Found in hex form in kernel source.
+Driver: whiteheat -- USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT serial device
+File: whiteheat.fw
+Version: 4.06
+File: whiteheat_loader.fw
+File: whiteheat_loader_debug.fw
+Licence: Allegedly GPLv2, but no source visible. Marked:
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2002 ConnectTech Inc
+Debug loader claims the following behaviour:
+ Port 1 LED flashes when the vend_ax program is running
+ Port 2 LED flashes when any SETUP command arrives
+ Port 3 LED flashes when any valid VENDOR request occurs
+ Port 4 LED flashes when the EXTERNAL RAM DOWNLOAD request occurs
+Converted from Intel HEX files, used in our binary representation of ihex.