-template <>
-HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<LoadGlobalViaContextStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
- LoadGlobalViaContextStub* stub = casted_stub();
- int depth_value = stub->depth();
- HValue* depth = GetParameter(0);
- HValue* slot_index = GetParameter(1);
- HValue* name = GetParameter(2);
- // Choose between dynamic or static context script fetching versions.
- depth = depth_value < LoadGlobalViaContextStub::kDynamicDepth
- ? nullptr
- : AddUncasted<HForceRepresentation>(depth, Representation::Smi());
- slot_index =
- AddUncasted<HForceRepresentation>(slot_index, Representation::Smi());
- HValue* script_context = BuildGetParentContext(depth, depth_value);
- HValue* cell =
- Add<HLoadKeyed>(script_context, slot_index, nullptr, FAST_ELEMENTS);
- HValue* value = Add<HLoadNamedField>(cell, nullptr,
- HObjectAccess::ForPropertyCellValue());
- IfBuilder builder(this);
- HValue* hole_value = graph()->GetConstantHole();
- builder.IfNot<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch, HValue*>(value, hole_value);
- builder.Then();
- { Push(value); }
- builder.Else();
- {
- Add<HPushArguments>(script_context, slot_index, name);
- Push(Add<HCallRuntime>(
- isolate()->factory()->empty_string(),
- Runtime::FunctionForId(Runtime::kLoadGlobalViaContext), 3));
- }
- builder.End();
- return Pop();
-Handle<Code> LoadGlobalViaContextStub::GenerateCode() {
- return DoGenerateCode(this);
-template <>
-HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<StoreGlobalViaContextStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
- StoreGlobalViaContextStub* stub = casted_stub();
- int depth_value = stub->depth();
- HValue* depth = GetParameter(0);
- HValue* slot_index = GetParameter(1);
- HValue* name = GetParameter(2);
- HValue* value = GetParameter(3);
- // Choose between dynamic or static context script fetching versions.
- depth = depth_value < StoreGlobalViaContextStub::kDynamicDepth
- ? nullptr
- : AddUncasted<HForceRepresentation>(depth, Representation::Smi());
- slot_index =
- AddUncasted<HForceRepresentation>(slot_index, Representation::Smi());
- HValue* script_context = BuildGetParentContext(depth, depth_value);
- HValue* cell =
- Add<HLoadKeyed>(script_context, slot_index, nullptr, FAST_ELEMENTS);
- // Fast case that requires storing to cell.
- HIfContinuation if_fast_store_continuation(graph()->CreateBasicBlock(),
- graph()->CreateBasicBlock());
- // Fast case that does not require storing to cell.
- HIfContinuation if_fast_no_store_continuation(graph()->CreateBasicBlock(),
- graph()->CreateBasicBlock());
- // This stub does the same as StoreGlobalStub but in a dynamic manner.
- HValue* cell_contents = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
- cell, nullptr, HObjectAccess::ForPropertyCellValue());
- IfBuilder if_hole(this);
- HValue* hole_value = graph()->GetConstantHole();
- if_hole.IfNot<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch, HValue*>(cell_contents, hole_value);
- if_hole.Then();
- {
- HValue* details = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
- cell, nullptr, HObjectAccess::ForPropertyCellDetails());
- HValue* cell_type =
- BuildDecodeField<PropertyDetails::PropertyCellTypeField>(details);
- // The code below relies on this.
- STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCellType::kUndefined < PropertyCellType::kConstant);
- STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCellType::kConstant <
- PropertyCellType::kConstantType);
- STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCellType::kConstant < PropertyCellType::kMutable);
- // Handle all cell type cases.
- IfBuilder if_not_const(this);
- int cell_type_constant = static_cast<int>(PropertyCellType::kConstant);
- if_not_const.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch, HValue*>(
- cell_type, Add<HConstant>(cell_type_constant), Token::GT);
- if_not_const.Then();
- {
- // kConstantType or kMutable.
