#Copyright (C) 2008 Codethink Ltd
-#copyright: Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation
#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#Portions of this code originally licensed and copyright (c) 2005, 2007
-#IBM Corporation under the BSD license, available at
+import interfaces
+from factory import create_accessible, add_accessible_class
+from accessible import BoundingBox
-#authors: Peter Parente, Mark Doffman
+__all__ = [
+ "Event",
+ "EventType",
+ ]
-#import signal
-#import time
-#import weakref
-#import Queue
-#import traceback
-#import gobject
-#import utils
-#import constants
-#import event
-ATSPI_DEVICE_EVENT_CONTROLLER = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.DeviceEventController'
-ATSPI_DEVICE_EVENT_LISTENER = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.DeviceEventListener'
-import constants
-class _Observer(object):
+class EventType(str):
- Parent class for all event observers. Dispatches all received events to the
- L{Registry} that created this L{_Observer}. Provides basic reference counting
- functionality needed by L{Registry} to determine when an L{_Observer} can be
- released for garbage collection.
- The reference counting provided by this class is independent of the reference
- counting used by CORBA. Keeping the counts separate makes it easier for the
- L{Registry} to detect when an L{_Observer} can be freed in the
- L{Registry._unregisterObserver} method.
+ Wraps the AT-SPI event type string so its components can be accessed
+ individually as klass (can't use the keyword class), major, minor, and detail
+ (klass_major_minor_detail).
- @ivar registry: Reference to the L{Registry} that created this L{_Observer}
- @type registry: weakref.proxy to L{Registry}
- @ivar ref_count: Reference count on this L{_Observer}
- @type ref_count: integer
+ @note: All attributes of an instance of this class should be considered
+ public readable as it is acting a a struct.
+ @ivar klass: Most general event type identifier (object, window, mouse, etc.)
+ @type klass: string
+ @ivar major: Second level event type description
+ @type major: string
+ @ivar minor: Third level event type description
+ @type minor: string
+ @ivar detail: Lowest level event type description
+ @type detail: string
+ @ivar name: Full, unparsed event name as received from AT-SPI
+ @type name: string
+ @cvar format: Names of the event string components
+ @type format: 4-tuple of string
- def __init__(self, registry):
- """
- Stores a reference to the creating L{Registry}. Intializes the reference
- count on this object to zero.
- @param registry: The L{Registry} that created this observer
- @type registry: weakref.proxy to L{Registry}
- """
- self.registry = weakref.proxy(registry)
- self.ref_count = 0
+ format = ('klass', 'major', 'minor', 'detail')
- def clientRef(self):
- """
- Increments the Python reference count on this L{_Observer} by one. This
- method is called when a new client is registered in L{Registry} to receive
- notification of an event type monitored by this L{_Observer}.
- """
- self.ref_count += 1
- def clientUnref(self):
+ def __init__(self, name):
- Decrements the pyatspi reference count on this L{_Observer} by one. This
- method is called when a client is unregistered in L{Registry} to stop
- receiving notifications of an event type monitored by this L{_Observer}.
- """
- self.ref_count -= 1
- def getClientRefCount(self):
- """
- @return: Current Python reference count on this L{_Observer}
- @rtype: integer
- """
- return self.ref_count
- def ref(self):
- """Required by CORBA. Does nothing."""
- pass
- def unref(self):
- """Required by CORBA. Does nothing."""
- pass
-class _DeviceObserver(_Observer, Accessibility__POA.DeviceEventListener):
- """
- Observes keyboard press and release events.
- @ivar registry: The L{Registry} that created this observer
- @type registry: L{Registry}
- @ivar key_set: Set of keys to monitor
- @type key_set: list of integer
- @ivar mask: Watch for key events while these modifiers are held
- @type mask: integer
- @ivar kind: Kind of events to monitor
- @type kind: integer
- @ivar mode: Keyboard event mode
- @type mode: Accessibility.EventListenerMode
- """
- def __init__(self, registry, synchronous, preemptive, global_):
- """
- Creates a mode object that defines when key events will be received from
- the system. Stores all other information for later registration.
- @param registry: The L{Registry} that created this observer
- @type registry: L{Registry}
- @param synchronous: Handle the key event synchronously?
- @type synchronous: boolean
- @param preemptive: Allow event to be consumed?
- @type preemptive: boolean
- @param global_: Watch for events on inaccessible applications too?
- @type global_: boolean
- """
- _Observer.__init__(self, registry)
- self.mode = Accessibility.EventListenerMode()
- self.mode.preemptive = preemptive
- self.mode.synchronous = synchronous
- self.mode._global = global_
- def register(self, dc, key_set, mask, kind):
- """
- Starts keyboard event monitoring.
- @param dc: Reference to a device controller
- @type dc: Accessibility.DeviceEventController
- @param key_set: Set of keys to monitor
- @type key_set: list of integer
- @param mask: Integer modifier mask or an iterable over multiple masks to
- unapply all at once
- @type mask: integer, iterable, or None
- @param kind: Kind of events to monitor
- @type kind: integer
- """
- try:
- # check if the mask is iterable
- iter(mask)
- except TypeError:
- # register a single integer if not
- dc.registerKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, mask, kind,
- self.mode)
- else:
- for m in mask:
- dc.registerKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, m, kind, self.mode)
- def unregister(self, dc, key_set, mask, kind):
- """
- Stops keyboard event monitoring.
- @param dc: Reference to a device controller
- @type dc: Accessibility.DeviceEventController
- @param key_set: Set of keys to monitor
- @type key_set: list of integer
- @param mask: Integer modifier mask or an iterable over multiple masks to
- unapply all at once
- @type mask: integer, iterable, or None
- @param kind: Kind of events to monitor
- @type kind: integer
- """
- try:
- # check if the mask is iterable
- iter(mask)
- except TypeError:
- # unregister a single integer if not
- dc.deregisterKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, mask, kind)
- else:
- for m in mask:
- dc.deregisterKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, m, kind)
- def queryInterface(self, repo_id):
- """
- Reports that this class only implements the AT-SPI DeviceEventListener
- interface. Required by AT-SPI.
- @param repo_id: Request for an interface
- @type repo_id: string
- @return: The underlying CORBA object for the device event listener
- @rtype: Accessibility.EventListener
- """
- if repo_id == utils.getInterfaceIID(Accessibility.DeviceEventListener):
- return self._this()
- else:
- return None
- def notifyEvent(self, ev):
- """
- Notifies the L{Registry} that an event has occurred. Wraps the raw event
- object in our L{Event} class to support automatic ref and unref calls. An
- observer can return True to indicate this event should not be allowed to pass
- to other AT-SPI observers or the underlying application.
- @param ev: Keyboard event
- @type ev: Accessibility.DeviceEvent
- @return: Should the event be consumed (True) or allowed to pass on to other
- AT-SPI observers (False)?
