- * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <dali/public-api/math/rect.h>
-#include <dali/public-api/math/uint-16-pair.h>
-#ifdef DALI_ADAPTOR_COMPILATION // full path doesn't exist until adaptor is installed so we have to use relative
-#include <window.h>
-#include <dali/public-api/adaptor-framework/window.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace DevelWindow
-namespace NotificationLevel
- * @brief An enum of notification window's priority level.
- */
-enum Type
- NONE = -1, ///< No notification level. Default level. This value makes the notification window place in the layer of the normal window.
- BASE = 10, ///< Base notification level.
- MEDIUM = 20, ///< Higher notification level than base.
- HIGH = 30, ///< Higher notification level than medium.
- TOP = 40 ///< The highest notification level.
-} // namespace NotificationLevel
-namespace ScreenMode
- * @brief An enum of screen mode.
- */
-enum Type
- DEFAULT, ///< The mode which turns the screen off after a timeout.
- ALWAYS_ON ///< The mode which keeps the screen turned on.
-} // namespace ScreenMode
- * @brief An enum of Window types.
- */
-enum Type
- NORMAL, ///< A default window type. Indicates a normal, top-level window. Almost every window will be created with this type.
- NOTIFICATION, ///< A notification window, like a warning about battery life or a new E-Mail received.
- UTILITY, ///< A persistent utility window, like a toolbox or palette.
- DIALOG ///< Used for simple dialog windows.
-typedef Uint16Pair WindowSize; ///< Window size type
-typedef Uint16Pair WindowPosition; ///< Window position type
-typedef Signal< void ( bool ) > FocusSignalType; ///< Window focus signal type
-typedef Signal< void ( WindowSize ) > ResizedSignalType; ///< Window resized signal type
- * @brief The user should connect to this signal to get a timing when window gains focus or loses focus.
- *
- * A callback of the following type may be connected:
- * @code
- * void YourCallbackName( bool focusIn );
- * @endcode
- * The parameter is true if window gains focus, otherwise false.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to get a signal
- * @return The signal to connect to
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API FocusSignalType& FocusChangedSignal( Window window );
- * @brief Sets whether window accepts focus or not.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to accept focus
- * @param[in] accept If focus is accepted or not. Default is true.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void SetAcceptFocus( Window window, bool accept );
- * @brief Returns whether window accepts focus or not.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to accept focus
- * @return True if the window accept focus, false otherwise
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool IsFocusAcceptable( Window window );
- * @brief Shows the window if it is hidden.
- * @param[in] window The window to show
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void Show( Window window );
- * @brief Hides the window if it is showing.
- * @param[in] window The window to hide
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void Hide( Window window );
- * @brief Returns whether the window is visible or not.
- * @param[in] window The window to query
- * @return True if the window is visible, false otherwise.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool IsVisible( Window window );
- * @brief Gets the count of supported auxiliary hints of the window.
- * @param[in] window The window to get the hint count
- * @return The number of supported auxiliary hints.
- *
- * @note The window auxiliary hint is the value which is used to decide which actions should be made available to the user by the window manager.
- * If you want to set specific hint to your window, then you should check whether it exists in the supported auxiliary hints.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API unsigned int GetSupportedAuxiliaryHintCount( Window window );
- * @brief Gets the supported auxiliary hint string of the window.
- * @param[in] window The window to get the hint
- * @param[in] index The index of the supported auxiliary hint lists
- * @return The auxiliary hint string of the index.
- *
- * @note The window auxiliary hint is the value which is used to decide which actions should be made available to the user by the window manager.
- * If you want to set specific hint to your window, then you should check whether it exists in the supported auxiliary hints.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API std::string GetSupportedAuxiliaryHint( Window window, unsigned int index );
- * @brief Creates an auxiliary hint of the window.
- * @param[in] window The window to create a hint
- * @param[in] hint The auxiliary hint string.
- * @param[in] value The value string.
- * @return The ID of created auxiliary hint, or @c 0 on failure.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API unsigned int AddAuxiliaryHint( Window window, const std::string& hint, const std::string& value );
- * @brief Removes an auxiliary hint of the window.
- * @param[in] window The window to remove a hint
- * @param[in] id The ID of the auxiliary hint.
- * @return True if no error occurred, false otherwise.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool RemoveAuxiliaryHint( Window window, unsigned int id );
- * @brief Changes a value of the auxiliary hint.
- * @param[in] window The window to set a value
- * @param[in] id The auxiliary hint ID.
- * @param[in] value The value string to be set.
- * @return True if no error occurred, false otherwise.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool SetAuxiliaryHintValue( Window window, unsigned int id, const std::string& value );
- * @brief Gets a value of the auxiliary hint.
- * @param[in] window The window to get a value
- * @param[in] id The auxiliary hint ID.
