eo - another 1.5 percent speedup in eo_bench eo_do by removing err handl
so we do a bit of error handling like does a stack fail to allocate,
does setting the tls var fail, have the stack frames been nulled or
not allocated, etc. - these acutally cost every call because they mean
some extra compare and branches, but ore because they cause a lot fo
extra code to be generated, thus polluting instruction cache with code
and cacheline fetches of code that we rarely take - if ever.
every if () and DBG, ERR etc. does cost something. in really hotpath
code like this, i think it's best we realize that these checks will
basically never be triggered, because if a stack fails to grow... we
likely alreayd blew our REAL stack for the C/C++ side and that can't
allocate anymore and has already just crashed (no magic message there -
just segv). so in this case i think this checking is pointless and
just costs us rather than gets us anything.