- @rtype: boolean
- """
- # wrap the device event
- ev = event.DeviceEvent(ev)
- return self.registry.handleDeviceEvent(ev, self)
-class _EventObserver(_Observer, Accessibility__POA.EventListener):
- """
- Observes all non-keyboard AT-SPI events. Can be reused across event types.
- """
- def register(self, reg, name):
- """
- Starts monitoring for the given event.
- @param name: Name of the event to start monitoring
- @type name: string
- @param reg: Reference to the raw registry object
- @type reg: Accessibility.Registry
- """
- reg.registerGlobalEventListener(self._this(), name)
- def unregister(self, reg, name):
- """
- Stops monitoring for the given event.
+ Parses the full AT-SPI event name into its components
+ (klass:major:minor:detail). If the provided event name is an integer
+ instead of a string, then the event is really a device event.
- @param name: Name of the event to stop monitoring
+ @param name: Full AT-SPI event name
@type name: string
- @param reg: Reference to the raw registry object
- @type reg: Accessibility.Registry
- """
- reg.deregisterGlobalEventListener(self._this(), name)
- def queryInterface(self, repo_id):
- """
- Reports that this class only implements the AT-SPI DeviceEventListener
- interface. Required by AT-SPI.
- @param repo_id: Request for an interface
- @type repo_id: string
- @return: The underlying CORBA object for the device event listener
- @rtype: Accessibility.EventListener
- """
- if repo_id == utils.getInterfaceIID(Accessibility.EventListener):
- return self._this()
- else:
- return None
- def notifyEvent(self, ev):
- """
- Notifies the L{Registry} that an event has occurred. Wraps the raw event
- object in our L{Event} class to support automatic ref and unref calls.
- Aborts on any exception indicating the event could not be wrapped.
- @param ev: AT-SPI event signal (anything but keyboard)
- @type ev: Accessibility.Event
- """
- # wrap raw event so ref counts are correct before queueing
- ev = event.Event(ev)
- self.registry.handleEvent(ev)
-class DeviceEvent(object):
- """
- Wraps an AT-SPI device event with a more Pythonic interface. Primarily adds
- a consume attribute which can be used to cease propagation of a device event.
- @ivar consume: Should this event be consumed and not allowed to pass on to
- observers further down the dispatch chain in this process or possibly
- system wide?
- @type consume: boolean
- @ivar type: Kind of event, KEY_PRESSED_EVENT or KEY_RELEASED_EVENT
- @type type: Accessibility.EventType
- @ivar id: Serial identifier for this key event
- @type id: integer
- @ivar hw_code: Hardware scan code for the key
- @type hw_code: integer
- @ivar modifiers: Modifiers held at the time of the key event
- @type modifiers: integer
- @ivar timestamp: Time at which the event occurred relative to some platform
- dependent starting point (e.g. XWindows start time)
- @type timestamp: integer
- @ivar event_string: String describing the key pressed (e.g. keysym)
- @type event_string: string
- @ivar is_text: Is the event representative of text to be inserted (True), or
- of a control key (False)?
- @type is_text: boolean
- """
- def __init__(self, event):
- """
- Attaches event data to this object.
- @param event: Event object
- @type event: Accessibility.DeviceEvent
+ @raise AttributeError: When the given event name is not a valid string
- self.consume = False
- self.type = event.type
- self.id = event.id
- self.hw_code = event.hw_code
- self.modifiers = event.modifiers
- self.timestamp = event.timestamp
- self.event_string = event.event_string
- self.is_text = event.is_text
+ # get rid of any leading and trailing '_' separators
+ self.value = name.strip('_')
+ self.name = self.value # Backward compatability
+ self.klass = None
+ self.major = None
+ self.minor = None
+ self.detail = None
- def __str__(self):
- """
- Builds a human readable representation of the event.
+ # split type according to delimiters
+ split = self.value.split('_', 3)
+ # loop over all the components
+ for i in xrange(len(split)):
+ # store values of attributes in this object
+ setattr(self, self.format[i], split[i])
- @return: Event description
- @rtype: string
- """
- if self.type == constants.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT:
- kind = 'pressed'
- elif self.type == constants.KEY_RELEASED_EVENT:
- kind = 'released'
- return """\
-\thw_code: %d
-\tevent_string: %s
-\tmodifiers: %d
-\tid: %d
-\ttimestamp: %d
-\tis_text: %s""" % (kind, self.hw_code, self.event_string, self.modifiers,
- self.id, self.timestamp, self.is_text)
class Event(object):
@note: All unmarked attributes of this class should be considered public
readable and writable as the class is acting as a record object.
- @ivar consume: Should this event be consumed and not allowed to pass on to
- observers further down the dispatch chain in this process?
- @type consume: boolean
@ivar type: The type of the AT-SPI event
@type type: L{EventType}
@ivar detail1: First AT-SPI event parameter
@ivar source: Source of the event
@type source: Accessibility.Accessible
- def __init__(self, event):
+ def __init__(self, cache, source_path, source_application, name, event):
Extracts information from the provided event. If the event is a "normal"
event, pulls the detail1, detail2, any_data, and source values out of the
@param event: Event from an AT-SPI callback
@type event: Accessibility.Event or Accessibility.DeviceEvent
- # always start out assuming no consume
- self.consume = False
- self.type = EventType(event.type)
- self.detail1 = event.detail1
- self.detail2 = event.detail2
- # store the event source and increase the reference count since event
- # sources are borrowed references; the AccessibleMixin automatically
- # decrements it later
- try:
- event.source.ref()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- self.source = event.source
+ self._cache = cache
+ self._source_path = source_path
+ self._source_application = source_application
+ self._source = None
+ self._application = None
- # process any_data in a at-spi version independent manner
- details = event.any_data.value()
- try:
- # see if we have a "new" any_data object which is an EventDetails struct
- self.any_data = details.any_data.value()
- except Exception:
- # any kind of error means we have an "old" any_data object and None of
- # the extra data so set them to None
- self.any_data = details
- self.host_application = None
- self.source_name = None
- self.source_role = None
+ self._detail = event[0]
+ self.type = EventType(name + '_' + self._detail)
+ self.detail1 = event[1]
+ self.detail2 = event[2]
+ data = event[3]
+ if name == "object_bounds_changed":
+ self.any_data = BoundingBox(*data)
- # the rest of the data should be here, so retrieve it
- self.host_application = details.host_application
- self.source_name = details.source_name
- self.source_role = details.source_role
- try:
- # if we received an accessible, be sure to increment the ref count
- self.any_data.ref()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- # if we received a host application, be sure to increment the ref count
- self.host_application.ref()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
+ self.any_data = data
+ @property
+ def host_application(self):
+ if not self._application:
+ application_root = self._cache[self._source_application]._get_root()
+ return create_accessible(self._cache,
+ self._source_application,
+ application_root,
+ connection=self._cache._connection)
+ return self._application
+ @property
+ def source(self):
+ if not self._source:
+ self._source = create_accessible(self._cache,
+ self._source_application,
+ self._source_path,
+ interfaces.ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE,
+ connection=self._cache._connection)
+ return self._source
+ @property
+ def source_name(self):
+ return source.name
+ @property
+ def source_role(self):
+ return source.getRole()
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%s, %s, %s)\n\tsource: %s\n\thost_application: %s' % \
(self.type, self.detail1, self.detail2, self.any_data,
self.source, self.host_application)
-class EventType(str):
- """
- Wraps the AT-SPI event type string so its components can be accessed
- individually as klass (can't use the keyword class), major, minor, and detail
- (klass:major:minor:detail).
