* SoupSession:ssl-use-system-ca-file:
- * Setting this to %TRUE overrides #SoupSession:ssl-ca-file
- * and #SoupSession:tls-database, and uses the default system
- * CA database (which, despite the name, may not actually be a
- * file).
+ * Setting this to %TRUE is equivalent to setting
+ * #SoupSession:tls-database to the default system CA database.
+ * (and likewise, setting #SoupSession:tls-database to the
+ * default database by hand will cause this property to
+ * become %TRUE).
+ *
+ * Setting this to %FALSE (when it was previously %TRUE) will
+ * clear the #SoupSession:tls-database field.
* See #SoupSession:ssl-strict for more information on how
* https certificate validation is handled.
g_param_spec_boolean (SOUP_SESSION_SSL_USE_SYSTEM_CA_FILE,
"Use system CA file",
"Use the system certificate database",
* SoupSession:tls-database:
- * Overrides #SoupSession:ssl-ca-file and
- * #SoupSession:ssl-use-system-ca-file, and uses the provided
- * #GTlsDatabase.
+ * Sets the #GTlsDatabase to use for validating SSL/TLS
+ * certificates.
+ *
+ * Note that setting the #SoupSession:ssl-ca-file or
+ * #SoupSession:ssl-use-system-ca-file property will cause
+ * this property to be set to a #GTlsDatabase corresponding to
+ * the indicated file or system default.
* See #SoupSession:ssl-strict for more information on how
* https certificate validation is handled.
* SoupSession:ssl-strict:
- * Normally, if #SoupSession:ssl-ca-file (or
- * #SoupSession:tlsdb or #SoupSession:ssl-use-system-ca-file)
- * is set, then libsoup will reject any certificate that is
- * invalid (ie, expired) or that is not signed by one of the
- * given CA certificates, and the #SoupMessage will fail with
- * the status %SOUP_STATUS_SSL_FAILED.
+ * Normally, if #SoupSession:tlsdb is set (including if it was
+ * set via #SoupSession:ssl-use-system-ca-file or
+ * #SoupSession:ssl-ca-file), then libsoup will reject any
+ * certificate that is invalid (ie, expired) or that is not
+ * signed by one of the given CA certificates, and the
+ * #SoupMessage will fail with the status
* If you set #SoupSession:ssl-strict to %FALSE, then all
* certificates will be accepted, and you will need to call
static void
-load_ssl_ca_file (SoupSessionPrivate *priv)
+set_tlsdb (SoupSession *session, GTlsDatabase *tlsdb)
+ SoupSessionPrivate *priv = SOUP_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session);
+ GTlsDatabase *system_default;
+ if (tlsdb == priv->tlsdb)
+ return;
+ g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (session));
+ system_default = g_tls_backend_get_default_database (g_tls_backend_get_default ());
+ if (priv->tlsdb == system_default || tlsdb == system_default) {
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (session), "ssl-use-system-ca-file");
+ }
+ g_object_unref (system_default);
+ if (priv->ssl_ca_file) {
+ g_free (priv->ssl_ca_file);
+ priv->ssl_ca_file = NULL;
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (session), "ssl-ca-file");
+ }
+ if (priv->tlsdb)
+ g_object_unref (priv->tlsdb);
+ priv->tlsdb = tlsdb;
+ if (priv->tlsdb)
+ g_object_ref (priv->tlsdb);
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (session), "tls-database");
+ g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (session));
+static void
+set_use_system_ca_file (SoupSession *session, gboolean use_system_ca_file)
+ SoupSessionPrivate *priv = SOUP_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session);
+ GTlsDatabase *system_default;
+ system_default = g_tls_backend_get_default_database (g_tls_backend_get_default ());
+ if (use_system_ca_file)
+ set_tlsdb (session, system_default);
+ else if (priv->tlsdb == system_default)
+ set_tlsdb (session, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (system_default);
+static void
+set_ssl_ca_file (SoupSession *session, const char *ssl_ca_file)
+ SoupSessionPrivate *priv = SOUP_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session);
+ GTlsDatabase *tlsdb;
GError *error = NULL;
- if (g_path_is_absolute (priv->ssl_ca_file)) {
