seen_dot declaration in perl.c needed for VMS
On Thu, 07 Aug 1997 13:04:38 -0000, Brad Hughes wrote:
>I'm not sure this is your bailiwick or not:
>After applying perl5_004m2t3 patch, perl.c compile dies with
>CC /Define=(DEBUGGING)/Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=.obj/No
>List PERL.C
> if (!xfound && !seen_dot && !xfailed && (Stat(scriptname,&statbuf) < 0
>%CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "seen_dot" is not declared.
>at line number 1796 in file PERL_ROOT:[PERL5_004_01_03]PERL.C;2
>C<seen_dot> is not declared in C<#ifdef VMS> code.
Here's a patch. Hope this will go in 4_02 (if it works). Note
this just effectively disables the "'.' in PATH" addition to
the message on VMS. I don't know enough VMS to do anything
else :)