- @note: All attributes of an instance of this class should be considered
- public readable as it is acting a a struct.
- @ivar klass: Most general event type identifier (object, window, mouse, etc.)
- @type klass: string
- @ivar major: Second level event type description
- @type major: string
- @ivar minor: Third level event type description
- @type minor: string
- @ivar detail: Lowest level event type description
- @type detail: string
- @ivar name: Full, unparsed event name as received from AT-SPI
- @type name: string
- @cvar format: Names of the event string components
- @type format: 4-tuple of string
- """
- format = ('klass', 'major', 'minor', 'detail')
- def __init__(self, name):
- """
- Parses the full AT-SPI event name into its components
- (klass:major:minor:detail). If the provided event name is an integer
- instead of a string, then the event is really a device event.
- @param name: Full AT-SPI event name
- @type name: string
- @raise AttributeError: When the given event name is not a valid string
- """
- # get rid of any leading and trailing ':' separators
- self.value = name.strip(':')
- self.name = self.value # Backward compatability
- self.klass = None
- self.major = None
- self.minor = None
- self.detail = None
- # split type according to delimiters
- split = self.value.split(':', 3)
- # loop over all the components
- for i in xrange(len(split)):
- # store values of attributes in this object
- setattr(self, self.format[i], split[i])
-class Registry(object):
- """
- Wraps the Accessibility.Registry to provide more Pythonic registration for
- events.
- This object should be treated as a singleton, but such treatment is not
- enforced. You can construct another instance of this object and give it a
- reference to the Accessibility.Registry singleton. Doing so is harmless and
- has no point.
- @ivar async: Should event dispatch to local listeners be decoupled from event
- receiving from the registry?
- @type async: boolean
- @ivar reg: Reference to the real, wrapped registry object
- @type reg: Accessibility.Registry
- @ivar dev: Reference to the device controller
- @type dev: Accessibility.DeviceEventController
- @ivar queue: Queue of events awaiting local dispatch
- @type queue: Queue.Queue
- @ivar clients: Map of event names to client listeners
- @type clients: dictionary
- @ivar observers: Map of event names to AT-SPI L{_Observer} objects
- @type observers: dictionary
- """
- _REGISTRY_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Registry'
- def __init__(self, app_name=None):
- """
- Stores a reference to the AT-SPI registry. Gets and stores a reference
- to the DeviceEventController.
- @param reg: Reference to the AT-SPI registry daemon
- @type reg: Accessibility.Registry
- """
- self._bus = dbus.SessionBus()
- if app_path:
- self._app_name = app_name
- self._cache = TestApplicationCache(self._bus, app_name)
- #self.async = None
- #self.reg = reg
- #self.dev = self.reg.getDeviceEventController()
- #self.queue = Queue.Queue()
- #self.clients = {}
- #self.observers = {}
- def __call__(self):
- """
- @return: This instance of the registry
- @rtype: L{Registry}
- """
- return self
- def start(self, async=False, gil=True):
- """
- Enter the main loop to start receiving and dispatching events.
- @param async: Should event dispatch be asynchronous (decoupled) from
- event receiving from the AT-SPI registry?
- @type async: boolean
- @param gil: Add an idle callback which releases the Python GIL for a few
- milliseconds to allow other threads to run? Necessary if other threads
- will be used in this process.
- Note - No Longer used.
- @type gil: boolean
- """
- self._loop = gobject.MainLoop()
- self._loop.run()
- def stop(self, *args):
- """Quits the main loop."""
- self._loop.quit()
- self.flushEvents()
- def getDesktopCount(self):
- """
- Gets the number of available desktops.
- @return: Number of desktops
- @rtype: integer
- """
- return 1
- def getDesktop(self, i):
- """
- Gets a reference to the i-th desktop.
- @param i: Which desktop to get
- @type i: integer
- @return: Desktop reference
- @rtype: Accessibility.Desktop
- """
- return Desktop(self._cache)
- def registerEventListener(self, client, *names):
- """
- Registers a new client callback for the given event names. Supports
- registration for all subevents if only partial event name is specified.
- Do not include a trailing colon.
- For example, 'object' will register for all object events,
- 'object:property-change' will register for all property change events,
- and 'object:property-change:accessible-parent' will register only for the
- parent property change event.
- Registered clients will not be automatically removed when the client dies.
- To ensure the client is properly garbage collected, call
- L{deregisterEventListener}.
- @param client: Callable to be invoked when the event occurs
- @type client: callable
- @param names: List of full or partial event names
- @type names: list of string
- """
- for name in names:
- # store the callback for each specific event name
- self._registerClients(client, name)
- def deregisterEventListener(self, client, *names):
- """
- Unregisters an existing client callback for the given event names. Supports
- unregistration for all subevents if only partial event name is specified.
- Do not include a trailing colon.
- This method must be called to ensure a client registered by
- L{registerEventListener} is properly garbage collected.
- @param client: Client callback to remove
- @type client: callable
- @param names: List of full or partial event names
- @type names: list of string
- @return: Were event names specified for which the given client was not
- registered?
- @rtype: boolean
- """
- missed = False
- for name in names:
- # remove the callback for each specific event name
- missed |= self._unregisterClients(client, name)
- return missed
- def registerKeystrokeListener(self, client, key_set=[], mask=0,
- kind=(constants.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT,
- constants.KEY_RELEASED_EVENT),
- synchronous=True, preemptive=True,
- global_=False):
- """
- Registers a listener for key stroke events.
- @param client: Callable to be invoked when the event occurs
- @type client: callable
- @param key_set: Set of hardware key codes to stop monitoring. Leave empty
- to indicate all keys.
- @type key_set: list of integer
- @param mask: When the mask is None, the codes in the key_set will be
- monitored only when no modifier is held. When the mask is an
- integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored only when the modifiers in
- the mask are held. When the mask is an iterable over more than one
- integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored when any of the modifier
- combinations in the set are held.
- @type mask: integer, iterable, None
- @param kind: Kind of events to watch, KEY_PRESSED_EVENT or
- @type kind: list
- @param synchronous: Should the callback notification be synchronous, giving
- the client the chance to consume the event?
