("Failed to attach thread to JavaVM");
+ }
+ else{
+ LOGD("attached, calling get request handler");
+ auto responseObj = m_env->CallObjectMethod(m_bundleResource,
+ m_attributeGetRequestHandler);
+ if (responseObj)
+ {
+ LOGD("parsing attributes");
+ m_env->MonitorEnter(m_bundleResource);
+ LOGD("to native attributes");
++ const RCSResourceAttributes attrs = toNativeAttributes(m_env, responseObj);
+ LOGD("Received attributes %d", attrs.size());
+ JniBundleResource::setAttributes(attrs, false);
+ m_env->MonitorExit(m_bundleResource);
+ }
+ m_jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
+ }
+ LOGD("JniBundleResource::getAttributes().size() %d",
+ JniBundleResource::getAttributes().size());
+ }
+ return JniBundleResource::getAttributes();
+ }
+ void JniBundleResource::executeLogic(){
+ }
+ void JniBundleResource::onUpdatedInputResource(const std::string attributeName,
+ std::vector<RCSResourceAttributes::Value> values){
+ LOGD("onUpdatedInputResource");
+ if(m_vectorClazz == NULL || m_classClass == NULL){
+ return;
+ }
+ int attached = m_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&m_env, NULL);
+ jobject valueObj;
+ if(attached>0)
+ {
+ LOGE("Failed to attach thread to JavaVM");
+ }
+ else{
+ jobject obj = m_env->NewObject(m_vectorClazz,
+ m_env->GetMethodID(m_vectorClazz, "<init>", "()V"));
+ LOGD("Looking up vector add method.");
+ jmethodID m_vectorAddMethod = m_env->GetMethodID(m_vectorClazz, "add",
+ "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
+ if (m_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+ m_env->ExceptionDescribe();
+ }
+ if(m_vectorAddMethod == NULL){
+ m_jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int n=0;n<values.size();n++)
+ {
+ valueObj = newRCSValueObject(m_env, values[n]);
+ m_env->CallBooleanMethod(obj, m_vectorAddMethod, valueObj);
+ }
+ // Find the getName() method on the class object
+ jmethodID mid = m_env->GetMethodID(m_classClass, "getName",
+ "()Ljava/lang/String;");
+ // Call the getName() to get a jstring object back
+ if(m_superclass == NULL || mid == NULL){
+ m_jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
+ return;
+ }
+ jstring strObj = (jstring)m_env->CallObjectMethod(m_superclass, mid);
+ // Now get the c string from the java jstring object
+ if(strObj == NULL){
+ m_jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
+ return;
+ }
+ const char* str = m_env->GetStringUTFChars(strObj, NULL);
+ LOGD("Name of super class is %s", str);
+ jstring attrName = m_env->NewStringUTF(attributeName.c_str());
+ //check for softsensor resource
+ if(strcmp("org.iotivity.service.resourcecontainer.BundleSoftSensorResource", str) == 0){
+ jmethodID m_onUpdatedInputResource = m_env->GetMethodID(m_bundleResourceClass,
+ "onUpdatedInputResource", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Vector;)V");
+ if(m_onUpdatedInputResource != NULL){
+ m_env->MonitorEnter(m_bundleResource);
+ m_env->CallVoidMethod(m_bundleResource,
+ m_onUpdatedInputResource, attrName, obj);
+ m_env->MonitorExit(m_bundleResource);
+ if (m_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+ m_env->ExceptionDescribe();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LOGD("Deleting and releasing resources - onUpdatedInputResource");
+ m_env->DeleteLocalRef(attrName);
+ m_env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(strObj, str);
+ if (m_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+ m_env->ExceptionDescribe();
+ }
+ m_jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
+ }
+ LOGD("JniBundleResource::getAttributes().size() %d", JniBundleResource::getAttributes().size());
+ }
+ JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_service_resourcecontainer_BundleResource_updateNativeInstance
+ (JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject updates)
+ {
+ LOGD("updateNativeInstance");
+ BundleResource* JniBundleResource =
+ reinterpret_cast<BundleResource*>(env->GetLongField(obj, g_field_mNativeHandle));
+ RCSResourceAttributes attrs = toNativeAttributes(env, updates);
+ LOGD("Received attributes %d", attrs.size());
+ JniBundleResource->setAttributes(attrs, true);
+ }
--- /dev/null
- virtual void handleSetAttributesRequest(RCSResourceAttributes &attrs);
+ //******************************************************************
+ //
+ // Copyright 2015 Samsung Electronics All Rights Reserved.
