* @brief Enumeration for pipeline state.
- * @details The pipeline state is described on @ref CAPI_MEDIA_RECORDER_MODULE_PIPELINE_STATE_DIAGRAM.
+ * @details The pipeline state is described on @ref CAPI_ML_NNSTREAMER_PIPELINE_STATE_DIAGRAM.
* Refer to https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/plugin-development/basics/states.html.
* @since_tizen 5.5
* @return @c 0 on success. Otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
- * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (Not negotiated?)
+ * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (Pipeline is not negotiated yet.)
* @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE Pipeline construction is failed because of wrong parameter or initialization failure.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to access to the media storage or external storage.
* @return @c 0 on success. Otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
- * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is invalid (Not negotiated?)
+ * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is invalid (Pipeline is not negotiated yet.)
* @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE Cannot access the pipeline status.
* @pre The pipeline state should be #ML_PIPELINE_STATE_PLAYING or #ML_PIPELINE_STATE_PAUSED.
* @return @c 0 on success. Otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
- * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (Not negotiated?)
+ * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (Pipeline is not negotiated yet.)
* @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE Failed to get state from the pipeline.
int ml_pipeline_get_state (ml_pipeline_h pipe, ml_pipeline_state_e *state);
* @return @c 0 on success. Otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
- * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (Not negotiated?)
+ * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (NPipeline is not negotiated yet.)
* @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE Failed to start the pipeline.
* @pre The pipeline state should be #ML_PIPELINE_STATE_PAUSED.
* @return @c 0 on success. Otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
- * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (Not negotiated?)
+ * @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid. (Pipeline is not negotiated yet.)
* @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE Failed to stop the pipeline.
* @pre The pipeline state should be #ML_PIPELINE_STATE_PLAYING.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid.
- * @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE The pipeline has inconsistent padcaps. Not negotiated?
+ * @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE The pipeline has inconsistent padcaps. (Pipeline is not negotiated yet.)
* @retval #ML_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN The pipeline is not ready yet.
int ml_pipeline_src_input_data (ml_pipeline_src_h src_handle, ml_tensors_data_h data, ml_pipeline_buf_policy_e policy);
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid.
- * @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE The pipeline has inconsistent padcaps. Not negotiated?
+ * @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE The pipeline has inconsistent padcaps. (Pipeline is not negotiated yet.)
* @retval #ML_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN The pipeline is not ready yet.
int ml_pipeline_src_get_tensors_info (ml_pipeline_src_h src_handle, ml_tensors_info_h *info);
* @brief Gets the pad names of a switch.
* @since_tizen 5.5
+ * @remarks If the function succeeds, @a list and its contents should be released using g_free(). Refer the below sample code.
* @param[in] switch_handle The switch handle returned by ml_pipeline_switch_get_handle().
* @param[out] list NULL terminated array of char*. The caller must free each string (char*) in the list and free the list itself.
* @return @c 0 on success. Otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Given parameter is invalid.
* @retval #ML_ERROR_STREAMS_PIPE The element is not both input and output switch (Internal data inconsistency).
+ *
+ * Here is an example of the usage:
+ * @code
+ * int status;
+ * gchar *pipeline;
+ * ml_pipeline_h handle;
+ * ml_pipeline_switch_e switch_type;
+ * ml_pipeline_switch_h switch_handle;
+ * gchar **node_list = NULL;
+ *
+ * // pipeline description
+ * pipeline = g_strdup ("videotestsrc is-live=true ! videoconvert ! tensor_converter ! output-selector name=outs "
+ * "outs.src_0 ! tensor_sink name=sink0 async=false "
+ * "outs.src_1 ! tensor_sink name=sink1 async=false");
+ *
+ * status = ml_pipeline_construct (pipeline, NULL, NULL, &handle);
+ * if (status != ML_ERROR_NONE) {
+ * // handle error case
+ * goto error;
+ * }
+ *
+ * status = ml_pipeline_switch_get_handle (handle, "outs", &switch_type, &switch_handle);
+ * if (status != ML_ERROR_NONE) {
+ * // handle error case
+ * goto error;
+ * }
+ *
+ * status = ml_pipeline_switch_get_pad_list (switch_handle, &node_list);
+ * if (status != ML_ERROR_NONE) {
+ * // handle error case
+ * goto error;
+ * }
+ *
+ * if (node_list) {
+ * gchar *name = NULL;
+ * guint idx = 0;
+ *
+ * while ((name = node_list[idx++]) != NULL) {
+ * // node name is 'src_0' or 'src_1'
+ *
+ * // release name
+ * g_free (name);
+ * }
+ * // release list of switch pads
+ * g_free (node_list);
+ * }
+ *
+ * error:
+ * ml_pipeline_switch_release_handle (switch_handle);
+ * ml_pipeline_destroy (handle);
+ * g_free (pipeline);
+ * @endcode
int ml_pipeline_switch_get_pad_list (ml_pipeline_switch_h switch_handle, char ***list);