Apply fix sent by Elena Ivanova (Oracle)
There is FPE in the 457th line of CDRVRFP:
(dbx) where
=>[1] cdrvrfp(nout = 6, nn = 9, nval = ARRAY, nns = 3, nsval = ARRAY, nnt = 9, ntval = ARRAY, thresh = 30.0, a = ARRAY, asav = ARRAY, afac = ARRAY, ainv = ARRAY, b = ARRAY, bsav = ARRAY, xact = ARRAY, x = ARRAY, arf = ARRAY, arfinv = ARRAY, c_work_clatms = ARRAY, c_work_cpot02 = ARRAY, c_work_cpot03 = ARRAY, s_work_clatms = ARRAY, s_work_clanhe = ARRAY, s_work_cpot01 = ARRAY, s_work_cpot02 = ARRAY, s_work_cpot03 = ARRAY), line 457 in "cdrvrfp.f"
MAIN(), line 244 in "cchkrfp.f"
When N=0, attempt to calculate a condition number → FPE, because we try to delete by zero (ANORM = 0.0, AINVNM = 0.0) in the 457th line:
Line 457: