Change-Id: Iabec9a41aaead0f8fac0b0ec8c93cb2a80b54be7
21 files changed:
if( pthread_mutex_init( &mImpl->mutex, NULL ) )
if( pthread_mutex_init( &mImpl->mutex, NULL ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to initialise mutex in ConditionalWait" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to initialise mutex in ConditionalWait\n" );
if( pthread_cond_init( &mImpl->condition, NULL ) )
if( pthread_cond_init( &mImpl->condition, NULL ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to initialise conditional" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to initialise conditional\n" );
if( pthread_cond_destroy( &mImpl->condition ) )
if( pthread_cond_destroy( &mImpl->condition ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to destroy conditional" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to destroy conditional\n" );
if( pthread_mutex_destroy( &mImpl->mutex ) )
if( pthread_mutex_destroy( &mImpl->mutex ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to destroy mutex in ConditionalWait" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to destroy mutex in ConditionalWait\n" );
if( pthread_cond_broadcast( &mImpl->condition ) )
if( pthread_cond_broadcast( &mImpl->condition ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_broadcast" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_broadcast\n" );
Internal::Mutex::Unlock( &mImpl->mutex );
Internal::Mutex::Unlock( &mImpl->mutex );
if( pthread_cond_broadcast( &mImpl->condition ) )
if( pthread_cond_broadcast( &mImpl->condition ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_broadcast" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_broadcast\n" );
// wait while condition changes
if( pthread_cond_wait( &mImpl->condition, &mImpl->mutex ) ) // releases the lock whilst waiting
// wait while condition changes
if( pthread_cond_wait( &mImpl->condition, &mImpl->mutex ) ) // releases the lock whilst waiting
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_wait" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_wait\n" );
// wait while condition changes
if( pthread_cond_wait( &mImpl->condition, &mImpl->mutex ) ) // releases the lock whilst waiting
// wait while condition changes
if( pthread_cond_wait( &mImpl->condition, &mImpl->mutex ) ) // releases the lock whilst waiting
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_wait" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_cond_wait\n" );
if( pthread_mutex_init( &mImpl->mutex, NULL ) )
if( pthread_mutex_init( &mImpl->mutex, NULL ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to initialise Mutex" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to initialise Mutex\n" );
mImpl->locked = false;
mImpl->locked = false;
if( pthread_mutex_destroy( &mImpl->mutex ) )
if( pthread_mutex_destroy( &mImpl->mutex ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to destroy Mutex" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unable to destroy Mutex\n" );
// nothing else to do as there is no Lock/Unlock API
// ScopedLock destructor will always unlock the mutex
// nothing else to do as there is no Lock/Unlock API
// ScopedLock destructor will always unlock the mutex
// Guard against calls to ProcessEvents() during ProcessEvents()
if( mProcessingEvent )
// Guard against calls to ProcessEvents() during ProcessEvents()
if( mProcessingEvent )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "ProcessEvents should not be called from within ProcessEvents!" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "ProcessEvents should not be called from within ProcessEvents!\n" );
if( pthread_mutex_lock( mutex ) )
if( pthread_mutex_lock( mutex ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_mutex_lock" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_mutex_lock\n" );
if( pthread_mutex_unlock( mutex ) )
if( pthread_mutex_unlock( mutex ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_mutex_unlock" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error calling pthread_mutex_unlock\n" );
void ImageActor::SetStyle( Dali::ImageActor::Style style )
void ImageActor::SetStyle( Dali::ImageActor::Style style )
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "SetStyle Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported." );
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "SetStyle Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported.\n" );
mStyle = style;
Dali::ImageActor::Style ImageActor::GetStyle() const
mStyle = style;
Dali::ImageActor::Style ImageActor::GetStyle() const
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "GetStyle Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported." );
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "GetStyle Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported.\n" );
return mStyle;
void ImageActor::SetNinePatchBorder( const Vector4& border )
return mStyle;
void ImageActor::SetNinePatchBorder( const Vector4& border )
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "SetNinePatchBorder Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported." );
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "SetNinePatchBorder Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported.\n" );
mNinePatchBorder = border;
Vector4 ImageActor::GetNinePatchBorder() const
mNinePatchBorder = border;
Vector4 ImageActor::GetNinePatchBorder() const
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "GetNinePatchBorder Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported." );
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "GetNinePatchBorder Deprecated. Only STYLE_QUAD supported.\n" );
return mNinePatchBorder;
return mNinePatchBorder;
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Constraint source object not found" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Constraint source object not found\n" );
if( ! Equals( mStereoBase, stereoBase ) )
if( ! Equals( mStereoBase, stereoBase ) )
- DALI_LOG_INFO( Debug::Filter::gActor, Debug::Concise, "old( %.2f) new(%.2f)", mStereoBase, stereoBase );
+ DALI_LOG_INFO( Debug::Filter::gActor, Debug::Concise, "old( %.2f) new(%.2f)\n", mStereoBase, stereoBase );
mStereoBase = stereoBase;
switch( mViewMode )
mStereoBase = stereoBase;
switch( mViewMode )
Dali::Stage::TouchedSignalType& Stage::TouchedSignal()
Dali::Stage::TouchedSignalType& Stage::TouchedSignal()
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "Deprecated. Use TouchSignal() instead." );
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "Deprecated. Use TouchSignal() instead.\n" );
- DALI_LOG_WARNING("Action already exists in TypeRegistry Type", actionName.c_str());
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING("Action already exists in TypeRegistry Type\n", actionName.c_str());
- DALI_LOG_WARNING("Signal name already exists in TypeRegistry Type for signal connector function", signalName.c_str());
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING("Signal name already exists in TypeRegistry Type for signal connector function\n", signalName.c_str());
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "OpenGL ES does not support uploading data to native texture");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "OpenGL ES does not support uploading data to native texture\n");
unsigned int pixelDataSize = pixelData->GetWidth()*pixelData->GetHeight();
if( pixelData->GetBuffer() == NULL || pixelDataSize == 0 )
unsigned int pixelDataSize = pixelData->GetWidth()*pixelData->GetHeight();
if( pixelData->GetBuffer() == NULL || pixelDataSize == 0 )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "PixelData is empty");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "PixelData is empty\n");
if( pixelDataSize < width * height )
if( pixelDataSize < width * height )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "PixelData of an incorrect size when trying to update texture");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "PixelData of an incorrect size when trying to update texture\n");
else if( ( xOffset + width > ( mWidth / (1<<mipmap) ) ) ||
( yOffset + height > ( mHeight / (1<<mipmap) ) ) )
else if( ( xOffset + width > ( mWidth / (1<<mipmap) ) ) ||
( yOffset + height > ( mHeight / (1<<mipmap) ) ) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Texture update area out of bounds");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Texture update area out of bounds\n");
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Bad format");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Bad format\n");
if( !mNewTextures.empty() )
if( !mNewTextures.empty() )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Cannot mix images and textures in the same TextureSet");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Cannot mix images and textures in the same TextureSet\n");
if( !mImages.empty() )
if( !mImages.empty() )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Cannot mix images and textures in the same texture set");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Cannot mix images and textures in the same texture set\n");
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Invalid index to TextureSet::GetImage");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Invalid index to TextureSet::GetImage\n");
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Invalid index to TextureSet::GetTexture");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Invalid index to TextureSet::GetTexture\n");
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Invalid index to TextureSet::GetSampler");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error: Invalid index to TextureSet::GetSampler\n");
- DALI_LOG_ERROR("mChunkStack should be empty!");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("mChunkStack should be empty!\n");
case ResourceNativeImage:
case ResourceTargetImage:
case ResourceNativeImage:
case ResourceTargetImage:
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unsupported resource type passed for decoding from a memory buffer." );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Unsupported resource type passed for decoding from a memory buffer.\n" );
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( bitmap != 0 );
if( !bitmap )
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( bitmap != 0 );
if( !bitmap )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Passed a null bitmap to update this bitmap texture." );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Passed a null bitmap to update this bitmap texture.\n" );
if( !bitmapPackedPixels )
///! This should never happen.
if( !bitmapPackedPixels )
///! This should never happen.
- DALI_LOG_ERROR("Passed an incompatible bitmap type to update this bitmap texture.");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Passed an incompatible bitmap type to update this bitmap texture.\n");
mBitmap = bitmap;
mBitmap = bitmap;
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Passed a null bitmap to update this compressed bitmap texture." );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Passed a null bitmap to update this compressed bitmap texture.\n" );
if( mNativeImage &&
!mNativeImage->GlExtensionCreate() )
if( mNativeImage &&
!mNativeImage->GlExtensionCreate() )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error creating native image!" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error creating native image!\n" );
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error creating native image!" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Error creating native image!\n" );
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( program && "Default shader should always have a program available." );
if( !program )
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( program && "Default shader should always have a program available." );
if( !program )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to get program for shader at address %p.", (void*)&mRenderDataProvider->GetShader() );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to get program for shader at address %p.\n", (void*)&mRenderDataProvider->GetShader() );
<< " Scale (" << scale.x << ", " << scale.y << ", " << scale.z << ")"
<< std::endl;
<< " Scale (" << scale.x << ", " << scale.y << ", " << scale.z << ")"
<< std::endl;
- DALI_LOG_INFO(gNodeLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "%s", oss.str().c_str());
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gNodeLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "%s\n", oss.str().c_str());
<< std::setw(level*2) << std::setfill(' ') << "";
std::string trafoMatrix = Debug::MatrixToString(node.GetWorldMatrix(updateBufferIndex), 2, level*2);
<< std::setw(level*2) << std::setfill(' ') << "";
std::string trafoMatrix = Debug::MatrixToString(node.GetWorldMatrix(updateBufferIndex), 2, level*2);
- DALI_LOG_INFO(gNodeLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "%s", trafoMatrix.c_str());
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gNodeLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "%s\n", trafoMatrix.c_str());
float deltaZ = far - near;
if ((near <= 0.0f) || (far <= 0.0f) || Equals(right, left) || Equals(bottom, top) || (deltaZ <= 0.0f))
float deltaZ = far - near;
if ((near <= 0.0f) || (far <= 0.0f) || Equals(right, left) || Equals(bottom, top) || (deltaZ <= 0.0f))
- DALI_LOG_ERROR("Invalid parameters passed into Frustum!");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Invalid parameters passed into Frustum!\n");
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG("Invalid parameters passed into Frustum!");
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG("Invalid parameters passed into Frustum!");
if ( Equals(right, left) || Equals(top, bottom) || Equals(far, near) )
if ( Equals(right, left) || Equals(top, bottom) || Equals(far, near) )
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Cannot create orthographic projection matrix with a zero dimension." );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Cannot create orthographic projection matrix with a zero dimension.\n" );
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( "Cannot create orthographic projection matrix with a zero dimension." );
DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( "Cannot create orthographic projection matrix with a zero dimension." );
- DALI_LOG_ERROR("mCount should be zero, deleting referenced object!");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("mCount should be zero, deleting referenced object!\n");
#endif // ENABLE_DEBUG
#endif // ENABLE_DEBUG
// mFlag is NULL when Emit() is called during Emit()
// mFlag is NULL when Emit() is called during Emit()
- DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Cannot call Emit() from inside Emit()" );
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Cannot call Emit() from inside Emit()\n" );