-static const deUint32 knownDriverIds[] =
- // Specified in the Vulkan registry (vk.xml)
- 1, // author = "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." comment = "AMD proprietary driver"
- 2, // author = "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." comment = "AMD open-source driver"
- 3, // author = "Mesa open source project" comment = "Mesa RADV driver"
- 4, // author = "NVIDIA Corporation" comment = "NVIDIA proprietary driver"
- 5, // author = "Intel Corporation" comment = "Intel proprietary Windows driver"
- 6, // author = "Intel Corporation" comment = "Intel open-source Mesa driver"
- 7, // author = "Imagination Technologies" comment = "Imagination proprietary driver"
- 8, // author = "Qualcomm Technologies, Inc." comment = "Qualcomm proprietary driver"
- 9, // author = "Arm Limited" comment = "Arm proprietary driver"
- 10, // <enum value="10" name="VK_DRIVER_ID_GOOGLE_SWIFTSHADER_KHR" comment="Google LLC"/>
- 11, // <enum value="11" name="VK_DRIVER_ID_GGP_PROPRIETARY_KHR" comment="Google LLC"/>
- 12, // <enum value="12" name="VK_DRIVER_ID_BROADCOM_PROPRIETARY_KHR" comment="Broadcom Inc."/>
static const VkConformanceVersionKHR knownConformanceVersions[] =
+ makeConformanceVersion(1, 2, 4, 0),
+ makeConformanceVersion(1, 2, 3, 3),
makeConformanceVersion(1, 2, 3, 2),
makeConformanceVersion(1, 2, 3, 1),
makeConformanceVersion(1, 2, 3, 0),
<waiver vendorName="Imagination Technologies" vendorId="0x1010" url="https://gitlab.khronos.org/Tracker/vk-gl-cts/issues/229">
<description>Affected GPU families have a small error within the HW texture units bit replication logic for negative SNORM values prior to applying linear filtering.</description>
+ <d>0x24208504</d>
+ <d>0x6230</d>
+ <d>0x6430</d>
+ <d>0x6250</d>
+ <d>0x6450</d>
+ <d>0x6650</d>
+ <d>0x6110</d>
+ <d>0x6500</d>
+ <d>0x7400</d>
+ <d>0x15001064</d>
+ <d>0x22022025</d>
+ <d>0x22054025</d>
+ <d>0x22054030</d>
+ <d>0x22054038</d>
+ <d>0x22054330</d>
+ <d>0x22104018</d>
+ <d>0x22104218</d>
+ <d>0x22208318</d>