- priv->tlsdb = g_tls_file_database_new (priv->ssl_ca_file,
- &error);
- } else {
+ if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->ssl_ca_file, ssl_ca_file))
+ return;
+ g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (session));
+ if (g_path_is_absolute (ssl_ca_file))
+ tlsdb = g_tls_file_database_new (ssl_ca_file, &error);
+ else {
char *path, *cwd;
cwd = g_get_current_dir ();
- path = g_build_filename (cwd, priv->ssl_ca_file, NULL);
- priv->tlsdb = g_tls_file_database_new (path, &error);
+ path = g_build_filename (cwd, ssl_ca_file, NULL);
+ tlsdb = g_tls_file_database_new (path, &error);
g_free (path);
- if (priv->tlsdb)
- return;
- if (!g_error_matches (error, G_TLS_ERROR, G_TLS_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE)) {
- g_warning ("Could not set SSL credentials from '%s': %s",
- priv->ssl_ca_file, error->message);
+ if (error) {
+ if (!g_error_matches (error, G_TLS_ERROR, G_TLS_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE)) {
+ g_warning ("Could not set SSL credentials from '%s': %s",
+ ssl_ca_file, error->message);
- priv->tlsdb = g_tls_file_database_new ("/dev/null", NULL);
+ tlsdb = g_tls_file_database_new ("/dev/null", NULL);
+ }
+ g_error_free (error);
- g_error_free (error);
+ set_tlsdb (session, tlsdb);
+ g_object_unref (tlsdb);
+ priv->ssl_ca_file = g_strdup (ssl_ca_file);
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (session), "ssl-ca-file");
+ g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (session));
/* priv->http_aliases and priv->https_aliases are stored as arrays of
g_warning ("Trying to set use-ntlm on session with no auth-manager");
- if (priv->tlsdb) {
- g_object_unref (priv->tlsdb);
- priv->tlsdb = NULL;
- }
- g_free (priv->ssl_ca_file);
- priv->ssl_ca_file = g_value_dup_string (value);
- if (priv->ssl_ca_file)
- load_ssl_ca_file (priv);
+ set_ssl_ca_file (session, g_value_get_string (value));
- if (priv->tlsdb) {
- g_object_unref (priv->tlsdb);
- priv->tlsdb = NULL;
- }
- g_free (priv->ssl_ca_file);
- priv->ssl_ca_file = NULL;
- priv->tlsdb = g_tls_backend_get_default_database (g_tls_backend_get_default ());
+ set_use_system_ca_file (session, g_value_get_boolean (value));
- if (priv->tlsdb) {
- g_object_unref (priv->tlsdb);
- priv->tlsdb = NULL;
- }
- g_free (priv->ssl_ca_file);
- priv->ssl_ca_file = NULL;
- priv->tlsdb = g_value_dup_object (value);
+ set_tlsdb (session, g_value_get_object (value));
priv->ssl_strict = g_value_get_boolean (value);
SoupSession *session;
- debug_printf (1, "strict/nonstrict\n");
+ debug_printf (1, "\nstrict/nonstrict\n");
session = soup_test_session_new (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION_ASYNC, NULL);
debug_printf (1, " async with CA list\n");
static void
+property_changed (GObject *object, GParamSpec *param, gpointer user_data)
+ gboolean *changed = user_data;
+ *changed = TRUE;
+static void
+do_session_property_tests (void)
+ gboolean use_system_changed, tlsdb_changed, ca_file_changed;
+ gboolean use_system;
+ GTlsDatabase *tlsdb;
+ char *ca_file;
+ SoupSession *session;
+ debug_printf (1, "session properties\n");
+ session = soup_session_async_new ();
+ g_signal_connect (session, "notify::ssl-use-system-ca-file",
+ G_CALLBACK (property_changed), &use_system_changed);
+ g_signal_connect (session, "notify::tls-database",
+ G_CALLBACK (property_changed), &tlsdb_changed);
+ g_signal_connect (session, "notify::ssl-ca-file",
+ G_CALLBACK (property_changed), &ca_file_changed);
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (session),
+ "ssl-use-system-ca-file", &use_system,
+ "tls-database", &tlsdb,
+ "ssl-ca-file", &ca_file,
+ NULL);
+ if (use_system) {
+ debug_printf (1, " ssl-use-system-ca-file defaults to TRUE?\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (tlsdb) {
+ debug_printf (1, " tls-database set by default?\n");
+ errors++;
+ g_object_unref (tlsdb);
+ }
+ if (ca_file) {
+ debug_printf (1, " ca-file set by default?\n");
+ errors++;
+ g_free (ca_file);
+ }
+ use_system_changed = tlsdb_changed = ca_file_changed = FALSE;
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (session),
