Dynixptx hints
Before I say anything else, let me say that the O'Reilly Perl Conference
was super!
In compiling Perl5.004_1 on our Sequent boxes running DYNIX/ptx 4.0 V4.2.1
we found that we had to add the following ccflags and cppflags to get the
sockets io to work.
cppflags='-Wc,+abi-socket -I/usr/local/include'
ccflags='-Wc,+abi-socket -I/usr/local/include'
This also could have been set by setting an environment variable
before compiling.
I have attached an snippet of the socket(3N) man pages as well. This also
must be noted when compiling and adding other modules as well.
p5p-msgid: Pine.PTX.3.95.