void X86TargetLowering::emitBitTestAtomicRMWIntrinsic(AtomicRMWInst *AI) const {
IRBuilder<> Builder(AI);
+ Builder.CollectMetadataToCopy(AI, {LLVMContext::MD_pcsections});
Intrinsic::ID IID_C = Intrinsic::not_intrinsic;
Intrinsic::ID IID_I = Intrinsic::not_intrinsic;
switch (AI->getOperation()) {
void X86TargetLowering::emitCmpArithAtomicRMWIntrinsic(
AtomicRMWInst *AI) const {
IRBuilder<> Builder(AI);
+ Builder.CollectMetadataToCopy(AI, {LLVMContext::MD_pcsections});
Instruction *TempI = nullptr;
LLVMContext &Ctx = AI->getContext();
ICmpInst *ICI = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(AI->user_back());
return nullptr;
IRBuilder<> Builder(AI);
+ Builder.CollectMetadataToCopy(AI, {LLVMContext::MD_pcsections});
Module *M = Builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
auto SSID = AI->getSyncScopeID();
// We must restrict the ordering to avoid generating loads with Release or
ret void
+define i64 @atomic_use_cond(ptr %a) {
+; O0-LABEL: atomic_use_cond:
+; O0: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; O0-NEXT: .Lpcsection412:
+; O0-NEXT: lock decq (%rdi)
+; O0-NEXT: .Lpcsection413:
+; O0-NEXT: sete %al
+; O0-NEXT: testb $1, %al
+; O0-NEXT: je .LBB197_2
+; O0-NEXT: # %bb.1: # %then
+; O0-NEXT: movl $1, %eax
+; O0-NEXT: retq
+; O0-NEXT: .LBB197_2: # %else
+; O0-NEXT: movl $2, %eax
+; O0-NEXT: retq
+; O1-LABEL: atomic_use_cond:
+; O1: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; O1-NEXT: .Lpcsection327:
+; O1-NEXT: lock decq (%rdi)
+; O1-NEXT: jne .LBB197_2
+; O1-NEXT: # %bb.1: # %then
+; O1-NEXT: movl $1, %eax
+; O1-NEXT: retq
+; O1-NEXT: .LBB197_2: # %else
+; O1-NEXT: movl $2, %eax
+; O1-NEXT: retq
+; O2-LABEL: atomic_use_cond:
+; O2: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; O2-NEXT: .Lpcsection327:
+; O2-NEXT: lock decq (%rdi)
+; O2-NEXT: jne .LBB197_2
+; O2-NEXT: # %bb.1: # %then
+; O2-NEXT: movl $1, %eax
+; O2-NEXT: retq
+; O2-NEXT: .LBB197_2: # %else
+; O2-NEXT: movl $2, %eax
+; O2-NEXT: retq
+; O3-LABEL: atomic_use_cond:
+; O3: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; O3-NEXT: .Lpcsection327:
+; O3-NEXT: lock decq (%rdi)
+; O3-NEXT: jne .LBB197_2
+; O3-NEXT: # %bb.1: # %then
+; O3-NEXT: movl $1, %eax
+; O3-NEXT: retq
+; O3-NEXT: .LBB197_2: # %else
+; O3-NEXT: movl $2, %eax
+; O3-NEXT: retq
+ %x = atomicrmw sub ptr %a, i64 1 seq_cst, align 8, !pcsections !0
+ %y = icmp eq i64 %x, 1
+ br i1 %y, label %then, label %else
+ ret i64 1
+ ret i64 2
!0 = !{!"somesection"}