using System.IO.Tests;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitExtensions;
using Xunit;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography.Encryption.Tests.Asymmetric
+ [ConditionalFact(typeof(PlatformDetection), nameof(PlatformDetection.Is64BitProcess))]
+ public static void EnormousRead()
+ {
+ // 0x6000_0000 / 3 => 0x2000_0000 * 4 => 0x8000_0000 (overflow)
+ // (output bytes) / (output block size) * (input block size) == (input bytes requested)
+ const int OutputBufferLength = 0x6000_0000;
+ byte[] output;
+ try
+ {
+ output = new byte[OutputBufferLength];
+ }
+ catch (OutOfMemoryException)
+ {
+ throw new SkipTestException("Could not create a large enough array");
+ }
+ // The input portion doesn't matter, the overflow happens before the call to the inner
+ // stream's read.
+ //
+ // When changing this flow from an OverflowException, there are two reasonable changes:
+ // A really big buffer (but the interior logic clamping the temp read buffer to Array.MaxLength
+ // will still get it in one read)
+ // A stream that produces more than Array.MaxLength bytes. Like, oh, 0x8000_0000U of them.
+ byte[] buffer = Array.Empty<byte>();
+ using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
+ using (ICryptoTransform transform = new FromBase64Transform())
+ using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(stream, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
+ {
+ Assert.Throws<OverflowException>(() => cryptoStream.Read(output, 0, output.Length));
+ }
+ }
+ [ConditionalFact(typeof(PlatformDetection), nameof(PlatformDetection.Is64BitProcess))]
+ public static void EnormousWrite()
+ {
+ // 0x6000_0000 / 3 => 0x2000_0000 * 4 => 0x8000_0000 (overflow)
+ // (input bytes) / (input block size) * (output block size) => (output bytes to write)
+ const int InputBufferLength = 0x60000000;
+ byte[] buffer;
+ try
+ {
+ buffer = new byte[InputBufferLength];
+ }
+ catch (OutOfMemoryException)
+ {
+ throw new SkipTestException("Could not create a large enough array");
+ }
+ // In the Read scenario the overflow comes from a reducing transform.
+ // In the Write scenario it comes from an expanding transform.
+ //
+ // When making the write not overflow change the test to use an output stream
+ // that isn't bounded by Array.MaxLength. e.g. a counting stream, or a stream
+ // that just computes some hash of the input (so total correctness can be measured)
+ byte[] output = Array.Empty<byte>();
+ using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(output))
+ using (ICryptoTransform transform = new ToBase64Transform())
+ using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(stream, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write, leaveOpen: true))
+ {
+ Assert.Throws<OverflowException>(() => cryptoStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length));
+ }
+ }
private sealed class DerivedCryptoStream : CryptoStream
public bool DisposeInvoked;