Assert.Equal(structObj, TypedReference.ToObject(reference));
- // These tests are currently crashing the Mono AOT compiler, so commenting them out (skipping them isn't enough)
- //[Fact]
- //[ActiveIssue("", TestRuntimes.Mono)]
- //public static unsafe void MakeTypedReference_ToObjectTests_WithPointer()
- //{
- // float* pointer = (float*)(nuint)0x12345678;
- // TypedReference reference = __makeref(pointer);
- // object obj = TypedReference.ToObject(reference);
- //
- // // TypedReference-s over pointers use the UIntPtr type when boxing
- // Assert.NotNull(obj);
- // Assert.IsType<UIntPtr>(obj);
- // Assert.Equal((nuint)0x12345678, (nuint)obj);
- //}
- //
- //[Fact]
- //[ActiveIssue("", TestRuntimes.Mono)]
- //public static unsafe void MakeTypedReference_ToObjectTests_WithFunctionPointer()
- //{
- // delegate*<int, float, string> pointer = (delegate*<int, float, string>)(void*)(nuint)0x12345678;
- // TypedReference reference = __makeref(pointer);
- // object obj = TypedReference.ToObject(reference);
- //
- // // TypedReference-s over function pointers use the UIntPtr type when boxing
- // Assert.NotNull(obj);
- // Assert.IsType<UIntPtr>(obj);
- // Assert.Equal((nuint)0x12345678, (nuint)obj);
- //}
+ [Fact]
+ public static unsafe void MakeTypedReference_ToObjectTests_WithPointer()
+ {
+ float* pointer = (float*)(nuint)0x12345678;
+ TypedReference reference = __makeref(pointer);
+ object obj = TypedReference.ToObject(reference);
+ // TypedReference-s over pointers use the UIntPtr type when boxing
+ Assert.NotNull(obj);
+ Assert.IsType<UIntPtr>(obj);
+ Assert.Equal((nuint)0x12345678, (nuint)obj);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static unsafe void MakeTypedReference_ToObjectTests_WithFunctionPointer()
+ {
+ delegate*<int, float, string> pointer = (delegate*<int, float, string>)(void*)(nuint)0x12345678;
+ TypedReference reference = __makeref(pointer);
+ object obj = TypedReference.ToObject(reference);
+ // TypedReference-s over function pointers use the UIntPtr type when boxing
+ Assert.NotNull(obj);
+ Assert.IsType<UIntPtr>(obj);
+ Assert.Equal((nuint)0x12345678, (nuint)obj);
+ }
public static void MakeTypedReference_ReadOnlyField_Succeeds()