vip-process: rework vip-agent
vip-process now constructs vip configurations from each vip packages,
not from resourced itself. Each vip packages now define and install
vip configuration file at /etc/resourced/vip-process.d, and resourced
collects these configuration files. The format of new configuration
file is like below, and more option might be added in the future.
[VIP_GROUP1] // Section format: VIP_GROUP#
There can be multiple vip groups.
If there is only one group, then just
[VIP_GROUP] is possible.
PROCESS=some_binary1 // Define vip processes.
SERVICE=some_unit1.service // Define vip services.
ACTION_ON_FAILURE=reboot // Define action for the vip group.
// Currently only "reboot" is supported.
Change-Id: I4d88f59a009a5a7800651a07f79ab37f2cfae719
Signed-off-by: Youngjae Cho <>