The formula that determines the core clock requirement based on pixel clock and blanking
has been determined experimentally to minimise the clock while supporting all modes we've seen.
A new reduced blanking mode (4kp60 at 533MHz rather than the standard 594MHz) has been seen
that doesn't produce a high enough clock and results in "flip_done timed out" error.
Increase the setup cost in the formula to make this work.
The result is a reduced blanking mode increases by up to 7MHz while leaving the standard timing
mode untouched
Signed-off-by: Dom Cobley <>
mode = &crtc_state->adjusted_mode;
if (vc4_encoder->type == VC4_ENCODER_TYPE_HDMI0) {
- vc4_state->hvs_load = max(mode->clock * mode->hdisplay / mode->htotal + 1000,
+ vc4_state->hvs_load = max(mode->clock * mode->hdisplay / mode->htotal + 8000,
mode->clock * 9 / 10) * 1000;
} else {
vc4_state->hvs_load = mode->clock * 1000;