/* GstValidateScenario is not really thread safe and
* everything should be done from the thread GstValidate
- * was inited from, unless stated otherwize.
+ * was inited from, unless stated otherwise.
struct _GstValidateScenarioPrivate
* the 'position' and 'duration' variables. And it will always convert that
* value to a GstClockTime.
- * Returns: %TRUE if the time value could be retrieved/computed or %FALSE otherwize
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the time value could be retrieved/computed or %FALSE otherwise
gst_validate_action_get_clocktime (GstValidateScenario * scenario,
* For more information you should have a look at #gst_event_new_seek
- * Returns: %TRUE if the seek could be executed, %FALSE otherwize
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the seek could be executed, %FALSE otherwise
gst_validate_scenario_execute_seek (GstValidateScenario * scenario,
result = g_key_file_to_data (kf, &datalength, &err);
- g_print ("All scenarios avalaible:\n%s", result);
+ g_print ("All scenarios available:\n%s", result);
if (output_file && !err)
g_file_set_contents (output_file, result, datalength, &err);
* for the value, if it is a double, it considers the value to be in second
* it can be a gint, gint64 a guint, a gint64.
- * Return: %TRUE in case of success, %FALSE otherwize.
+ * Return: %TRUE in case of success, %FALSE otherwise.
gst_validate_utils_get_clocktime (GstStructure * structure, const gchar * name,
To implement new tests, you will just need to set the media path using the
---medias-paths argument. If you want to run all avalaible scenarios on all the
+--medias-paths argument. If you want to run all available scenarios on all the
file present in that folder, you should run the first time:
. $gst-validate-launcher --medias-paths /path/to/media/files --generate-media-info
subprocess.check_output("gdb --help", shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- printc("Want to use gdb, but not avalaible on the system",
+ printc("Want to use gdb, but not available on the system",
return False
subprocess.check_output("valgrind --help", shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- printc("Want to use valgrind, but not avalaible on the system",
+ printc("Want to use valgrind, but not available on the system",
return False
You will be able to configure the TestManager with its various methods. This
function will be called with each TestManager usable, for example you will be
passed the 'validate' TestManager in case the GstValidateManager launcher is
-avalaible. You should configure it using:
+available. You should configure it using:
* test_manager.add_scenarios: which allows you to register a list of scenario names to be run
* test_manager.set_default_blacklist: Lets you set a list of tuple of the form: