+emitter.emit(event, arg1, arg2, ...)+ ::
Execute each of the listeners in order with the supplied arguments.
-=== +events.Promise+
-+require("events")+ to access the events module.
-+events.Promise+ inherits from +process.EventEmitter+. A promise emits one of two
-events: +"success"+ or +"error"+. After emitting its event, it will not
-emit anymore events.
-| Event | Parameters | Notes
-| +"success"+ | (depends) |
-| +"error"+ | (depends) |
-+promise.addCallback(listener)+ ::
-Adds a listener for the +"success"+ event. Returns the same promise object.
-The listener is executed right away if the promise has already fired.
-+promise.addErrback(listener)+ ::
-Adds a listener for the +"error"+ event. Returns the same promise object.
-The listener is executed right away if the promise has already fired.
-+promise.emitSuccess(arg1, arg2, ...)+ ::
-If you created the promise (by doing +new events.Promise()+) then call
-+emitSuccess+ to emit the +"success"+ event with the given arguments.
-(+promise.emit("success", arg1, arg2, ...)+ should also work, but doesn't at
-the moment due to a bug; use +emitSuccess+ instead.)
-+promise.emitError(arg1, arg2, ...)+ ::
-Emits the +"error"+ event. If no error handler is attached to the promise
-between +promise.emitError()+ and +process.nextTick()+, an exception is
-To explain the exception behavior, assume you have a "computeQuestion"
-function as follows:
-var events = require('events');
-function computeQuestion(answer) {
- var promise = new events.Promise();
- if (answer !== 42) {
- promise.emitError('wrong answer');
- return promise;
- }
- // compute the question for 42
- return promise;
-You can stop an exception to be thrown here by attaching an errback handler
-right away (in the same event loop tick) like this:
-computeQuestion(23).addErrback(function() {
- // No exception will be thrown
-However, if you try to attach the error handler in a later tick, the promise
-will already have thrown an exception:
-var promise = computeQuestion(23);
-setTimeout(function() {
- promise.addErrback(function() {
- // This will never execute,
- // the promise already threw an exception
- });
-}, 1000);
-+promise.timeout(timeout = undefined)+ ::
-If the +timeout+ parameter is provided, the promise will emit an +"error"+
-event after the given amount of milliseconds. The timeout is canceled by any
-+"success"+ or +"error"+ event being emitted by the promise.
-To tell a timeout apart from a regular "error" event, use the following test:
-promise.addErrback(function(e) {
- if (e instanceof Error && e.message === "timeout") {
- // handle timeout
- } else {
- // handle regular error
- }
-If the +timeout+ parameter is not provided, the current timeout value, if any,
-is returned.
== Standard I/O
if (!this._events.hasOwnProperty(type)) this._events[type] = [];
return this._events[type];
- exports.Promise = function () {
- exports.EventEmitter.call(this);
- this._blocking = false;
- this.hasFired = false;
- this._values = undefined;
- };
- process.inherits(exports.Promise, exports.EventEmitter);
- process.Promise = exports.Promise;
- exports.Promise.prototype.timeout = function(timeout) {
- if (!timeout) {
- return this._timeoutDuration;
- }
- this._timeoutDuration = timeout;
- if (this.hasFired) return;
- this._clearTimeout();
- var self = this;
- this._timer = setTimeout(function() {
- self._timer = null;
- if (self.hasFired) {
- return;
- }
- self.emitError(new Error('timeout'));
- }, timeout);
- return this;
- };
- exports.Promise.prototype._clearTimeout = function() {
- if (!this._timer) return;
- clearTimeout(this._timer);
- this._timer = null;
- }
- exports.Promise.prototype.emitSuccess = function() {
- if (this.hasFired) return;
- this.hasFired = 'success';
- this._clearTimeout();
- this._values = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- this.emit.apply(this, ['success'].concat(this._values));
- };
- exports.Promise.prototype.emitError = function() {
- if (this.hasFired) return;
- this.hasFired = 'error';
- this._clearTimeout();
- this._values = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- this.emit.apply(this, ['error'].concat(this._values));
- if (this.listeners('error').length == 0) {
- var self = this;
- process.nextTick(function() {
- if (self.listeners('error').length == 0) {
- throw (self._values[0] instanceof Error)
- ? self._values[0]
- : new Error('Unhandled emitError: '+JSON.stringify(self._values));
- }
- });
- }
- };
- exports.Promise.prototype.addCallback = function (listener) {
- if (this.hasFired === 'success') {
- listener.apply(this, this._values);
- }
- return this.addListener("success", listener);
- };
- exports.Promise.prototype.addErrback = function (listener) {
- if (this.hasFired === 'error') {
- listener.apply(this, this._values);
- }
- return this.addListener("error", listener);
- };
var events = eventsModule.exports;
+++ /dev/null
-events = require('events');
-var timeouts = 0;
-var promise = new events.Promise();
-assert.equal(250, promise.timeout());
-promise.addCallback(function() {
- assert.ok(false, 'addCallback should not fire after a promise error');
-promise.addErrback(function(e) {
- assert.equal(true, e instanceof Error);
- assert.equal('timeout', e.message);
- timeouts++;
-setTimeout(function() {
- promise.emitSuccess('Am I too late?');
-}, 500);
-var successPromise = new events.Promise();
-setTimeout(function() {
- successPromise.emitSuccess();
-}, 250);
-successPromise.addErrback(function() {
- assert.ok(false, 'addErrback should not fire if there is no timeout');
-var errorPromise = new events.Promise();
-setTimeout(function() {
- errorPromise.emitError(new Error('intentional'));
-}, 250);
-errorPromise.addErrback(function(e) {
- assert.equal(true, e instanceof Error);
- assert.equal('intentional', e.message);
-process.addListener('exit', function() {
- assert.equal(1, timeouts);
+++ /dev/null
- Promise = require('events').Promise,
- TEST_VALUE = {some: 'object'},
- expectedCallbacks = {
- a1: 1,
- a2: 1,
- b1: 1,
- b2: 1,
- c1: 1,
- d1: 1,
- };
-// Test regular & late callback binding
-var a = new Promise();
-a.addCallback(function(value) {
- assert.equal(TEST_VALUE, value);
- expectedCallbacks.a1--;
-a.addErrback(function(error) {
- assert.notEqual(TEST_VALUE, error, 'normal');
-assert.ok(a.addCallback(function(value) {
- assert.equal(TEST_VALUE, value);
- expectedCallbacks.a2--;
-assert.ok(a.addErrback(function(error) {
- assert.notEqual(TEST_VALUE, error, 'late');
-// Test regular & late errback binding
-var b = new Promise();
-b.addErrback(function(value) {
- assert.equal(TEST_VALUE, value);
- expectedCallbacks.b1--;
-b.addErrback(function(value) {
- assert.equal(TEST_VALUE, value);
- expectedCallbacks.b2--;
-// Test late errback binding
-var c = new Promise();
-assert.ok(c.addErrback(function(value) {
- assert.equal(TEST_VALUE, value);
- expectedCallbacks.c1--;
-// Test errback exceptions
-var d = new Promise();
-process.addListener('uncaughtException', function(e) {
- if (e.name === "AssertionError") {
- throw e;
- }
- expectedCallbacks.d1--;
- assert.ok(e.message.match(/unhandled emitError/i));
-process.addListener('exit', function() {
- for (var name in expectedCallbacks) {
- var count = expectedCallbacks[name];
- assert.equal(
- 0,
- count,
- 'Callback '+name+' fire count off by: '+count
- );
- }
\ No newline at end of file