[trace][intelpt] Support system-wide tracing [10] - Return warnings and tsc information from lldb-server.
- Add a warnings field in the jLLDBGetState response, for warnings to be delivered to the client for troubleshooting. This removes the need to silently log lldb-server's llvm::Errors and not expose them easily to the user
- Simplify the tscPerfZeroConversion struct and schema. It used to extend a base abstract class, but I'm doubting that we'll ever add other conversion mechanisms because all modern kernels support perf zero. It is also the one who is supposed to work with the timestamps produced by the context switch trace, so expecting it is imperative.
- Force tsc collection for cpu tracing.
- Add a test checking that tscPerfZeroConversion is returned by the GetState request
- Add a pre-check for cpu tracing that makes sure that perf zero values are available.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/