(SLTIU GPR:$rd, GPR:$rs1, simm12:$imm12)>;
+def : MnemonicAlias<"move", "mv">;
+// The SCALL and SBREAK instructions wererenamed to ECALL and EBREAK in
+// version 2.1 of the user-level ISA. Like the GNU toolchain, we still accept
+// the old name for backwards compatibility.
+def : MnemonicAlias<"scall", "ecall">;
+def : MnemonicAlias<"sbreak", "ebreak">;
// Pseudo-instructions and codegen patterns
# CHECK-INST: addi t6, zero, 0
# CHECK-ALIAS: mv t6, zero
mv x31, zero
+# CHECK-INST: addi a2, a3, 0
+# CHECK-ALIAS: mv a2, a3
+move a2,a3
# CHECK-INST: xori t6, ra, -1
# CHECK-ALIAS: not t6, ra
not x31, x1
# CHECK-INST: sltiu a2, a3, 4
# CHECK-ALIAS: sltiu a2, a3, 4
sltu a2,a3,4
+# CHECK-INST: ebreak
+# CHECK-ALIAS: ebreak
+# CHECK-INST: ecall
+# CHECK-ALIAS: ecall