- @type synchronous: boolean
- @param preemptive: Should the callback be allowed to preempt / consume the
- event?
- @type preemptive: boolean
- @param global_: Should callback occur even if an application not supporting
- AT-SPI is in the foreground? (requires xevie)
- @type global_: boolean
- """
- try:
- # see if we already have an observer for this client
- ob = self.clients[client]
- except KeyError:
- # create a new device observer for this client
- ob = _DeviceObserver(self, synchronous, preemptive, global_)
- # store the observer to client mapping, and the inverse
- self.clients[ob] = client
- self.clients[client] = ob
- if mask is None:
- # None means all modifier combinations
- mask = utils.allModifiers()
- # register for new keystrokes on the observer
- ob.register(self.dev, key_set, mask, kind)
- def deregisterKeystrokeListener(self, client, key_set=[], mask=0,
- kind=(constants.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT,
- constants.KEY_RELEASED_EVENT)):
- """
- Deregisters a listener for key stroke events.
- @param client: Callable to be invoked when the event occurs
- @type client: callable
- @param key_set: Set of hardware key codes to stop monitoring. Leave empty
- to indicate all keys.
- @type key_set: list of integer
- @param mask: When the mask is None, the codes in the key_set will be
- monitored only when no modifier is held. When the mask is an
- integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored only when the modifiers in
- the mask are held. When the mask is an iterable over more than one
- integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored when any of the modifier
- combinations in the set are held.
- @type mask: integer, iterable, None
- @param kind: Kind of events to stop watching, KEY_PRESSED_EVENT or
- @type kind: list
- @raise KeyError: When the client isn't already registered for events
- """
- # see if we already have an observer for this client
- ob = self.clients[client]
- if mask is None:
- # None means all modifier combinations
- mask = utils.allModifiers()
- # register for new keystrokes on the observer
- ob.unregister(self.dev, key_set, mask, kind)
- def generateKeyboardEvent(self, keycode, keysym, kind):
- """
- Generates a keyboard event. One of the keycode or the keysym parameters
- should be specified and the other should be None. The kind parameter is
- required and should be one of the KEY_PRESS, KEY_RELEASE, KEY_PRESSRELEASE,
- @param keycode: Hardware keycode or None
- @type keycode: integer
- @param keysym: Symbolic key string or None
- @type keysym: string
- @param kind: Kind of event to synthesize
- @type kind: integer
- """
- if keysym is None:
- self.dev.generateKeyboardEvent(keycode, '', kind)
- else:
- self.dev.generateKeyboardEvent(None, keysym, kind)
- def generateMouseEvent(self, x, y, name):
- """
- Generates a mouse event at the given absolute x and y coordinate. The kind
- of event generated is specified by the name. For example, MOUSE_B1P
- (button 1 press), MOUSE_REL (relative motion), MOUSE_B3D (butten 3
- double-click).
- @param x: Horizontal coordinate, usually left-hand oriented
- @type x: integer
- @param y: Vertical coordinate, usually left-hand oriented
- @type y: integer
- @param name: Name of the event to generate
- @type name: string
- """
- self.dev.generateMouseEvent(x, y, name)
- def handleDeviceEvent(self, event, ob):
- """
- Dispatches L{event.DeviceEvent}s to registered clients. Clients are called
- in the order they were registered for the given AT-SPI event. If any
- client returns True, callbacks cease for the event for clients of this registry
- instance. Clients of other registry instances and clients in other processes may
- be affected depending on the values of synchronous and preemptive used when invoking
- L{registerKeystrokeListener}.
- @note: Asynchronous dispatch of device events is not supported.
- @param event: AT-SPI device event
- @type event: L{event.DeviceEvent}
- @param ob: Observer that received the event
- @type ob: L{_DeviceObserver}
- @return: Should the event be consumed (True) or allowed to pass on to other
- AT-SPI observers (False)?
- @rtype: boolean
- """
- try:
- # try to get the client registered for this event type
- client = self.clients[ob]
- except KeyError:
- # client may have unregistered recently, ignore event
- return False
- # make the call to the client
- try:
- return client(event) or event.consume
- except Exception:
- # print the exception, but don't let it stop notification
- traceback.print_exc()
- def handleEvent(self, event):
- """
- Handles an AT-SPI event by either queuing it for later dispatch when the
- L{Registry.async} flag is set, or dispatching it immediately.
- @param event: AT-SPI event
- @type event: L{event.Event}
- """
- if self.async:
- # queue for now
- self.queue.put_nowait(event)
- else:
- # dispatch immediately
- self._dispatchEvent(event)
- def _dispatchEvent(self, event):
- """
- Dispatches L{event.Event}s to registered clients. Clients are called in
- the order they were registered for the given AT-SPI event. If any client
- returns True, callbacks cease for the event for clients of this registry
- instance. Clients of other registry instances and clients in other processes
- are unaffected.
- @param event: AT-SPI event
- @type event: L{event.Event}
- """
- et = event.type
- try:
- # try to get the client registered for this event type
- clients = self.clients[et.name]
- except KeyError:
- try:
- # we may not have registered for the complete subtree of events
- # if our tree does not list all of a certain type (e.g.
- # object:state-changed:*); try again with klass and major only
- if et.detail is not None:
- # Strip the 'detail' field.
- clients = self.clients['%s:%s:%s' % (et.klass, et.major, et.minor)]
- elif et.minor is not None:
- # The event could possibly be object:state-changed:*.
- clients = self.clients['%s:%s' % (et.klass, et.major)]
- except KeyError:
- # client may have unregistered recently, ignore event
- return
- # make the call to each client
- consume = False
- for client in clients:
- try:
- consume = client(event) or False
- except Exception:
- # print the exception, but don't let it stop notification
- traceback.print_exc()
- if consume or event.consume:
- # don't allow further processing if a client returns True
- break
- def flushEvents(self):
- """
- Flushes the event queue by destroying it and recreating it.
- """
- self.queue = Queue.Queue()
- def pumpQueuedEvents(self, num=-1):
- """
- Provides asynch processing of events in the queue by executeing them with
- _dispatchEvent() (as is done immediately when synch processing).
- This method would normally be called from a main loop or idle function.
- @param num: Number of events to pump. If number is negative it pumps
- the entire queue. Default is -1.
- @type num: integer
- @return: True if queue is not empty after events were pumped.
- @rtype: boolean
- """
- if num < 0:
- # Dequeue as many events as currently in the queue.
- num = self.queue.qsize()
- for i in xrange(num):
- try:
- # get next waiting event
- event = self.queue.get_nowait()
- except Queue.Empty:
- break
- self._dispatchEvent(event)
- return not self.queue.empty()
- def _registerClients(self, client, name):
- """
- Internal method that recursively associates a client with AT-SPI event
- names. Allows a client to incompletely specify an event name in order to
- register for subevents without specifying their full names manually.
