--- /dev/null
+In a few words: some devices in Mesa CI has problematic serial connection, they
+may hang (become silent) intermittently. Every time it hangs for minutes, the
+job is retried, causing delays in the overall pipeline executing, ultimately
+blocking legit MRs to merge.
+To reduce reliance on UART, we explored LAVA features, such as running docker
+containers as a test alongside the DUT one, to be able to create an SSH server
+in the DUT the earliest possible and an SSH client in a docker container, to
+establish a SSH session between both, allowing the console output to be passed
+via SSH pseudo terminal, instead of relying in the error-prone UART.
+In more detail, we aim to use "export -p" to share the initial boot environment
+with SSH LAVA test-cases.
+The "init-stage1.sh" script handles tasks such as system mounting and network
+setup, which are necessary for allocating a pseudo-terminal under "/dev/pts".
+Although these chores are not required for establishing an SSH session, they are
+essential for proper functionality to the target script given by HWCI_SCRIPT
+environment variable.
+Therefore, we have divided the job definition into four parts:
+1. [DUT] Logging in to DUT and run the SSH server with root access.
+2. [DUT] Running the "init-stage1.sh" script for the first SSH test case.
+3. [DUT] Export the first boot environment to `/dut-env-vars.sh` file.
+4. [SSH] Enabling the pseudo-terminal for colors and running the "init-stage2.sh"
+script after sourcing "dut-env-vars.sh" again for the second SSH test case.
+import re
+from os import getenv
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+from ruamel.yaml.scalarstring import LiteralScalarString
+# How many attempts should be made when a timeout happen during LAVA device boot.
+# Supports any integers in [0, 100].
+# The scheduler considers the job priority when ordering the queue
+# to consider which job should run next.
+JOB_PRIORITY = int(getenv("LAVA_JOB_PRIORITY", 75))
+# Very early SSH server setup. Uses /dut_ready file to flag it is done.
+ "auto_login": {
+ "login_commands": [
+ "dropbear -R -B",
+ "touch /dut_ready",
+ ],
+ "login_prompt": "ogin:",
+ # To login as root, the username should be empty
+ "username": "",
+ }
+# TODO: Extract this inline script to a shell file, like we do with
+# init-stage[12].sh
+# The current way is difficult to maintain because one has to deal with escaping
+# characters for both Python and the resulting job definition YAML.
+# Plus, it always good to lint bash scripts with shellcheck.
+ """set -ex
+timeout 1m bash << EOF
+while [ -z "$(lava-target-ip)" ]; do
+ echo Waiting for DUT to join LAN;
+ sleep 1;
+ping -c 5 -w 60 $(lava-target-ip)
+lava_ssh_test_case() {
+ set -x
+ local test_case="${1}"
+ shift
+ lava-test-case \"${test_case}\" --shell \\
+ ssh ${SSH_PTY_ARGS:--T} \\
+ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \\
+ root@$(lava-target-ip) \"${@}\"
+def to_yaml_block(steps_array: list[str], escape_vars=[]) -> LiteralScalarString:
+ def escape_envvar(match):
+ return "\\" + match.group(0)
+ filtered_array = [s for s in steps_array if s.strip() and not s.startswith("#")]
+ final_str = "\n".join(filtered_array)
+ for escape_var in escape_vars:
+ # Find env vars and add '\\' before them
+ final_str = re.sub(rf"\${escape_var}*", escape_envvar, final_str)
+ return LiteralScalarString(final_str)
+def artifact_download_steps(args):
+ """
+ This function is responsible for setting up the SSH server in the DUT and to
+ export the first boot environment to a file.
+ """
+ # Putting JWT pre-processing and mesa download, within init-stage1.sh file,
+ # as we do with non-SSH version.
+ download_steps = [
+ "set -ex",
+ "source /dut-env-vars.sh",
+ "curl -L --retry 4 -f --retry-all-errors --retry-delay 60 "
+ f"{args.job_rootfs_overlay_url} | tar -xz -C /",
+ f"mkdir -p {args.ci_project_dir}",
+ f"curl -L --retry 4 -f --retry-all-errors --retry-delay 60 {args.build_url} | "
+ f"tar --zstd -x -C {args.ci_project_dir}",
+ ]
+ # If the JWT file is provided, we will use it to authenticate with the cloud
+ # storage provider and will hide it from the job output in Gitlab.
+ if args.jwt_file:
+ with open(args.jwt_file) as jwt_file:
+ download_steps += [
+ "set +x",
+ f'echo -n "{jwt_file.read()}" > "{args.jwt_file}" # HIDEME',
+ "set -x",
+ f'echo "export CI_JOB_JWT_FILE={args.jwt_file}" >> /set-job-env-vars.sh',
+ ]
+ else:
+ download_steps += [
+ "echo Could not find jwt file, disabling S3 requests...",
+ "sed -i '/MINIO_RESULTS_UPLOAD/d' /set-job-env-vars.sh",
+ ]
+ return download_steps
+def generate_dut_test(args):
+ # Commands executed on DUT.
