void ArgumentAnalyzer::AddAssignmentConversion(
const DynamicType &lhsType, const DynamicType &rhsType) {
if (lhsType.category() == rhsType.category() &&
- lhsType.kind() == rhsType.kind()) {
+ (lhsType.category() == TypeCategory::Derived ||
+ lhsType.kind() == rhsType.kind())) {
// no conversion necessary
} else if (auto rhsExpr{evaluate::ConvertToType(lhsType, MoveExpr(1))}) {
std::optional<parser::CharBlock> source;
if (i >= actuals_.size() || !actuals_[i]) {
return "missing argument";
} else if (std::optional<DynamicType> type{GetType(i)}) {
- return type->category() == TypeCategory::Derived
+ return type->IsAssumedType() ? "TYPE(*)"s
+ : type->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() ? "CLASS(*)"s
+ : type->IsPolymorphic() ? "CLASS("s + type->AsFortran() + ')'
+ : type->category() == TypeCategory::Derived
? "TYPE("s + type->AsFortran() + ')'
: type->category() == TypeCategory::Character
? "CHARACTER(KIND="s + std::to_string(type->kind()) + ')'
if (!lhsType || !rhsType) {
return Tristate::No; // error or rhs is untyped
+ if (lhsType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() || rhsType->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
+ return Tristate::No;
+ }
TypeCategory lhsCat{lhsType->category()};
TypeCategory rhsCat{rhsType->category()};
if (rhsRank > 0 && lhsRank != rhsRank) {
i = x + y
i = x + i
i = y + i
- !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types TYPE(t2) and TYPE(t1)
+ !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types CLASS(t2) and CLASS(t1)
i = y + x
- !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types INTEGER(4) and TYPE(t1)
+ !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types INTEGER(4) and CLASS(t1)
i = i + x
call generic(null(), null())
end subroutine
+! Ensure no bogus errors for assignments to CLASS(*) allocatable
+module m10
+ type :: t1
+ integer :: n
+ end type
+ contains
+ subroutine test
+ class(*), allocatable :: poly
+ poly = 1
+ poly = 3.14159
+ poly = 'Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux'
+ poly = t1(1)
+ end subroutine
+end module
integer :: i
class(t1),DIMENSION(:),allocatable :: foo
integer, dimension(2) :: U
- U = (/ 1,2 /)
+ U = (/ 1,2 /)
if (i>0) then
foo = array1(2,U)
else if (i<0) then
- !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined ASSIGNMENT(=) matches operand types TYPE(t1) and TYPE(t2)
+ !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined ASSIGNMENT(=) matches operand types CLASS(t1) and CLASS(t2)
foo = array2(2,U)
end if
end function