+ //
+ //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+ //
+ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ // You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ //
+ // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ //
+ // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ // limitations under the License.
+ //
+ //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+ #include <map>
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <jni.h>
+ #include "BundleResource.h"
+ #include "SoftSensorResource.h"
+ #include "ResourceContainerImpl.h"
+ #include <jni.h>
+ class JNIEnvWrapper;
+ void initRCSJniBundleResource(JNIEnvWrapper *);
+ using namespace std;
+ namespace OIC
+ {
+ namespace Service
+ {
+ class JniBundleResource: public SoftSensorResource
+ {
+ public:
+ JniBundleResource();
+ JniBundleResource(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource, string bundleId,
+ jobjectArray attributes);
+ virtual ~JniBundleResource();
+ void handleSetAttributeRequest(const std::string& key,
+ RCSResourceAttributes::Value&&);
+ RCSResourceAttributes::Value handleGetAttributeRequest(const std::string& key);
- virtual RCSResourceAttributes& handleGetAttributesRequest();
++ virtual void handleSetAttributesRequest(const RCSResourceAttributes &attrs);
++ virtual RCSResourceAttributes handleGetAttributesRequest();
+ /**
+ * SoftSensor logic. Has to be provided by the soft sensor developer.
+ * This function will be executed if an input attribute is updated.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ virtual void executeLogic();
+ /**
+ * Callback from the client module in the container.
+ * This function will be called if input data from remote resources are updated.
+ * SoftSensor resource can get a vector of input data from multiple input resources
+ * which have attributeName that softsensor needs to execute its logic.
+ *
+ * @param attributeName Attribute key of input data
+ *
+ * @param values Vector of input data value
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ virtual void onUpdatedInputResource(const std::string attributeName,
+ std::vector<RCSResourceAttributes::Value> values);
+ virtual void initAttributes();
+ private:
+ // needs to be a GlobalRef
+ jobject m_bundleResource;
+ jobjectArray m_attributes;
+ jclass m_bundleResourceClass;
+ jmethodID m_attributeSetRequestHandler;
+ jmethodID m_attributeGetRequestHandler;
+ jmethodID m_onUpdatedInputResource;
+ jclass m_vectorClazz;
+ jmethodID m_vectorAddMethod;
+ string m_bundleId;
+ jclass m_superclass;
+ jclass m_classClass;
+ JNIEnv *m_env;
+ JavaVM *m_jvm;
+ jfieldID g_field_mNativeHandle;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*
+ * Class: org_iotivity_service_resourcecontainer_JniBundleResource
+ * Method: updateNativeInstance
+ * Signature: (Lorg/iotivity/service/resourcecontainer/RcsResourceAttributes;)V
+ */
+ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_service_resourcecontainer_BundleResource_updateNativeInstance
+ (JNIEnv *, jobject, jobject);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
* @return void
- void setAttributes(RCSResourceAttributes &attrs);
+ void setAttributes(const RCSResourceAttributes &attrs);
- void setAttributes(RCSResourceAttributes &attrs, bool notify);
++ void setAttributes(const RCSResourceAttributes &attrs, bool notify);
* Return the value of an attribute
std::string m_bundleId;
- std::string m_name, m_uri, m_resourceType, m_address;
+ std::string m_name, m_uri, m_resourceType, m_interface, m_address;
std::map< std::string,
- std::vector< std::map< std::string, std::string > > > m_mapResourceProperty;
+ std::vector< std::map< std::string, std::string > > > m_mapResourceProperty;
- NotificationReceiver *m_pNotiReceiver;
+ NotificationReceiver* m_pNotiReceiver;
RCSResourceAttributes m_resourceAttributes;
+ std::mutex m_resourceAttributes_mutex;
std::cout << "Resource URI: " << rep.getUri() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Payload: " << rep.getPayload() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "On-off: " << rep.getValueToString("on-off") << std::endl;
rep.getValue("on-off", mylight.m_on_off);
- rep.getValue("dim", mylight.m_dim);
- rep.getValue("color", mylight.m_color);
std::cout << "\ton-off: " << mylight.m_on_off << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\tcolor: " << mylight.m_color << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\tdim: " << mylight.m_dim << std::endl;
- putLightRepresentation(curResource);
+ postLightRepresentation(curResource);
android {
compileSdkVersion 21
- buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"
+ buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"
defaultConfig {
- applicationId "org.iotivity.service.sample.server"
+ applicationId "org.iotivity.service.sample.resourcecontainer"
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 21
versionCode 1
virtual const std::string &getVersion() = 0;
- RCSBundleInfo() { };
- virtual ~RCSBundleInfo() { };
+ /**
+ * API for getting the activation status of the bundle
+ *
+ * @return activation status of the bundle
+ *
+ */
+ virtual bool isActivated() = 0;
- RCSBundleInfo();
- virtual ~RCSBundleInfo();
++ RCSBundleInfo(){};
++ virtual ~RCSBundleInfo(){};
std::string m_ID, m_path, m_version;
return ret;
- RCSResourceAttributes &BundleResource::getAttributes()
+ const RCSResourceAttributes BundleResource::getAttributes()
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_resourceAttributes_mutex);
+ return RCSResourceAttributes(m_resourceAttributes);
+ }
+ void BundleResource::setAttributes(const RCSResourceAttributes &attrs)
- return m_resourceAttributes;
++ setAttributes(attrs, true);
+ }
- void BundleResource::setAttributes(RCSResourceAttributes &attrs, bool notify)
++ void BundleResource::setAttributes(const RCSResourceAttributes &attrs, bool notify)
+ {
- for (RCSResourceAttributes::iterator it = attrs.begin(); it != attrs.end(); ++it)
- {
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, "BUNDLE_RESOUCE", "set attribute \(%s)'",
- std::string(it->key() + "\', with " + it->value().toString()).c_str());
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_resourceAttributes_mutex);
+ for (auto &it : m_resourceAttributes){
+ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "set attribute \(%s)'",
+ std::string(it.key() + "\', with " + it.value().toString()).c_str());
- m_resourceAttributes[it->key()] = it->value();
+ m_resourceAttributes[it.key()] = it.value();
- // asynchronous notification
- auto notifyFunc = [](NotificationReceiver *notificationReceiver,
- std::string uri)
- {
- if (notificationReceiver){
- notificationReceiver->onNotificationReceived(uri);
- }
- };
- auto f = std::bind(notifyFunc, m_pNotiReceiver, m_uri);
- boost::thread notifyThread(f);
- if (notify && m_pNotiReceiver){
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, "BUNDLE_RESOUCE", "Notifying receiver");
- m_pNotiReceiver->onNotificationReceived(m_uri);
++ if(notify){
++ // asynchronous notification
++ auto notifyFunc = [](NotificationReceiver *notificationReceiver,
++ std::string uri)
++ {
++ if (notificationReceiver){
++ notificationReceiver->onNotificationReceived(uri);
++ }
++ };
++ auto f = std::bind(notifyFunc, m_pNotiReceiver, m_uri);
++ boost::thread notifyThread(f);
+ }
- }
- void BundleResource::setAttributes(RCSResourceAttributes &attrs)
- {
- setAttributes(attrs, false);
void BundleResource::setAttribute(const std::string &key,
bool Configuration::isHasInput(std::string &bundleId) const
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "isHasInput: (%d) %s",m_mapisHasInput.at(bundleId), bundleId.c_str() );
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "isHasInput: (%d) %s",m_mapisHasInput.at(bundleId), bundleId.c_str() );
return m_mapisHasInput.at(bundleId);
catch (std::out_of_range &e)
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "isHasInput out of range %s.", bundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "isHasInput out of range %s.", bundleId.c_str());
return false;
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Loading resource configuration for %s %s!", bundleId.c_str(), resourceName.c_str());
+ void Configuration::getResourceConfiguration(std::string bundleId, std::string resourceName,
+ resourceInfo *resourceInfoOut){
+ rapidxml::xml_node< char > *bundle;
+ rapidxml::xml_node< char > *resource;
+ rapidxml::xml_node< char > *item, *subItem, *subItem2;
+ string strBundleId;
+ string strKey, strValue;
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Comparing bundle id %s - %s !", strBundleId.c_str(), bundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Loading resource configuration for %s %s!", bundleId.c_str(), resourceName.c_str());
+ if (m_loaded)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // <bundle>
+ for (bundle = m_xmlDoc.first_node()->first_node(BUNDLE_TAG); bundle; bundle =
+ bundle->next_sibling())
+ {
+ // <id>
+ strBundleId = bundle->first_node(BUNDLE_ID)->value();
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Inspecting");
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Comparing bundle id %s - %s !", strBundleId.c_str(), bundleId.c_str());
+ if (!strBundleId.compare(bundleId))
+ {
