SANITIZER("cfi-vptr", CFIVptr)
-// -fsanitize=undefined includes all the sanitizers which have low overhead, no
-// ABI or address space layout implications, and only catch undefined behavior.
-SANITIZER_GROUP("undefined", Undefined,
- Alignment | Bool | ArrayBounds | Enum | FloatCastOverflow |
- FloatDivideByZero | Function | IntegerDivideByZero |
- NonnullAttribute | Null | ObjectSize | Return |
- ReturnsNonnullAttribute | Shift | SignedIntegerOverflow |
- Unreachable | VLABound | Vptr)
-// -fsanitize=undefined-trap includes
-// all sanitizers included by -fsanitize=undefined, except those that require
-// runtime support. This group is generally used in conjunction with the
+// -fsanitize=undefined-trap includes sanitizers from -fsanitize=undefined
+// that can be used without runtime support, generally by providing extra
// -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error flag.
SANITIZER_GROUP("undefined-trap", UndefinedTrap,
Alignment | Bool | ArrayBounds | Enum | FloatCastOverflow |
Null | ObjectSize | Return | ReturnsNonnullAttribute |
Shift | SignedIntegerOverflow | Unreachable | VLABound)
+// -fsanitize=undefined includes all the sanitizers which have low overhead, no
+// ABI or address space layout implications, and only catch undefined behavior.
+SANITIZER_GROUP("undefined", Undefined, UndefinedTrap | Function | Vptr)
SANITIZER_GROUP("integer", Integer,
SignedIntegerOverflow | UnsignedIntegerOverflow | Shift |