- @param client: Client callback to receive event notifications
- @type client: callable
- @param name: Partial or full event name
- @type name: string
- """
- try:
- # look for an event name in our event tree dictionary
- events = constants.EVENT_TREE[name]
- except KeyError:
- # if the event name doesn't exist, it's a leaf event meaning there are
- # no subtypes for that event
- # add this client to the list of clients already in the dictionary
- # using the event name as the key; if there are no clients yet for this
- # event, insert an empty list into the dictionary before appending
- # the client
- et = event.EventType(name)
- clients = self.clients.setdefault(et.name, [])
- try:
- # if this succeeds, this client is already registered for the given
- # event type, so ignore the request
- clients.index(client)
- except ValueError:
- # else register the client
- clients.append(client)
- self._registerObserver(name)
- else:
- # if the event name does exist in the tree, there are subevents for
- # this event; loop through them calling this method again to get to
- # the leaf events
- for e in events:
- self._registerClients(client, e)
- def _unregisterClients(self, client, name):
- """
- Internal method that recursively unassociates a client with AT-SPI event
- names. Allows a client to incompletely specify an event name in order to
- unregister for subevents without specifying their full names manually.
- @param client: Client callback to receive event notifications
- @type client: callable
- @param name: Partial or full event name
- @type name: string
- """
- missed = False
- try:
- # look for an event name in our event tree dictionary
- events = constants.EVENT_TREE[name]
- except KeyError:
- try:
- # if the event name doesn't exist, it's a leaf event meaning there are
- # no subtypes for that event
- # get the list of registered clients and try to remove the one provided
- et = event.EventType(name)
- clients = self.clients[et.name]
- clients.remove(client)
- self._unregisterObserver(name)
- except (ValueError, KeyError):
- # ignore any exceptions indicating the client is not registered
- missed = True
- return missed
- # if the event name does exist in the tree, there are subevents for this
- # event; loop through them calling this method again to get to the leaf
- # events
- for e in events:
- missed |= self._unregisterClients(client, e)
- return missed
- def _registerObserver(self, name):
- """
- Creates a new L{_Observer} to watch for events of the given type or
- returns the existing observer if one is already registered. One
- L{_Observer} is created for each leaf in the L{constants.EVENT_TREE} or
- any event name not found in the tree.
- @param name: Raw name of the event to observe
- @type name: string
- @return: L{_Observer} object that is monitoring the event
- @rtype: L{_Observer}
- """
- et = event.EventType(name)
- try:
- # see if an observer already exists for this event
- ob = self.observers[et.name]
- except KeyError:
- # build a new observer if one does not exist
- ob = _EventObserver(self)
- # we have to register for the raw name because it may be different from
- # the parsed name determined by EventType (e.g. trailing ':' might be
- # missing)
- ob.register(self.reg, name)
- self.observers[et.name] = ob
- # increase our client ref count so we know someone new is watching for the
- # event
- ob.clientRef()
- return ob
- def _unregisterObserver(self, name):
- """
- Destroys an existing L{_Observer} for the given event type only if no
- clients are registered for the events it is monitoring.
- @param name: Name of the event to observe
- @type name: string
- @raise KeyError: When an observer for the given event is not regist
- """
- et = event.EventType(name)
- # see if an observer already exists for this event
- ob = self.observers[et.name]
- ob.clientUnref()
- if ob.getClientRefCount() == 0:
- ob.unregister(self.reg, name)
- del self.observers[et.name]
-class DeviceEvent(list):
- def __new__(cls, type, id, hw_code, modifiers, timestamp, event_string, is_text):
- list.__new__(cls, (type, id, hw_code, modifiers, timestamp, event_string, is_text))
- def __init__(self, type, id, hw_code, modifiers, timestamp, event_string, is_text):
- list.__init__(self, (type, id, hw_code, modifiers, timestamp, event_string, is_text))
- def _get_type(self):
- return self[0]
- def _set_type(self, val):
- self[0] = val
- type = property(fget=_get_type, fset=_set_type)
- def _get_id(self):
- return self[1]
- def _set_id(self, val):
- self[1] = val
- id = property(fget=_get_id, fset=_set_id)
- def _get_hw_code(self):
- return self[2]
- def _set_hw_code(self, val):
- self[2] = val
- hw_code = property(fget=_get_hw_code, fset=_set_hw_code)
- def _get_modifiers(self):
- return self[3]
- def _set_modifiers(self, val):
- self[3] = val
- modifiers = property(fget=_get_modifiers, fset=_set_modifiers)
- def _get_timestamp(self):
- return self[4]
- def _set_timestamp(self, val):
- self[4] = val
- timestamp = property(fget=_get_timestamp, fset=_set_timestamp)
- def _get_event_string(self):
- return self[5]
- def _set_event_string(self, val):
- self[5] = val
- event_string = property(fget=_get_event_string, fset=_set_event_string)
- def _get_is_text(self):
- return self[6]
- def _set_is_text(self, val):
- self[6] = val
- is_text = property(fget=_get_is_text, fset=_set_is_text)
-class DeviceEventController(_BaseProxy):
- """
- The interface via which clients request notification of device
- events, and through which device events may be simulated.
- """
- def deregisterDeviceEventListener(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- De-register a previously registered keyboard eventlistener.
- @param : listener
- a DeviceEventListener which will intercept events.
- @param : typeseq
- an EventTypeSeq indicating which event types to stop listening
- for.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("deregisterDeviceEventListener")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def deregisterKeystrokeListener(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- De-register a previously registered keyboard eventlistener.
- @param : listener
- a DeviceEventListener which will intercept key events.
- @param : keys
- a KeySet indicating which keys to intercept, or KEYSET_ALL_KEYS.
- @param : mask
- a ControllerEventMask filtering the intercepted key events.
- @param : type
- an EventType mask that may created by ORing event types together.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("deregisterKeystrokeListener")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def generateKeyboardEvent(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Synthesize a keyboard event.
- @param : keycode
- a long integer indicating the keycode of the keypress to be synthesized.
- @param : keystring
- an optional UTF-8 string indicating a complex keyboard input
- event.
- @param : type
- a KeySynthType indicating the type of event(s) to be synthesized:
- a key press, release, press-release pair, or a complex input
- string (for instance from an internationalized or complex text
- input method, or a composed character).
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("generateKeyboardEvent")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def generateMouseEvent(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Synthesize a mouse event.
- @param : x
- a long integer indicating the screen x coord for the mouse event.
- @param : y
- a long integer indicating the screen y coord for the mouse event.
- @param : eventName
- a string indicating the type of mouse event, e.g. "button1up"
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("generateMouseEvent")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def notifyListenersAsync(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Notify the Registry instance that a device event has taken place
- in an asynchronous manner. This is the method used by accessibility
- bridges to forward "toolkit dependent" device events to the Registry
- from the application's process space. If the event in question
- is potentially pre-emptible. notifyListenersSync should be used
- instead.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("notifyListenersAsync")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def notifyListenersSync(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Notify the Registry instance that a device event has taken place,
- and allow pre-emptive listeners the opportunity to 'consume'
- the event and thus prevent its further issuance/forwarding. This
- is the method used by accessibility bridges to forward "toolkit
- dependent" device events to the Registry from the application's
- process space.
- @return True if the event was consumed by a (pre-emptive) listener,
- False if not (in which case the device event will be forwarded
- as normal to any application which would normally receive it,
- e.g. the currently active application in the case of mouse or
- keyboard events).
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("notifyListenersSync")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def registerDeviceEventListener(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Register to intercept events, and either pass them on or consume
- them. To listen to keyboard events use registerKeystrokeListener
- instead.
- @param : listener
- a DeviceEventListener which will intercept events.
- @param : typeseq
- an EventTypeSeq indicating which event types to listen for.
- @return True if successful, False if not
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("registerDeviceEventListener")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def registerKeystrokeListener(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Register to intercept keyboard events, and either pass them on
- or consume them.
- @param : listener
- a DeviceEventListener which will intercept key events.
- @param : keys
- a KeySet indicating which keys to intercept, or KEYSET_ALL_KEYS.
- @param : mask
- a ControllerEventMask filtering the intercepted key events.
- @param : type
- a KeyEventTypeSeq that may created by ORing event types together.
- @param : mode
- an EventListenerMode indicating whether the listener should receive
- the events synchronously, potentially consuming them, or just
- be notified asynchronously of those events that have been generated.
- @return True if the DeviceEventListener was successfully registered
- for the requested KeySet, ControllerEventMask, event types, and
- EventListenerMode; otherwise returns False.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("registerKeystrokeListener")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
-class DeviceEventListener(_BaseProxy):
- """
- This interface should be implemented by AT-SPI clients who wish
- to make use of the DeviceEventController to receive device event
- notifications. DeviceEvents include keyboard events and mouse
- button/motion events.
- """
- def notifyEvent(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Notify an interested DeviceEventListener that a DeviceEvent has
- occurred.
- @return True if the recipient/consumer wishes to consume the
- event, i.e. prevent it from being delivered to the desktop, False
- if the event should continue to be delivered as normal.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("notifyEvent")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
-class Event(list):
- def __new__(cls, type, source, detail1, detail2, any_data):
- list.__new__(cls, (type, source, detail1, detail2, any_data))
- def __init__(self, type, source, detail1, detail2, any_data):
- list.__init__(self, (type, source, detail1, detail2, any_data))
- def _get_type(self):
- return self[0]
- def _set_type(self, val):
- self[0] = val
- type = property(fget=_get_type, fset=_set_type)
- def _get_source(self):
- return self[1]
- def _set_source(self, val):
- self[1] = val
- source = property(fget=_get_source, fset=_set_source)
- def _get_detail1(self):
- return self[2]
- def _set_detail1(self, val):
- self[2] = val
- detail1 = property(fget=_get_detail1, fset=_set_detail1)
- def _get_detail2(self):
- return self[3]
- def _set_detail2(self, val):
- self[3] = val
- detail2 = property(fget=_get_detail2, fset=_set_detail2)
- def _get_any_data(self):
- return self[4]
- def _set_any_data(self, val):
- self[4] = val
- any_data = property(fget=_get_any_data, fset=_set_any_data)
-class EventDetails(list):
- def __new__(cls, host_application, source_role, source_name, any_data):
- list.__new__(cls, (host_application, source_role, source_name, any_data))
- def __init__(self, host_application, source_role, source_name, any_data):
- list.__init__(self, (host_application, source_role, source_name, any_data))
- def _get_host_application(self):
- return self[0]
- def _set_host_application(self, val):
- self[0] = val
- host_application = property(fget=_get_host_application, fset=_set_host_application)
- def _get_source_role(self):
- return self[1]
- def _set_source_role(self, val):
- self[1] = val
- source_role = property(fget=_get_source_role, fset=_set_source_role)
- def _get_source_name(self):
- return self[2]
- def _set_source_name(self, val):
- self[2] = val
- source_name = property(fget=_get_source_name, fset=_set_source_name)
- def _get_any_data(self):
- return self[3]
- def _set_any_data(self, val):
- self[3] = val
- any_data = property(fget=_get_any_data, fset=_set_any_data)
-class EventListener(_BaseProxy):
- """
- A generic interface implemented by objects for the receipt of
- event notifications. EventListener is the interface from which
- Accessibility::Registry is derived, and via which clients of
- the Registry receive notification of changes to an application's
- user interface and content.
- """
- def notifyEvent(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Synchronously notify an EventListener that an event has occurred,
- by passing it an Event struct.
- @param : e
- The Event about which the listener is being notified.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("notifyEvent")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented2_(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented2_")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented3_(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented3_")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented4_(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented4_")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented_(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented_")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
-class EventListenerMode(list):
- def __new__(cls, synchronous, preemptive, global_):
- list.__new__(cls, (synchronous, preemptive, global_))
- def __init__(self, synchronous, preemptive, global_):
- list.__init__(self, (synchronous, preemptive, global_))
- def _get_synchronous(self):
- return self[0]
- def _set_synchronous(self, val):
- self[0] = val
- synchronous = property(fget=_get_synchronous, fset=_set_synchronous)
- def _get_preemptive(self):
- return self[1]
- def _set_preemptive(self, val):
- self[1] = val
- preemptive = property(fget=_get_preemptive, fset=_set_preemptive)
- def _get_global_(self):
- return self[2]
- def _set_global_(self, val):
- self[2] = val
- global_ = property(fget=_get_global_, fset=_set_global_)
-class EventType(_Enum):
- _enum_lookup = {
- }
-class KeyDefinition(list):
- def __new__(cls, keycode, keysym, keystring, unused):
- list.__new__(cls, (keycode, keysym, keystring, unused))
- def __init__(self, keycode, keysym, keystring, unused):
- list.__init__(self, (keycode, keysym, keystring, unused))
- def _get_keycode(self):
- return self[0]
- def _set_keycode(self, val):
- self[0] = val
- keycode = property(fget=_get_keycode, fset=_set_keycode)
- def _get_keysym(self):
- return self[1]
- def _set_keysym(self, val):
- self[1] = val
- keysym = property(fget=_get_keysym, fset=_set_keysym)
- def _get_keystring(self):
- return self[2]
- def _set_keystring(self, val):
- self[2] = val
- keystring = property(fget=_get_keystring, fset=_set_keystring)
- def _get_unused(self):
- return self[3]
- def _set_unused(self, val):
- self[3] = val
- unused = property(fget=_get_unused, fset=_set_unused)
-class KeyEventType(_Enum):
- _enum_lookup = {
- }
-class KeySynthType(_Enum):
- _enum_lookup = {
- 0:'KEY_PRESS',
- 3:'KEY_SYM',
- }
-class ModifierType(_Enum):
- _enum_lookup = {
- }
-class Registry(EventListener):
- """
- The Registry is a service through which applications providing
- accessibility services (servers) can rendezvous with consumers
- of those services (Assistive Technologies). The Registry is the
- first "port of call" for accessible applications and for assistive
- technologies wishing to query and interact with those applications.