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle has input (%s)", strBundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Inspecting");
+ // <resourceInfo>
+ for (resource = bundle->first_node(OUTPUT_RESOURCES_TAG)->first_node(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_INFO);
+ resource; resource = resource->next_sibling())
+ {
+ for (item = resource->first_node(); item; item =
+ item->next_sibling())
+ {
+ strKey = item->name();
+ strValue = item->value();
+ if (!strKey.compare(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_NAME))
+ resourceInfoOut->name = trim_both(strValue);
+ else if (!strKey.compare(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_URI))
+ resourceInfoOut->uri = trim_both(strValue);
+ else if (!strKey.compare(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_ADDR))
+ resourceInfoOut->address = trim_both(strValue);
+ else if (!strKey.compare(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_TYPE))
+ resourceInfoOut->resourceType = trim_both(strValue);
+ else
+ {
+ for (subItem = item->first_node(); subItem; subItem =
+ subItem->next_sibling())
+ {
+ map< string, string > propertyMap;
+ strKey = subItem->name();
+ if (strKey.compare(INPUT_RESOURCE))
+ {
+ m_mapisHasInput[strBundleId] = true;
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "key: %s, value %s", newStrKey.c_str(), newStrValue.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle has input (%s)", strBundleId.c_str());
+ }
+ for (subItem2 = subItem->first_node(); subItem2;
+ subItem2 = subItem2->next_sibling())
+ {
+ string newStrKey = subItem2->name();
+ string newStrValue = subItem2->value();
- OC_LOG(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "xml parsing failed !!");
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Exception (%s)", e.what());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "key: %s, value %s", newStrKey.c_str(), newStrValue.c_str());
+ propertyMap[trim_both(newStrKey)] = trim_both(
+ newStrValue);
+ }
+ resourceInfoOut->resourceProperty[trim_both(strKey)].push_back(
+ propertyMap);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (rapidxml::parse_error &e)
+ {
- OC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "config is not loaded yet !!");
++ OIC_LOG(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "xml parsing failed !!");
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Exception (%s)", e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ else{
++ OIC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "config is not loaded yet !!");
+ }
+ }
void Configuration::getResourceConfiguration(std::string bundleId,
std::vector< resourceInfo > *configOutput)
string strBundleId;
string strKey, strValue;
- OC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Loading resource configuration!");
++ OIC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Loading resource configuration!");
if (m_loaded)
// <id>
strBundleId = bundle->first_node(BUNDLE_ID)->value();
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Comparing bundle ids %s - %s !", strBundleId.c_str(), bundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Comparing bundle ids %s - %s !", strBundleId.c_str(), bundleId.c_str());
if (!strBundleId.compare(bundleId))
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Inspecting");
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Inspecting");
// <resourceInfo>
for (resource = bundle->first_node(OUTPUT_RESOURCES_TAG)->first_node(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_INFO);
resource; resource = resource->next_sibling())
if (strKey.compare(INPUT_RESOURCE))
m_mapisHasInput[strBundleId] = true;
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle has input (%s)", strBundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle has input (%s)", strBundleId.c_str());
for (subItem2 = subItem->first_node(); subItem2;
string newStrKey = subItem2->name();
string newStrValue = subItem2->value();
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "key: %s, value %s", newStrKey.c_str(), newStrValue.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "key: %s, value %s", newStrKey.c_str(), newStrValue.c_str());
propertyMap[trim_both(newStrKey)] = trim_both(
catch (rapidxml::parse_error &e)
- OC_LOG(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "xml parsing failed !!");
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Exception (%s)", e.what());
+ OIC_LOG(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "xml parsing failed !!");
+ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Exception (%s)", e.what());
- OC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "config is not loaded yet !!");
+ else{
