+# FIXME Remove that check once we have ffmpeg as a gst-libav subproject
+libavfilter_dep = dependency('libavfilter', version: '>= 6.47.100', required: false)
+gst_libav = []
+if libavfilter_dep.found()
+ cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+ check_ffmpeg_src = '''#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
+ /* FFmpeg uses 100+ as its micro version */
+ #else
+ #error libav provider should be FFmpeg
+ #endif'''
+ if cc.compiles(check_ffmpeg_src, name : 'whether libav is provided by FFmpeg')
+ gst_libav = ['gst-libav']
+ endif
+if gst_libav.length() == 0
+ message('WARNING: gst-libav not built as ffmpeg >= n3.1.2 not found on the system')
+ subprojects += gst_libav
foreach subproj: subprojects
subproject(subproj, version: gst_version)