- The Registry service provides four basic functions to Assistive
- Technology (AT) clients:
- it provides a list of the applications who have registered with
- the AT-SPI framework, thereby announcing their participation
- in the AT-SPI framework;
- it allows AT clients to register for notification of changes
- in application state (at-spi Events);
- it dispatches/relays said events from participating applications
- to the registered listeners;
- it gives access to system device events via the associated DeviceEventController
- interface.
- From the point of view of accessible applications (i.e. AT-SPI
- service producers), the Registry is primarily a registration
- and event delivery service. Applications normally only call the
- registerApplication and deregisterApplication Registry methods,
- and its inherited EventListener::notifyEvent method.
- The Registry normally lives in its own process space; communication
- via Registry and both application services and AT clients takes
- place via IPC. A process space diagram illustrating the relationship
- between applications, Registry, and AT is shown below.
- """
- def deregisterApplication(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- De-register an application previously registered with the broker.
- deregisterApplication:
- @param : app
- a reference to the Application to be deregistered.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("deregisterApplication")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def deregisterGlobalEventListener(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- deregisterGlobalEventListener:
- @param : listener
- the requesting EventListener
- @param : eventName
- a string indicating the type of events
- Request that a previously registered client stop receiving global
- notifications for events of a certain type.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("deregisterGlobalEventListener")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def deregisterGlobalEventListenerAll(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- deregisterGlobalEventListenerAll:
- @param : listener
- the requesting EventListener
- Request that a previously registered client stop receiving global
- notifications for all events for which it was registered.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("deregisterGlobalEventListenerAll")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getDesktop(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- getDesktop:
- : the index of the requested Desktop.
- Get the nth accessible desktop.
- @return a reference to the requested Desktop.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getDesktop")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getDesktopCount(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- event types: "Window" "Desktop" "Window:Create" "Window:Destroy"
- "Window:Iconify" "Window:Restore" "Window:Fullscreen" "Window:Resize"
- "Desktop:Create" "Desktop:Destroy" "Desktop:Focus" "Desktop:Defocus"
- "Desktop:Reorder" "Focus" "GtkWidget:show" "GObject:notify:<propertyname>"
- ( not sure we should allow these last 2 forms, since they are
- toolkit-specific, but they're powerful ) getDesktopCount:
- Get the current number of desktops.
- @return a short integer indicating the current number of Desktops.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getDesktopCount")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getDesktopList(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get a list of accessible desktops.
- @return : a sequence containing references to the Desktops.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getDesktopList")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getDeviceEventController(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Obtain an object which can be used to request device event notifications.
- @return : an object implementing DeviceEventController
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getDeviceEventController")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def registerApplication(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Register a new application with the accessibility broker.
- @param : app
- a reference to the requesting Application
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("registerApplication")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def registerGlobalEventListener(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Register a client's interest in (all) application events of a
- certain type.
- @param : listener
- a reference to the requesting EventListener.
- @param : eventName
- a string which indicates the type of events about which the client
- desires notification.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("registerGlobalEventListener")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
-class Table(_BaseProxy):
- """
- An interface used by containers whose contained data is arranged
- in a "tabular" (i.e. row-column) fashion. Tables may resemble
- a two-dimensional grid, as in a spreadsheet, or may feature objects
- which span multiple rows and/or columns, but whose bounds are
- aligned on a row/column matrix. Thus, the Table interface may
- be used to represent "spreadsheets" as well as "frames".
- Objects within tables are children of the Table instance, and
- they may be referenced either via a child index or via a row/column
- pair. Their role may be ROLE_TABLE_CELL, but table 'cells' may
- have other roles as well. These 'cells' may implement other interfaces,
- such as Text, Action, Image, and Component, and should do so
- as appropriate to their onscreen representation and/or behavior.
- """
- def addColumnSelection(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Select the specified column, adding it to the current column
- selection, if the table's selection model permits it.
- @param : column
- @return True if the specified column was successfully selected,
- False if not.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("addColumnSelection")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def addRowSelection(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Select the specified row, adding it to the current row selection,
- if the table's selection model permits it.
- @param : row
- @return True if the specified row was successfully selected,
- False if not.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("addRowSelection")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getAccessibleAt(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the table cell at the specified row and column indices.
- @param : row
- the specified table row, zero-indexed.
- @param : column
- the specified table column, zero-indexed.
- @return an Accessible object representing the specified table
- cell.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getAccessibleAt")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getColumnAtIndex(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the table column index occupied by the child at a particular
- 1-D child index.
- @param : index
- the specified child index, zero-indexed.
- @return a long integer indicating the first column spanned by
- the child of a table, at the specified 1-D (zero-offset) index.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getColumnAtIndex")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getColumnDescription(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get a text description of a particular table column. This differs
- from AccessibleTable_getColumnHeader, which returns an Accessible.
- @param : column
- the specified table column, zero-indexed.
- @return a UTF-8 string describing the specified table column,
- if available.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getColumnDescription")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getColumnExtentAt(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the number of columns spanned by the table cell at the specific
- row and column. (some tables can have cells which span multiple
- rows and/or columns).
- @param : row
- the specified table row, zero-indexed.
- @param : column
- the specified table column, zero-indexed.
- @return a long integer indicating the number of columns spanned
- by the specified cell.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getColumnExtentAt")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getColumnHeader(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the header associated with a table column, if available,
- as an instance of Accessible. This differs from getColumnDescription,
- which returns a string.
- @param : column
- the specified table column, zero-indexed.
- @return an Accessible representatin of the specified table column,
- if available.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getColumnHeader")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getIndexAt(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the 1-D child index corresponding to the specified 2-D row
- and column indices.
- @param : row
- the specified table row, zero-indexed.
- @param : column
- the specified table column, zero-indexed.
- @return a long integer which serves as the index of a specified
- cell in the table, in a form usable by Accessible::getChildAtIndex.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getIndexAt")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getRowAtIndex(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the table row index occupied by the child at a particular
- 1-D child index.
- @param : index
- the specified child index, zero-indexed.
- @return a long integer indicating the first row spanned by the
- child of a table, at the specified 1-D (zero-offset) index.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getRowAtIndex")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getRowColumnExtentsAtIndex(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Given a child index, determine the row and column indices and
- extents, and whether the cell is currently selected. If the child
- at index is not a cell (for instance, if it is a summary, caption,
- etc.), False is returned.