- * @return The string value of the auxiliary hint ID, or an empty string if none exists.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API std::string GetAuxiliaryHintValue( Window window, unsigned int id );
- * @brief Gets a ID of the auxiliary hint string.
- * @param[in] window The window to get an ID
- * @param[in] hint The auxiliary hint string.
- * @return The ID of the auxiliary hint string, or @c 0 if none exists.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API unsigned int GetAuxiliaryHintId( Window window, const std::string& hint );
- * @brief Sets a region to accept input events.
- * @param[in] window The window to set a region
- * @param[in] inputRegion The region to accept input events.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void SetInputRegion( Window window, const Rect< int >& inputRegion );
- * @brief Sets a window type.
- * @param[in] window The window to set a type
- * @param[in] type The window type.
- * @remarks The default window type is NORMAL.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void SetType( Window window, Type type );
- * @brief Gets a window type.
- * @param[in] window The window to get a type
- * @return A window type.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API Type GetType( Window window );
- * @brief Sets a priority level for the specified notification window.
- * @param[in] window The window to set a notification level
- * @param[in] level The notification window level.
- * @return True if no error occurred, false otherwise.
- * @remarks This can be used for a notification type window only. The default level is NotificationLevel::NONE.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool SetNotificationLevel( Window window, NotificationLevel::Type level );
- * @brief Gets a priority level for the specified notification window.
- * @param[in] window The window to get a notification level
- * @return The notification window level.
- * @remarks This can be used for a notification type window only.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API NotificationLevel::Type GetNotificationLevel( Window window );
- * @brief Sets a transparent window's visual state to opaque.
- * @details If a visual state of a transparent window is opaque,
- * then the window manager could handle it as an opaque window when calculating visibility.
- * @param[in] window The window to set a state
- * @param[in] opaque Whether the window's visual state is opaque.
- * @remarks This will have no effect on an opaque window.
- * It doesn't change transparent window to opaque window but lets the window manager know the visual state of the window.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void SetOpaqueState( Window window, bool opaque );
- * @brief Returns whether a transparent window's visual state is opaque or not.
- * @param[in] window The window to get a state
- * @return True if the window's visual state is opaque, false otherwise.
- * @remarks The return value has no meaning on an opaque window.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool IsOpaqueState( Window window );
- * @brief Sets a window's screen mode.
- * @details This API is useful when the application needs to keep the display turned on.
- * If the application sets the screen mode to #ScreenMode::ALWAYS_ON to its window and the window is shown,
- * the window manager requests the display system to keep the display on as long as the window is shown.
- * If the window is no longer shown, then the window manager requests the display system to go back to normal operation.
- * @param[in] window The window to set a screen mode
- * @param[in] screenMode The screen mode.
- * @return True if no error occurred, false otherwise.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool SetScreenMode( Window window, ScreenMode::Type screenMode );
- * @brief Gets a screen mode of the window.
- * @param[in] window The window to get a screen mode
- * @return The screen mode.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API ScreenMode::Type GetScreenMode( Window window );
- * @brief Sets preferred brightness of the window.
- * @details This API is useful when the application needs to change the brightness of the screen when it is appeared on the screen.
- * If the brightness has been set and the window is shown, the window manager requests the display system to change the brightness to the provided value.
- * If the window is no longer shown, then the window manager requests the display system to go back to default brightness.
- * A value less than 0 results in default brightness and a value greater than 100 results in maximum brightness.
- * @param[in] window The window to set a brightness
- * @param[in] brightness The preferred brightness (0 to 100).
- * @return True if no error occurred, false otherwise.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool SetBrightness( Window window, int brightness );
- * @brief Gets preffered brightness of the window.
- * @param[in] window The window to get brightness
- * @return The preffered brightness.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API int GetBrightness( Window window );
- * @brief This signal is emitted when the window is resized.
- *
- * A callback of the following type may be connected:
- * @code
- * void YourCallbackName( int width, int height );
- * @endcode
- * The parameters are the resized width and height.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to get a signal
- * @return The signal to connect to
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API ResizedSignalType& ResizedSignal( Window window );
- * @brief Sets a size of the window.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to set a size
- * @param[in] size The new window size
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void SetSize( Window window, WindowSize size );
- * @brief Gets a size of the window.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to get a size
- * @return The size of the window
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API WindowSize GetSize( Window window );
- * @brief Sets a position of the window.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to set a position
- * @param[in] position The new window position
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void SetPosition( Window window, WindowPosition position );
- * @brief Gets a position of the window.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to get a position
- * @return The position of the window
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API WindowPosition GetPosition( Window window );
- * @brief Sets whether the window is transparent or not.
- *
- * @param[in] window The window to set transparency
- * @param[in] transparent Whether the window is transparent
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void SetTransparency( Window window, bool transparent );
-} // namespace DevelWindow
-} // namespace Dali