++ OIC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "config is not loaded yet !!");
+ }
void Configuration::getConfigDocument(std::string pathConfigFile)
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "Start discover %s", info.resourceUri.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "Start discover %s", info.resourceUri.c_str());
m_Uri = info.resourceUri;
m_ResourceType = info.resourceType;
m_AttrubuteName = info.attributeName;
if (remoteObject && !isAlreadyDiscoveredResource(remoteObject))
- RemoteResourceUnit::Ptr newDiscoveredResource =
- RemoteResourceUnit::createRemoteResourceInfo(remoteObject, pUpdatedCBFromServer);
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "Discovered - uri: %s", uri.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "Discovered - uri: %s", uri.c_str());
+ if (uri.empty() || uri.compare(remoteObject->getUri()) == 0){
+ RemoteResourceUnit::Ptr newDiscoveredResource =
+ RemoteResourceUnit::createRemoteResourceInfo(remoteObject,
+ pUpdatedCBFromServer);
+ m_vecRemoteResource.push_back(newDiscoveredResource);
+ newDiscoveredResource->startMonitoring();
+ newDiscoveredResource->startCaching();
- if (uri.empty() || uri.compare(remoteObject->getUri()) == 0)
- {
- m_vecRemoteResource.push_back(newDiscoveredResource);
- newDiscoveredResource->startMonitoring();
- newDiscoveredResource->startCaching();
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "Created remote resource unit");
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "Created remote resource unit");
+ }
+ else{
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "URI is not matching - uri: %s", uri.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, DISCOVER_TAG, "URI is not matching - uri: %s", uri.c_str());
if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
- if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL) != 0)
+ if (vm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL) != 0)
"[JavaBundleResource::handleGetAttributeRequest] Failed to attach ");
- remoteObject->stopCaching();
+ try{
+ remoteObject->stopCaching();
+ }
+ catch(std::exception &e){
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "%s", e.what());
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "%s", e.what());
+ }
- remoteObject->stopMonitoring();
+ try{
+ remoteObject->stopMonitoring();
+ }
+ catch(std::exception &e){
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "%s", e.what());
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "%s", e.what());
+ }
// wait for bundles to be activated
- OC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource container started.");
++ OIC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource container started.");
void ResourceContainerImpl::stopContainer()
string strUri = resource->m_uri;
string strResourceType = resource->m_resourceType;
+ string strInterface = resource->m_interface;
RCSResourceObject::Ptr server = nullptr;
+ int ret = EINVAL;
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Registration of resource (%s)" ,
+ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Registration of resource (%s)" ,
- std::string(strUri + ", " + strResourceType).c_str());
+ std::string(strUri + ", " + strResourceType + "," +
+ resource->m_bundleId).c_str());
if (m_mapResources.find(strUri) == m_mapResources.end())
std::bind(&ResourceContainerImpl::setRequestHandler, this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
- std::string(strUri + ", " +
- strResourceType).c_str());
+ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Registration finished (%s)",
++ std::string(strUri + ", " +
++ strResourceType).c_str());
- if (m_config->isHasInput(resource->m_bundleId))
+ if (m_config && m_config->isHasInput(resource->m_bundleId))
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource has input (%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource has input (%s)",
+ std::string(strUri + ", " +
+ strResourceType).c_str());
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource has no input (%s)",
+ else{
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Registration finished (%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource has no input (%s)",
+ std::string(strUri + ", " +
+ strResourceType).c_str());
+ }
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Registration finished (%s)",
+ std::string(strUri + ", " +
+ strResourceType).c_str());
// to get notified if bundle resource attributes are updated
- resource->registerObserver((NotificationReceiver *) this);
+ resource->registerObserver(this);
+ ret = 0;
std::string(resource->m_uri + ", " +