- @param : index
- the index of the Table child whose row/column extents are requested.
- @param : row
- back-filled with the first table row associated with the cell
- with child index index.
- @param : col
- back-filled with the first table column associated with the cell
- with child index index.
- @param : row_extents
- back-filled with the number of table rows across which child
- i extends.
- @param : col_extents
- back-filled with the number of table columns across which child
- i extends.
- @param : is_selected
- a boolean which is back-filled with True if the child at index
- i corresponds to a selected table cell, False otherwise.
- Example: If the Table child at index '6' extends across columns
- 5 and 6 of row 2 of a Table instance, and is currently selected,
- then retval=table::getRowColumnExtentsAtIndex(6,row,col,
- row_extents,
- col_extents,
- is_selected);
- will return True, and after the call row, col, row_extents,
- col_extents, and is_selected will contain 2, 5, 1, 2, and True,
- respectively.
- @return True if the index is associated with a valid table cell,
- False if the index does not correspond to a cell. If False is
- returned, the values of the out parameters are undefined.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getRowColumnExtentsAtIndex")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getRowDescription(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get a text description of a particular table row. This differs
- from AccessibleTable_getRowHeader, which returns an Accessible.
- @param : row
- the specified table row, zero-indexed.
- @return a UTF-8 string describing the specified table row, if
- available.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getRowDescription")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getRowExtentAt(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the number of rows spanned by the table cell at the specific
- row and column. (some tables can have cells which span multiple
- rows and/or columns).
- @param : row
- the specified table row, zero-indexed.
- @param : column
- the specified table column, zero-indexed.
- @return a long integer indicating the number of rows spanned
- by the specified cell.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getRowExtentAt")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getRowHeader(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the header associated with a table row, if available. This
- differs from getRowDescription, which returns a string.
- @param : row
- the specified table row, zero-indexed.
- @return an Accessible representatin of the specified table row,
- if available.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getRowHeader")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getSelectedColumns(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Obtain the indices of all columns which are currently selected.
- @return a sequence of integers comprising the indices of columns
- currently selected.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getSelectedColumns")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def getSelectedRows(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Obtain the indices of all rows which are currently selected.
- @return a sequence of integers comprising the indices of rows
- currently selected.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("getSelectedRows")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def isColumnSelected(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Determine whether a table column is selected.
- @param : column
- the column being queried.
- @return True if the specified column is currently selected, False
- if not.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("isColumnSelected")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def isRowSelected(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Determine whether a table row is selected.
- @param : row
- the row being queried.
- @return True if the specified row is currently selected, False
- if not.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("isRowSelected")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def isSelected(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Determine whether the cell at a specific row and column is selected.
- @param : row
- a row occupied by the cell whose state is being queried.
- @param : column
- a column occupied by the cell whose state is being queried.
- @return True if the specified cell is currently selected, False
- if not.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("isSelected")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def removeColumnSelection(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Remove the specified column from current column selection, if
- the table's selection model permits it.
- @param : column
- @return True if the specified column was successfully de-selected,
- False if not.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("removeColumnSelection")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def removeRowSelection(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Remove the specified row from current row selection, if the table's
- selection model permits it.
- @param : row
- @return True if the specified row was successfully de-selected,
- False if not.
- """
- func = self.get_dbus_method("removeRowSelection")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented2(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented2")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented3(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented3")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented4(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented4")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented5(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented5")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented6(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented6")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def unImplemented7(self, *args, **kwargs):
- func = self.get_dbus_method("unImplemented7")
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def get_caption(self):
- self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "caption")
- def set_caption(self, value):
- self._psetter(self._dbus_interface, "caption", value)
- _captionDoc = \
- """
- An Accessible which represents of a caption for a Table.
- """
- caption = property(fget=get_caption, fset=set_caption, doc=_captionDoc)
- def get_nColumns(self):
- self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "nColumns")
- def set_nColumns(self, value):
- self._psetter(self._dbus_interface, "nColumns", value)
- _nColumnsDoc = \
- """
- The total number of columns in this table (including empty columns),
- exclusive of columns which are programmatically hidden. Columns
- which are scrolled out of view or clipped by the current viewport
- are included.
- """
- nColumns = property(fget=get_nColumns, fset=set_nColumns, doc=_nColumnsDoc)
- def get_nRows(self):
- self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "nRows")
- def set_nRows(self, value):
- self._psetter(self._dbus_interface, "nRows", value)
- _nRowsDoc = \
- """
- The total number of rows in this table (including empty rows),
- exclusive of any rows which are programmatically hidden. Rows
- which are merely scrolled out of view are included.
- """
- nRows = property(fget=get_nRows, fset=set_nRows, doc=_nRowsDoc)
- def get_nSelectedColumns(self):
- self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "nSelectedColumns")
- def set_nSelectedColumns(self, value):
- self._psetter(self._dbus_interface, "nSelectedColumns", value)
- _nSelectedColumnsDoc = \
- """
- The number of columns currently selected. A selected column is
- one in which all included cells are selected.
- """
- nSelectedColumns = property(fget=get_nSelectedColumns, fset=set_nSelectedColumns, doc=_nSelectedColumnsDoc)
- def get_nSelectedRows(self):
- self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "nSelectedRows")
- def set_nSelectedRows(self, value):
- self._psetter(self._dbus_interface, "nSelectedRows", value)
- _nSelectedRowsDoc = \
- """
- The number of rows currently selected. A selected row is one
- in which all included cells are selected.
- """
- nSelectedRows = property(fget=get_nSelectedRows, fset=set_nSelectedRows, doc=_nSelectedRowsDoc)
- def get_summary(self):
- self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "summary")
- def set_summary(self, value):
- self._psetter(self._dbus_interface, "summary", value)
- _summaryDoc = \
- """
- An accessible object which summarizes the contents of a Table.
- This object is frequently itself a Table instance, albeit a simplified
- one.
- """
- summary = property(fget=get_summary, fset=set_summary, doc=_summaryDoc)
-KEY_PRESS = KeySynthType(0)
-KEY_PRESSED = KeyEventType(0)
-KEY_RELEASE = KeySynthType(1)
-KEY_RELEASED = KeyEventType(1)
-KEY_STRING = KeySynthType(4)
-KEY_SYM = KeySynthType(3)
-MODIFIER_ALT = ModifierType(3)
-MODIFIER_CONTROL = ModifierType(2)
-MODIFIER_META = ModifierType(4)
-MODIFIER_META2 = ModifierType(5)
-MODIFIER_META3 = ModifierType(6)
-MODIFIER_NUMLOCK = ModifierType(7)
-MODIFIER_SHIFT = ModifierType(0)