c_static_assert_msg(UCOL_GREATER > 0, "managed side requires greater than zero for a > b");
c_static_assert_msg(USEARCH_DONE == -1, "managed side requires -1 for not found");
-const int32_t CompareOptionsIgnoreCase = 0x1;
-const int32_t CompareOptionsIgnoreNonSpace = 0x2;
-const int32_t CompareOptionsIgnoreSymbols = 0x4;
-const int32_t CompareOptionsIgnoreKanaType = 0x8;
-const int32_t CompareOptionsIgnoreWidth = 0x10;
-const int32_t CompareOptionsMask = 0x1f;
-// const int32_t CompareOptionsStringSort = 0x20000000;
+#define CompareOptionsIgnoreCase 0x1
+#define CompareOptionsIgnoreNonSpace 0x2
+#define CompareOptionsIgnoreSymbols 0x4
+#define CompareOptionsIgnoreKanaType 0x8
+#define CompareOptionsIgnoreWidth 0x10
+#define CompareOptionsMask 0x1f
+// #define CompareOptionsStringSort 0x20000000
// ICU's default is to use "StringSort", i.e. nonalphanumeric symbols come before alphanumeric.
// When StringSort is not specified (.NET's default), the sort order will be different between
// Windows and Unix platforms. The nonalphanumeric symbols will come after alphanumeric
# Need generate a right form of asmparse.cpp to avoid the following options.
# Clang also produces a bad-codegen on this prebuilt file with optimization.
# https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/2305
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor")
- add_compile_options(-Wno-register)
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-register")
set_source_files_properties( prebuilt/asmparse.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-O0" )
UTSemReadWrite * LOADEDMODULES::m_pSemReadWrite = NULL;
// Hash a file name.
// Named for locking macros - see code:LOCKREAD
static UTSemReadWrite * m_pSemReadWrite;
- static RegMeta *(m_HashedModules[LOADEDMODULES_HASH_SIZE]);
+ static RegMeta *m_HashedModules[LOADEDMODULES_HASH_SIZE];
static ULONG HashFileName(LPCWSTR szName);
BYTE *pData = (BYTE*)pDecoder->GetRvaData(resourceDataRva);
- return state->langIDcallback(state->nameName, state->nameType, (DWORD)name, pData, cbData, state->context);
+ return state->langIDcallback(state->nameName, state->nameType, (DWORD)(uintptr_t)name, pData, cbData, state->context);
CONSISTENCY_CHECK_MSG(instr != CEE_SWITCH, "CEE_SWITCH is not supported currently due to InlineSwitch in s_rgbOpcodeSizes");
- CONSISTENCY_CHECK_MSG(((instr >= CEE_BR_S) && (instr <= CEE_BLT_UN_S)) || (CEE_LEAVE), "we only use long-form branch opcodes");
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK_MSG(((instr >= CEE_BR_S) && (instr <= CEE_BLT_UN_S)) || instr == CEE_LEAVE, "we only use long-form branch opcodes");
return true;
#endif // _DEBUG