- if (m_config->isHasInput(resource->m_bundleId))
+ if (m_config && m_config->isHasInput(resource->m_bundleId))
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Calling undiscover (%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Calling undiscover (%s)",
+ std::string(resource->m_uri + ", " +
+ resource->m_resourceType).c_str());
if (m_mapServers.find(strUri) != m_mapServers.end())
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resetting server (%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resetting server (%s)",
+ std::string(resource->m_uri + ", " +
+ resource->m_resourceType).c_str());
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Remove bundle resource (%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Remove bundle resource (%s)",
+ std::string(resource->m_uri + ", " +
+ resource->m_resourceType).c_str());
m_config->getResourceConfiguration(bundleId, configOutput);
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "no config present ");
+ else{
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "no config present ");
+ }
RCSGetResponse ResourceContainerImpl::getRequestHandler(const RCSRequest &request,
RCSResourceAttributes attr;
std::string strResourceUri = request.getResourceUri();
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Container get request for %s",strResourceUri.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Container get request for %s",strResourceUri.c_str());
if (m_mapServers.find(strResourceUri) != m_mapServers.end()
&& m_mapResources.find(strResourceUri) != m_mapResources.end())
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Container get request for %s finished, %d attributes",strResourceUri.c_str(), attr.size());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Container get request for %s finished, %d attributes",strResourceUri.c_str(), attr.size());
return RCSGetResponse::create(std::move(attr), 200);
std::list<std::string> lstAttributes;
std::string strResourceUri = request.getResourceUri();
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Container set request for %s, %d attributes",strResourceUri.c_str(), attributes.size());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Container set request for %s, %d attributes",strResourceUri.c_str(), attributes.size());
if (m_mapServers.find(strResourceUri) != m_mapServers.end()
&& m_mapResources.find(strResourceUri) != m_mapResources.end())
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Calling handleSetAttributeRequest");
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Calling handleSetAttributeRequest");
boost::thread setThread(setFunction);
void ResourceContainerImpl::startBundle(const std::string &bundleId)
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "startBundle %s",bundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "startBundle %s",bundleId.c_str());
if (m_bundles.find(bundleId) != m_bundles.end())
if (!m_bundles[bundleId]->isActivated())
void ResourceContainerImpl::stopBundle(const std::string &bundleId)
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "stopBundle %s",bundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "stopBundle %s",bundleId.c_str());
if (m_bundles.find(bundleId) != m_bundles.end())
if (m_bundles[bundleId]->isActivated())
void ResourceContainerImpl::removeBundle(const std::string &bundleId)
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "removeBundle %s",bundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "removeBundle %s",bundleId.c_str());
if (m_bundles.find(bundleId) != m_bundles.end())
BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfo = m_bundles[bundleId];
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle with ID \'(%s)",
+ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle with ID \'(%s)",
- std::string(bundleId + "\' is not registered.").c_str());
+ std::string(bundleId + "\' is not ced.").c_str());
std::list<std::unique_ptr<RCSBundleInfo>> ResourceContainerImpl::listBundles()
+ "list bundles (%d)", m_bundles.size());
std::list<std::unique_ptr<RCSBundleInfo> > ret;
for (std::map< std::string, BundleInfoInternal * >::iterator it = m_bundles.begin();
it != m_bundles.end(); ++it)
void ResourceContainerImpl::removeResourceConfig(const std::string &bundleId,
const std::string &resourceUri)
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "removeResourceConfig %s, %s",bundleId.c_str(), resourceUri.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "removeResourceConfig %s, %s",bundleId.c_str(), resourceUri.c_str());
if (m_bundles.find(bundleId) != m_bundles.end())
- if (!m_bundles[bundleId]->getJavaBundle())
+ if (m_bundles[bundleId]->getSoBundle())