- IfBuilder if_const_type(this);
- int cell_type_constant_type =
- static_cast<int>(PropertyCellType::kConstantType);
- if_const_type.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch, HValue*>(
- cell_type, Add<HConstant>(cell_type_constant_type), Token::EQ);
- if_const_type.Then();
- {
- // Check that either both value and cell_contents are smi or
- // both have the same map.
- IfBuilder if_cell_is_smi(this);
- if_cell_is_smi.If<HIsSmiAndBranch>(cell_contents);
- if_cell_is_smi.Then();
- {
- IfBuilder if_value_is_smi(this);
- if_value_is_smi.If<HIsSmiAndBranch>(value);
- if_value_is_smi.Then();
- {
- // Both cell_contents and value are smis, do store.
- }
- if_value_is_smi.Else(); // Slow case.
- if_value_is_smi.JoinContinuation(&if_fast_store_continuation);
- }
- if_cell_is_smi.Else();
- {
- IfBuilder if_value_is_heap_object(this);
- if_value_is_heap_object.IfNot<HIsSmiAndBranch>(value);
- if_value_is_heap_object.Then();
- {
- // Both cell_contents and value are heap objects, do store.
- HValue* expected_map = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
- cell_contents, nullptr, HObjectAccess::ForMap());
- HValue* map =
- Add<HLoadNamedField>(value, nullptr, HObjectAccess::ForMap());
- IfBuilder map_check(this);
- map_check.If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(expected_map, map);
- map_check.Then();
- map_check.Else(); // Slow case.
- map_check.JoinContinuation(&if_fast_store_continuation);
- // The accessor case is handled by the map check above, since
- // the value must not have a AccessorPair map.
- }
- if_value_is_heap_object.Else(); // Slow case.
- if_value_is_heap_object.JoinContinuation(&if_fast_store_continuation);
- }
- if_cell_is_smi.EndUnreachable();
- }
- if_const_type.Else();
- {
- // Check that the property kind is kData.
- HValue* kind = BuildDecodeField<PropertyDetails::KindField>(details);
- HValue* data_kind_value = Add<HConstant>(kData);
- IfBuilder builder(this);
- builder.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch, HValue*>(kind, data_kind_value,
- Token::EQ);
- builder.Then();
- builder.Else(); // Slow case.
- builder.JoinContinuation(&if_fast_store_continuation);
- }
- if_const_type.EndUnreachable();
- }
- if_not_const.Else();
- {
- // kUndefined or kConstant, just check that the value matches.
- IfBuilder builder(this);
- builder.If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(cell_contents, value);
- builder.Then();
- builder.Else(); // Slow case.
- builder.JoinContinuation(&if_fast_no_store_continuation);
- }
- if_not_const.EndUnreachable();
- }
- if_hole.Else(); // Slow case.
- if_hole.JoinContinuation(&if_fast_store_continuation);
- // Do store for fast case.
- IfBuilder if_fast_store(this, &if_fast_store_continuation);
- if_fast_store.Then();
- {
- // All checks are done, store the value to the cell.
- Add<HStoreNamedField>(cell, HObjectAccess::ForPropertyCellValue(), value);
- }
- if_fast_store.Else();
- if_fast_store.JoinContinuation(&if_fast_no_store_continuation);
- // Bailout to runtime call for slow case.
- IfBuilder if_no_fast_store(this, &if_fast_no_store_continuation);
- if_no_fast_store.Then();
- {
- // Nothing else to do.
- }
- if_no_fast_store.Else();
- {
- // Slow case, call runtime.
- HInstruction* lang_mode = Add<HConstant>(casted_stub()->language_mode());
- Add<HPushArguments>(script_context, slot_index, name, value);
- Add<HPushArguments>(lang_mode);
- Add<HCallRuntime>(isolate()->factory()->empty_string(),
- Runtime::FunctionForId(Runtime::kStoreGlobalViaContext),
- 5);
- }
- if_no_fast_store.End();
- return value;
-Handle<Code> StoreGlobalViaContextStub::GenerateCode() {
- return DoGenerateCode(this);