Add GL test for invalid layouts function param
This tests that image layout qualifiers are not applied to function
From Section 4.4. (Layout Qualifiers) of the GLSL 4.60 spec:
"Layout qualifiers can appear in several forms of declaration.
They can appear as part of an interface block definition or
block member, as shown in the grammar in the previous section.
They can also appear with just an interface-qualifier to establish
layouts of other declarations made with that qualifier:
layout-qualifier interface-qualifier ;
Or, they can appear with an individual variable declared with
an interface qualifier:
layout-qualifier interface-qualifier declaration ;"
From Section 4.10 (Memory Qualifiers) of the GLSL 4.60 spec:
"Layout qualifiers cannot be used on formal function parameters,
and layout qualification is not included in parameter matching."
Components: OpenGL
VK-GL-CTS issue: 1325
New tests: KHR-GL4*.shaders42.declarations.declarations.layout_qualifier_on_image_function_parameter_*
Change-Id: Ia522e4a7150b56d51f2859e7ce57684daf12efde