anv/device: keep track of 'device lost' state
The Vulkan specs say:
"A logical device may become lost because of hardware errors, execution
timeouts, power management events and/or platform-specific events. This
may cause pending and future command execution to fail and cause hardware
resources to be corrupted. When this happens, certain commands will
return VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST (see Error Codes for a list of such commands).
After any such event, the logical device is considered lost. It is not
possible to reset the logical device to a non-lost state, however the lost
state is specific to a logical device (VkDevice), and the corresponding
physical device (VkPhysicalDevice) may be otherwise unaffected. In some
cases, the physical device may also be lost, and attempting to create a
new logical device will fail, returning VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST."
This means that we need to track if a logical device has been lost so we can
have the commands referenced by the spec return VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST
Reviewed-by: Jason Ekstrand <>