+ "ssl-use-system-ca-file", TRUE,
+ NULL);
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (session),
+ "ssl-use-system-ca-file", &use_system,
+ "tls-database", &tlsdb,
+ "ssl-ca-file", &ca_file,
+ NULL);
+ if (!use_system) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-use-system-ca-file failed\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (!tlsdb) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-use-system-ca-file didn't set tls-database\n");
+ errors++;
+ } else
+ g_object_unref (tlsdb);
+ if (ca_file) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-use-system-ca-file set ssl-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ g_free (ca_file);
+ }
+ if (!use_system_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-use-system-ca-file didn't emit notify::ssl-use-system-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (!tlsdb_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-use-system-ca-file didn't emit notify::tls-database\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (ca_file_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-use-system-ca-file emitted notify::ssl-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ use_system_changed = tlsdb_changed = ca_file_changed = FALSE;
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (session),
+ "ssl-ca-file", SRCDIR "/test-cert.pem",
+ NULL);
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (session),
+ "ssl-use-system-ca-file", &use_system,
+ "tls-database", &tlsdb,
+ "ssl-ca-file", &ca_file,
+ NULL);
+ if (use_system) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-ca-file left ssl-use-system-ca-file set\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (!tlsdb) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-ca-file didn't set tls-database\n");
+ errors++;
+ } else
+ g_object_unref (tlsdb);
+ if (!ca_file) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-ca-file failed\n");
+ errors++;
+ } else
+ g_free (ca_file);
+ if (!use_system_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-ca-file didn't emit notify::ssl-use-system-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (!tlsdb_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-ca-file didn't emit notify::tls-database\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (!ca_file_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting ssl-ca-file didn't emit notify::ssl-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ use_system_changed = tlsdb_changed = ca_file_changed = FALSE;
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (session),
+ "tls-database", NULL,
+ NULL);
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (session),
+ "ssl-use-system-ca-file", &use_system,
+ "tls-database", &tlsdb,
+ "ssl-ca-file", &ca_file,
+ NULL);
+ if (use_system) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting tls-database NULL left ssl-use-system-ca-file set\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (tlsdb) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting tls-database NULL failed\n");
+ errors++;
+ g_object_unref (tlsdb);
+ }
+ if (ca_file) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting tls-database didn't clear ssl-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ g_free (ca_file);
+ }
+ if (use_system_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting tls-database emitted notify::ssl-use-system-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (!tlsdb_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting tls-database didn't emit notify::tls-database\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ if (!ca_file_changed) {
+ debug_printf (1, " setting tls-database didn't emit notify::ssl-ca-file\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ soup_test_session_abort_unref (session);
+static void
server_handler (SoupServer *server,
SoupMessage *msg,
const char *path,
uri = g_strdup_printf ("",
soup_server_get_port (server));
+ do_session_property_tests ();
do_strict_tests (uri);
do_properties_tests (uri);