mini_init_delegate () needs to do a reverse lookup from address
to method, and its possible for the address to be a static rgctx
trampoline if the address is the result of mono_ldftn ().
} else {
addr = mono_create_jump_trampoline (method, FALSE, error);
if (mono_method_needs_static_rgctx_invoke (method, FALSE))
- addr = mono_create_static_rgctx_trampoline (method, addr);
+ addr = mono_create_static_rgctx_trampoline (method, addr);
if (!is_ok (error)) {
mono_error_set_pending_exception (error);
MonoDelegateTrampInfo *info = NULL;
if (mono_use_interpreter) {
+ g_assert (method || del->interp_method);
mini_get_interp_callbacks ()->init_delegate (del, &info, error);
return_if_nok (error);
res = mono_arch_get_static_rgctx_trampoline (jit_mm->mem_manager, ctx, addr);
+ /* This address might be passed to mini_init_delegate () which needs to look up the method */
+ MonoJitInfo *ji;
+ ji = mini_alloc_jinfo (jit_mm, MONO_SIZEOF_JIT_INFO);
+ ji->code_start = MINI_FTNPTR_TO_ADDR (res);
+ /* Doesn't matter, just need to be able to look up the exact address */
+ ji->code_size = 4;
+ ji->d.method = m;
+ mono_jit_info_table_add (ji);
jit_mm_lock (jit_mm);
/* Duplicates inserted while we didn't hold the lock are OK */
info = (RgctxTrampInfo *)m_method_alloc (m, sizeof (RgctxTrampInfo));