removeSoBundleResource(bundleId, resourceUri);
std::list< string > ResourceContainerImpl::listBundleResources(const std::string &bundleId)
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "listBundleResources %s",bundleId.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "listBundleResources %s",bundleId.c_str());
std::list < string > ret;
if (m_mapBundleResources.find(bundleId) != m_mapBundleResources.end())
void ResourceContainerImpl::registerSoBundle(RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo)
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Register SO bundle");
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Register SO bundle");
const char *error;
activator_t *bundleActivator = NULL;
BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo;
void *bundleHandle = NULL;
bundleHandle = dlopen(bundleInfo->getPath().c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
+ {
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ }
if (bundleHandle != NULL)
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activator name %s", bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName().c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activator name %s", bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName().c_str());
bundleActivator =
(activator_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle,
("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ "_externalActivateBundle").c_str());
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
+ {
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ }
+ else{
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ + "_externalActivateBundle").c_str());
+ }
bundleDeactivator =
(deactivator_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle,
("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ "_externalDeactivateBundle").c_str());
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
+ {
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ }
+ else{
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ + "_externalDeactivateBundle").c_str());
+ }
resourceCreator =
(resourceCreator_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle,
("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ "_externalCreateResource").c_str());
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
+ {
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ }
+ else{
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ + "_externalCreateResource").c_str());
+ }
resourceDestroyer =
(resourceDestroyer_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle,
("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ "_externalDestroyResource").c_str());
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
+ {
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ }
+ else{
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Looked up %s", ("" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ + "_externalDestroyResource").c_str());
+ }
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error while loading .so bundle: (%s)", error);
+ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Error : (%s)", error);
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Register SO bundle finished");
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Register SO bundle finished");
+ }
+ void ResourceContainerImpl::registerExtBundle(RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo){
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Registering ext bundle (%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Registering ext bundle (%s)",
+ std::string(bundleInfo->getID()).c_str());
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activator name (%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activator name (%s)",
+ std::string(bundleInfo->getActivatorName()).c_str());
+ m_bundles[bundleInfo->getID()] = ((BundleInfoInternal *)bundleInfo);
+ // in this case at least the resource configuration needs to be loaded
+ // in order to mark potential input resources for soft sensors
+ std::vector< resourceInfo > temp;
- OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Loading resource config(%s)",
++ OIC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Loading resource config(%s)",
+ std::string(bundleInfo->getID()).c_str());
+ getResourceConfiguration(bundleInfo->getID(),
+ &temp);
- OC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle registered");
++ OIC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle registered");
void ResourceContainerImpl::activateSoBundle(const std::string &bundleId)
auto foundDiscoverResource = m_mapDiscoverResourceUnits.find(outputResourceUri);