+ # Trying to execute the minimal number of commands, because the console data is
+ # retrieved via UART, which is hang-prone in some devices.
+ first_stage_steps: list[str] = Path(args.first_stage_init).read_text().splitlines()
+ return {
+ "namespace": "dut",
+ "definitions": [
+ {
+ "from": "inline",
+ "name": "setup-ssh-server",
+ "path": "inline-setup-ssh-server",
+ "repository": {
+ "metadata": {
+ "format": "Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0",
+ "name": "dut-env-export",
+ },
+ "run": {
+ "steps": [
+ to_yaml_block(first_stage_steps),
+ "export -p > /dut-env-vars.sh", # Exporting the first boot environment
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+def generate_docker_test(args):
+ # This is a growing list of commands that will be executed by the docker
+ # guest, which will be the SSH client.
+ docker_commands = []
+ # LAVA test wrapping Mesa CI job in a SSH session.
+ init_stages_test = {
+ "namespace": "container",
+ "timeout": {"minutes": args.job_timeout_min},
+ "failure_retry": 1,
+ "definitions": [
+ {
+ "name": "docker_ssh_client",
+ "from": "inline",
+ "path": "inline/docker_ssh_client.yaml",
+ "repository": {
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "mesa",
+ "description": "Mesa test plan",
+ "format": "Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0",
+ },
+ "run": {"steps": docker_commands},
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ "docker": {
+ "image": "registry.gitlab.collabora.com/lava/health-check-docker:wip-laura-ping-ssh-support",
+ },
+ }
+ docker_commands += [
+ to_yaml_block(DOCKER_COMMANDS, escape_vars=["LAVA_TARGET_IP"]),
+ "lava_ssh_test_case 'wait_for_dut_login' << EOF",
+ "while [ ! -e /dut_ready ]; do sleep 1; done;",
+ "EOF",
+ to_yaml_block(
+ (
+ "lava_ssh_test_case 'artifact_download' 'bash --' << EOF",
+ *artifact_download_steps(args),
+ "EOF",
+ )
+ ),
+ "export SSH_PTY_ARGS=-tt",
+ # Putting CI_JOB name as the testcase name, it may help LAVA farm
+ # maintainers with monitoring
+ f"lava_ssh_test_case 'mesa-ci_{args.mesa_job_name}' "
+ # Changing directory to /, as the HWCI_SCRIPT expects that
+ "'\"cd / && /init-stage2.sh\"'",
+ ]
+ return init_stages_test
+def generate_lava_yaml_payload(args) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ # General metadata and permissions
+ values = {
+ "job_name": f"mesa: {args.pipeline_info}",
+ "device_type": args.device_type,
+ "visibility": {"group": [args.visibility_group]},
+ "priority": JOB_PRIORITY,
+ "context": {
+ "extra_nfsroot_args": " init=/init rootwait usbcore.quirks=0bda:8153:k"
+ },
+ "timeouts": {
+ "job": {"minutes": args.job_timeout_min},
+ "actions": {
+ "depthcharge-retry": {
+ # Could take between 1 and 1.5 min in slower boots
+ "minutes": 4
+ },
+ "depthcharge-start": {
+ # Should take less than 1 min.
+ "minutes": 1,
+ },
+ "depthcharge-action": {
+ # This timeout englobes the entire depthcharge timing,
+ # including retries
+ "minutes": 5
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ if args.lava_tags:
+ values["tags"] = args.lava_tags.split(",")
+ # URLs to our kernel rootfs to boot from, both generated by the base
+ # container build
+ deploy = {
+ "namespace": "dut",
+ "timeout": {"minutes": 10},
+ "to": "tftp",
+ "os": "oe",
+ "kernel": {"url": f"{args.kernel_url_prefix}/{args.kernel_image_name}"},
+ "nfsrootfs": {
+ "url": f"{args.rootfs_url_prefix}/lava-rootfs.tar.zst",
+ "compression": "zstd",
+ },
+ }
+ if args.kernel_image_type:
+ deploy["kernel"]["type"] = args.kernel_image_type
+ if args.dtb_filename:
+ deploy["dtb"] = {"url": f"{args.kernel_url_prefix}/{args.dtb_filename}.dtb"}
+ # always boot over NFS
+ boot = {
+ "namespace": "dut",
+ "failure_retry": NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS_LAVA_BOOT,
+ "method": args.boot_method,
+ "commands": "nfs",
+ "prompts": ["lava-shell:"],
+ }
+ # only declaring each job as a single 'test' since LAVA's test parsing is
+ # not useful to us
+ values["actions"] = [
+ {"deploy": deploy},
+ {"boot": boot},
+ {"test": generate_dut_test(args)},
+ {"test": generate_docker_test(args)},
+ ]
+ return values