1. Updated the test spec according to the new Vulkan spec.
2. Added all test cases from test spec to the list. The ones that are not yet implemented or don't work properly are commented out.
TODO: Dummy tests for all missing cases.
moved order of execution test to new api
1. Created simple tests for Command Pool management.
2. Removed free command buffers tests as there's not way to check the result
Removed incorrect tests related to improper recording of buffers.
Implemented a simple memory allocator and the pool_create_non_null_allocator test.
fixed merge request 149 problems
1. Implemented recording with active queries tests.
2. Removed two test cases for end recording as this command is covered extensively by all other tests.
1. Removed invalid buffer reset tests.
2. Fixed formatting.
Removed stubs of tests what won't be implemented.
Removed vktSimpleAllocator.hpp and replaced it with the framework allocation utility.
changed vktApiComputeInstanceResultBuffer to ComputeInstanceResultBuffer