Add ToXmlString and FromXmlString implementations to RSA and DSA.
The ToXmlString implementations produce output identical to .NET Framework.
The FromXmlString implementations are based on XDocument in Core, vs a
custom parser in Framework. Additionally, the FromXmlString in Core can
read values which (per the xmldsig spec) removed any leading zero-value
bytes, whereas the Framework version can't.
No ToXmlString or FromXmlString is being added for ECDsa or
ECDiffieHellman, because these types have always thrown in .NET Framework.
The equivalent functionality was provided by an overload on ECDsaCng (and
ECDiffieHellmanCng) that took a format-type enum (with only one member
defined in it). Since that's not portable, and telemetry has never
seen a caller of that method, they are being left as PNSE.
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