if (foundDiscoverResource != m_mapDiscoverResourceUnits.end())
- OC_LOG(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Erase discover resource.");
++ OIC_LOG(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Erase discover resource.");
- OC_LOG(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Erase discover resource done.");
++ OIC_LOG(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Erase discover resource done.");
void ResourceContainerImpl::discoverInputResource(const std::string &outputResourceUri)
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Discover input resource %s", outputResourceUri.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Discover input resource %s", outputResourceUri.c_str());
auto foundOutputResource = m_mapResources.find(outputResourceUri);
- auto resourceProperty = foundOutputResource->second->m_mapResourceProperty;
+ // auto resourceProperty = foundOutputResource->second->m_mapResourceProperty;
+ resourceInfo info;
+ m_config->getResourceConfiguration(foundOutputResource->second->m_bundleId,
+ foundOutputResource->second->m_name, &info);
+ map< string, vector< map< string, string > > > resourceProperty = info.resourceProperty;
catch (std::out_of_range &e)
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "No input resource %s", outputResourceUri.c_str());
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "No input resource %s", outputResourceUri.c_str());
std::string type = makeValue(INPUT_RESOURCE_TYPE);
std::string attributeName = makeValue(INPUT_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTENAME);
- OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Start discovery: %s, %s, %s", uri.c_str(),
++ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, CONTAINER_TAG, "Start discovery: %s, %s, %s", uri.c_str(),
+ type.c_str(), attributeName.c_str());
DiscoverResourceUnit::Ptr newDiscoverUnit = std::make_shared
< DiscoverResourceUnit > (outputResourceUri);
if (bundleActivatorClass == NULL)
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Cannot register bundle (%s)",
+ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Cannot register bundle (%s)",
std::string( bundleInfoInternal->getID()
- + " bundle activator(" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ + " bundle activator(" +
+ bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ ") not found ").c_str());
m_bundles[bundleInfo->getID()] = ((BundleInfoInternal *)bundleInfo);
- OC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle registered");
+ OIC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle registered");
void ResourceContainerImpl::activateJavaBundle(string bundleId)
- OC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activating java bundle");
+ OIC_LOG(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activating java bundle");
JavaVM *vm = getJavaVM(bundleId);
BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) m_bundles[bundleId];
- stopCaching();
- stopMonitoring();
+ try{
+ stopCaching();
+ stopMonitoring();
+ }
+ catch(std::exception &e){
- OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "%s", e.what());
++ OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "%s", e.what());
++ }
+ }
+ RCSRemoteResourceObject::Ptr RCSRemoteResourceObject::fromOCResource(
+ std::shared_ptr< OC::OCResource > ocResource)
+ {
+ if (!ocResource)
+ {
+ throw RCSInvalidParameterException("the oc resource must not be nullptr.");
+ return std::make_shared< RCSRemoteResourceObject >(
+ PrimitiveResource::create(ocResource));
bool RCSRemoteResourceObject::isMonitoring() const
OCEntityHandlerResult RCSResourceObject::handleRequestGet(
- const std::shared_ptr< OC::OCResourceRequest >& request)
+ const RCSRequest& request)
- assert(request != nullptr);
+ if (!findInterfaceHandler(request.getInterface()).isGetSupported())
+ {
+ return OC_EH_ERROR;
+ }
+ auto attrs = getAttributesFromOCRequest(request.getOCRequest());
+ auto response = invokeHandler(shared_from_this(), attrs, request.getOCRequest(),
+ m_getRequestHandler);
+ if (response.isSeparate()) return OC_EH_SLOW;
- auto attrs = getAttributesFromOCRequest(request);
- return sendResponse(*this, request, invokeHandler(attrs, request, m_getRequestHandler));
+ return sendResponse(request, response,
+ findInterfaceHandler(request.getInterface()).getGetResponseBuilder());
- bool RCSResourceObject::applyAcceptanceMethod(const RCSSetResponse& response,
- const RCSResourceAttributes& requstAttrs)
+ RCSResourceAttributes RCSResourceObject::applyAcceptanceMethod(
+ const RCSSetResponse& response, const RCSResourceAttributes& requestAttrs)
auto requestHandler = response.getHandler();